It’s no mystery to me why this blog has become so popular and well-read. It’s because so many of the readers are willing to give their time submitting trip reports. This is my big thank you to everyone who has left a trip report in the past year.

Nikolai is one of our newer trip reporters. I was fortunate to get this photo of him on Goat Creek. If you don’t see your photo in the gallery below, please send me one.
Many days this winter we had the pleasure of reading over a dozen trip reports to help us decide where to go skiing the next day.
Trip reporters have proven to be articulate, descriptive, entertaining, humorous, always informative, and occasionally controversial. That’s probably why the the Trip Reports page was viewed approximately 91,000 times this winter.
Ray Perrott has collected some statistics on the trip reports and gives this summary:
“To no surprise, you will see that PLPP generates 25% of all reports; West Bragg Creek generates some 14%; and Lake Louise / Pipestone about 16%. “Other” (Calgary golf courses, distant BC areas, etc.) generate about 11%. So 2/3 of all trip reports are accounted for by these areas.”
Dozens of new people have submitted trip reports this winter for which I don’t have a photo, so if you can send me one, I’ll add it to the gallery below.
Trip Reporters photos (take note, there are 2 pages of photos):
Thank you Bob for providing all of us with a place to share our trips with everyone! (And of course all the other useful information your site provides!)