Pocaterra hut is now open

Kananaskis Country – PLPP update

Judy on Tyrwhitt trail. Dec 2, 2009

The fresh snow and cooler temperatures have really helped conditions in K-Country. Most trails are covered with fresh snow, but are still in good condition. As you can see in the photo above, there’s lots of new snow on Tyrwhitt and only one track has been skied-in.

I was quite surprised to meet someone else up on Tyrwhitt in the late afternoon on this very cold day. Judy had just finished skiing up to the Kananaskis Fire Lookout and reports that it was awesome. She seemed really happy to be skiing here today. That made two of us!

A cold, frosty day makes it even more beautiful

Moraine trail. Dec 2, 2009

I started on Moraine which had been groomed yesterday. It did not have tracks, and sometimes I think these narrow, twisting trails are more fun with just the corduroy.

Fox Creek was trackset for the portion which runs south to Elk Pass. I went the other direction, towards the big hill on Elk pass. Climbing was easy today. The snow temp was -15, so a couple thin layers of green wax was all I needed. Did not have to herringbone anywhere.

I did not see any other evidence of recent grooming or tracksetting. Elk Pass had been skied-in very well, but Tyrwhitt had only seen a few skiers since the new snow and was still a bit soft with only one track. Whiskey Jack also had only one track skied-in.

Click here to see 21 additional photos.

This comment from Elaine pretty well sums it up:

“The Norseman Ski Club did Elk Pass/Hydroline today 2 Dec.  Lots of new snow, not yet trackset but very good conditions otherwise.  Very chilly so wear your woolies/face protection!”

Pocaterra Hut opened today

I’m really pleased to see all the new people who are sending in comments to this blog. Thanks! I, and 400 daily readers appreciate it.

I will be on CBC’s Eyeopener tomorrow morning after the 7:30 news on Paul Karchut’s “Real Ski Report.”

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