-Warden’s cabin at the end of Redearth creek. Photo by Chuck O’Callaghan.-
I’m happy to say the number of trails which are trackset and in good condition is too long to list now. Check the Trail Reports, Live Grooming Reports, and Trip Reports.
Thanks to Chuck O’Callaghan for the photos and following report on Redearth creek:
“Unbelievable, that despite Bob pointing out that Redearth Creek had been trackset yesterday, we were the only people who went there today!
Thanks to the Banff tracksetter for not leaving a soft unpacked ridge between the tracks. It was Banff Bliss! The tracksetting goes as far as the 6 km campground, and then it is machine packed to the Redearth Warden Cabin. He also cut back some of the branches growing in from the side.
Ski conditions today were better than I have ever seen on Redearth Creek.” Chuck’s photos of Redearth creek
Canmore Nordic Centre
A reminder, there are two events occurring at the Canmore Nordic Centre this weekend. There are plenty of trackset natural-snow trails at the nordic centre which will be available to recreational skiers. The main issue when an event is happening is a shortage of parking.
Good news for Goat creekers
It would appear from Chris Thomas’ trip report that Goat creek has been re-done and the damage from the Fat Bikers has been mitigated.
I also received this email from James:
That was a quick response from the Banff tracksetter, thanks Don!
There’s a popular bike website PinkBike where a few comments were made in reference to our discussion about the Fat Bikers. Here’s one: “Biking on a groomed ski trail can’t be that much fun , can it (I don’t have a fattie)? Riding in the set tracks , and wrecking them, as at Goat Creek is pretty ignorant. Surely the snowshoe/all season trails as at West Bragg, where enough people use them to pack them for biking , are much more fun? I thought that was the whole idea?”