It looks like -15°C is about the best we can expect for highs this week. It can often be a little warmer than expected when we arrive at the trailhead, but go prepared. Thanks for all the good advice on the previous thread regarding cold weather gear.
Cross-country skiers are looking out for each other(in today’s lingo “we’ve got your back”) as illustrated by Jan’s comment. She carries 2 spare pairs of mitts, one for herself, and one for whoever might need them!
My thermometer indicates -23 in Canmore this morning, which agrees with the Canmore Nordic Centre’s weather stations near the daylodge(#5 and #6). The Weather Network says it’s -30. Environment Canada comes in at -28.
Thanks to Stephen Vermeulen’s trip report, we now know that tracksetting on Banff Trail at the CNC has been extended to the mine meadow(2.5K). Thanks to everyone for the trip reports. We didn’t hear much about Lake Louise, so it looks like everyone was trying out some new trails. Moraine Lake road and the Great Divide were trackset yesterday.

“Enjoying a light show in Bragg Creek. Alberta is truly a Winter Wonderland!” Entry from Jordan Kreuger in the Emerald Lake Lodge contest.
I imagine the next trail to become trackset at the CNC will be the lower section of the Banff loop. It’s probably covered with large mounds of man-made snow right now. Along with all the Frozen Thunder and biathlon range trails, there must be at least 5 – 6K of trails available.
Check out Hugh Burton’s Canmore Nordic Centre Ski Challenge. “There are 65km of groomed ski trails at CNC. Most of us have our favourites. This unofficial challenge it to get skiers to ski the more obscure trails and connectors.”
I’ve added more photos to the Emerald Lake Lodge contest page. You can see Margot McMechan’s thermometer at the top of Elk Pass on Saturday when it registered -10.
Two wax clinics coming up this week including tonight at the Norseman. See below for details.