What trail is this? Photo on the left was from Chuck’s bike trip on Saturday, Nov 5. The same trail is shown in winter on the right(but from the opposite direction)
Judging by the weather forecast, it looks like we can play this game for a while yet. I should mention that all the photos have an identifying feature in them. It could be a mountain, a river, a certain view, a sign, or a unique feature of the trail.
Chuck was out biking yesterday and sent me the above photo of the ski trail roller which is sitting at the trailhead. Let’s hope it gets put to use soon. Do you know which trail it is?
Update: Now that all trails have been identified, I’ve labeled the photos with the trail’s name.
Could #8 be up the Cascade Valley? -yes! It’s the “new” end of the Cascade valley trail. The floods of 2013 washed out the final 300 metres of the trail.
#6 Heading up to Sundance Lodge where they had to put in new bridges.
Did a drive up to Mt Shark today and walked a bit of Watridge Lake Trail. Very little snow up there and certainly one did not even need grippers for light weight hiking boots. Temp was 4/5 and Smith Dorrien completely bare. I noted Buller Trailhead access to Trans Rockies trail is closed now from Nov 1 to May 1 for a total of 4.7 kms. due to avalanche risk. Looks like another week to get over my cold. Sniff sniff!
I’ll guess #6 as being Brewster Creek -correct. Now which trail is #8?
#6 – Healy Creek? -You’re getting close. Here’s another photo of the same trail(with wolverine tracks) http://skierbob.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/IMG_3076.jpg -Bob
6. new Pocaterra in PLPP. -no. This trail is in Banff National Park.
I’ll try some of the hard ones:
3. Fairview -yes
6. Emerald Connector -no
My second guess was going to be the Pipestone loop at about 2 km heading ccw. -no
1. Goat Creek bridge -yes
2. Tyrwhitt -yes
4. By Pocaterra Hut -yes
5. Mountain Road; WBC -yes
6. Skogan Pass ?? -no
7. Lake Louise, west end -yes
9. Elk Pass -yes
10. Moraine Lake Road by Paradise CK ? -yes
We’re still trying to identify 3,6,8.
1. Goat Creek -yes
2. Tyrwhitt -yes
3. ?
4. Pocaterra -yes
5. Mountain Road -yes, at West Bragg Creek
6. ?
7. Lake Louise Loop -I’ll give it you. Simply known as the “Lake” trail. It makes a loop with the “Lakeshore” trail.
8. ?
9. Elk Pass -yes, at the very top where it meets Tyrwhitt and Hydroline
trail # 4 is Spray River West , behind the Banff Springs Hotel
I know you are referring to the trail at the top of this post, and you’re correct, it’s the Spray River west trailhead. #4 in the gallery has been correctly identified as Pocaterra. -Bob