“Cross country skiing has changed my entire outlook towards winter. I used to dread it. Now I love it. When I’m on skis, I feel like I’m flying.” -Shulamit in the Emerald Lake Lodge contest.
The Yoho Valley road, also known as Takakkaw Falls road is trackset to the swithchbacks this winter.
Chuck skied all the way to the falls and had a snowmobile-packed trail from the switchbacks to the falls. He cautions there is some avalanche exposure past the switchbacks.
It’s worth clicking over to see the rest of Chuck’s photos.
TSJ just finished tracksetting the Kananaskis Village and Ribbon creek trails in the past hour. I’m writing this at 9:40 pm.
Thanks for all the trip reports today. The cold weather should preserve the snow and we should continue to have these excellent conditions.

This photo was taken this year, on a particularly wonderful day in early November. I was crossing over a partially frozen brook along the Sunburst Trail and I noticed these delicate puffs of snow floating on rippled ice “plates”. They made me think of wintry lotus flowers on lily pads. They were so lovely. Photo by Shulamit
When I think about warm weather, rain, wind and pine needles, I don’t mind at all when I hear trip reports like this one from Sid today: “Skied from Castle Mt Lookout to Baker Creek Chalets and back today. All track set and superb……cold but superb.”
Not far from Yoho Valley road is Emerald Lake, and I’ve just posted a couple lovely photos on the Emerald Lake Lodge contest page.
I’m not able to compete with Mayor Nenshi when it comes to finding lost dogs and cats, but this is something I can help with:
Update: I just received this email at 9:53 pm from Lyle at Nipika Mountain Resort:
Hi Bob and his skiers world,
After a slow start with warm temperatures in early Dec. Nipika Mountain Resort has all 50 kms of trail groomed for both classic and skate skiing. Grooming is ongoing, so conditions will be good throughout the holidays. We also have built 20 kms of dedicated Fat Bike Trails, so all fat bikers, come and try some of the most scenic single track “Fatty” trails anywhere. We have a full selection of ski & bike rentals in our newly renovated Day Lodge the “Nipika Barn” Join us for beautiful skiing this Holiday season.
Lyle Wilson
Just some overdue updates.
Skied Slogan last week and flushed a large Cougar just past the the bridge which is just after the Marmot Basin Junction. Had my dog with me, on leash.
Skied North side a Sandy McNabb a few days ago. It is not in good shape. Website said it is trackset and it is not.
Skied Healey Creek on Monday. Great conditions to Sundance Lodge.
I won’t report on WBC, PLPP and other spots I ski regularly as there are lots of excellent reports on these areas.