With the lack of snow, I’ve certainly missed the Ribbon Creek tracksetting updates for the past two months, so I was glad to hear from Ribbon Creek Tracksetter Jeff, even if it was about a new bridge.
Jeff didn’t divulge the location, preferring to keep us in suspense. Here’s what we know so far:
“Here is Tracksetter Alex under the new bridge we just built. At least we get a head start on summer if winter won’t cooperate. The trail to it is almost done.”“One of the trails this bridge connects to has in its name something that people who read this blog would love to see more of.”
From these cryptic messages, I can only conclude the trail it connects to is “Whiskey Jack.” Just kidding. The word I would guess is “SNOW.”
Hey Jeff – if this is the new bridge over Jumpingpound Creek, it is great to have safe passage again to Cox Hill trail. We are planning to visit Dawson and Cox Hill next weeekend. Looks like there is lots of clearance for a 1/100 year flood!
Congratulations Annette, it should be ready just in time for the spring flowers.
New bridge over Jumpingpound Creek at Dawson? Nice!
Powderface? Sorry, I don’t know how to delete previous comments…
Jumpingpound Loop (or Jumpingpound….)
Halfway there Gord. Another trail name has an olympic winter sport in its name.
Burstall Pass to Snow Peak?
Tom Snow trail over Moose creek?
I’ll take a night at Emerald Lodge for $100 Alex.