Before we get started, for those who are interested in West Bragg, read Steve’s comment on the previous post.
Lake Louise
Hi Bob,
A quick report from Lake Louise today – first we skied 1A onto Lower and Upper Telemark/Peyto, all groomed yesterday, firm underneath a cover of about 2 cms of new snow – nice silky texture. We then lucked into fresh grooming done this morning by the latest demo groomer on Upper Tramline and Fairview – excellent! Skate lane on Moraine Lake Road was freshly groomed too. Final trip down Lower Tramline – groomed 2 days ago, with fresh snow on top – a little slow on a very firm base (must have got quite warm down there – don’t think the Bow River/Campground Loops would be very good right now). Swix Purple 0 degree wax worked well all day. Lots of fun on winter snow,
Chris Thomas
We started out on the lesser-travelled trails today. If you want a nice change from Pocaterra, you can begin skiing on Rolly Road. Same parking lot as Pocaterra, in fact you start out at the southeast end of the parking lot.
You’ll also have a steep hill to climb and some fun downhills. Upon reaching Pocaterra trail in 1.5K, in a further 100 metres you can take another lesser-travelled trail with lots of hills and turns, Come-Along.
The north trails have all been trackset in the past two days. There was just enough fresh snow in the tracks to slow us down; but hey, that gives us more time to enjoy the magnificent suroundings.

A wild animal was hiding in the trees beside Rolly Road. You can see lots of its tracks on the trail. Mar 23, 2011
As we skied further, Pocaterra(south of Lynx junction) had about 10 cm of snow over the grooming. Should be some good conditions once it’s trackset again.
The temperature at the hut was +2. Cheryl was having pretty good success with VR55. I did okay with the cheap stuff, Toko red. Overall, the trails were in good shape. In the sun-exposed areas, the trails can be a bit icy, but it’s not a big problem – yet.