Images tagged "mt-shark"


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  2. I especially liked the photo of the mouse on skis.

  3. There seems to be MANY This That episodes, look for…(load more, again, then ctrl – f search)

    The Dark Side of Cross Country Skiing

  4. You really should write a book Bob —a treasure trove of stories here and a wealth of nordic knowledge of your empire in your head. A curated & artistic bound volume in this day of fleeting digital captures would be appreciated by many.

  5. Hi Bob,

    What a beautiful little Springer Tessa was, I have a
    Springer as well. Her name is Mollie Mayhem never
    Taken her skiing but she has been on lots of hikes.




    The anti-demcoratic UCP Kananaskis entrance fee tax was pushed by special interest groups that obtain funding from the government. For these groups to support the UCP Kananaskis entrance fee tax looks like a major conflict of interest to me. The tax is being used for lining Conservative Party supporters pockets while keeping the less wealthy out of the region. This is exactly what the Kananskis entrance tax supporters want as the population increases along with trail use. This is a typical economic barrier put up to keep the less wealthy out. It sure is not a part of the Alberta Advantage. The Kananaskis is no longer a region to be used universally by all people which is disgusting and a form of dicrimination.

    Lots of the money for the Kananaskis tax is being wasted on unnecessary new expensive signs, advertising on big bill boards, hiring more people to check for passes, wasting money on broad band internet service, wasting money on new snow cats and so much more. This is not what economic conservationism looks like. This is what elite government waste looks like.

    Extraction of resource revenues in the Kananaskis region should have been utilized to direct funds to keep the Kananaskis universally free for all to enjoy, not just the more wealthy. Revenues from Nakiska Ski Area, the golf course and other businesses should also have been directed to keep the Kananaskis universally free for all rather than have those revenues go into the Provincial government’s general revenues.

    The UCP Kananaskis entrance fee tax was poorly thought out and shoved down our throats in a highly undemocratic way. This is not what democracy looks like. It is what authoritarianism looks like- China dictatorship style.

  7. To those involved in the decisions on where to use last winter’s parking funds – well done!!! We will all benefit from these improvements.
    Question: will the UPC government seek input from Nordiq and other x-c ski clubs for their input as to where the 2021-22 K-country improvement funds will be spent. I certainly hope so…
    Again, thank you for your input, expertise and accountability.

  8. Hi Bob
    Thanks for the excellent update on this important topic. I was excited to see that you recently registered on the SkierRoger website where we’re all eager to read your trip reports.

    By the way, if you would like me to add a special category for any blog comments you may have, just let me know. We all really value your insight.

    Roger Sakatch

  9. Hopefully some of that is going back to pay for grooming in Bragg Creek. The blurb about the fee says that it is covering ski trail grooming, but Bragg Creek Trails sounded a bit doubtful last time I read anything.

  10. Happy ‘retirement’ Bob. Hope you regain some sense of solitude and serenity on the trails again and may your next chapter be refreshing and bring you contentment.
    —Yours in skiing, grooming and storytelling, JeremyN

  11. It’s unfortunate that trip reporting on the new blog requires registration, login, password, email. These are barriers to participation in a system of user based information sharing.

  12. Bob – not sure if this is the right forum but I’m sure I’m not the only one to wonder what set Roger apart from the other offers to continue your legacy?
    Btw – I’m looking forward to Rogers site and am happy to see it’s been a relatively smooth transition and so many shared resources. Clearly you had a solid combined effort over a few months to make this happen, for which we are all grateful.

  13. Many thanks for supplying skiers & snowshoers with great information on grooming in our park areas. I’ve used your site for many years as my ‘go to’ before heading out.. Very grateful for all the hours you’ve put into this site – will miss seeing it but glad to see SkierRoger will continue. You’ve set up a great legacy…again thank you.

  14. A correction: I think Helen’s “creative writing” comment was directed to MAAD, not myself. Wouldn’t want to steal anyone’s thunder.

  15. Bob,
    The best part of your site was your personality and the enthusiasm you injected(, plus the spirited debates on track setting, fat bikers, dogs and skate skiers). We are forever indebted to you for adding a whole new dimension to the best winter sport ever. Nothing beats a Skier Bob meeting on the trails. Thank you .!!

  16. Bob,
    Thank you for helping to promote the ski trails in Cypress Hills. Hope to see you out here next winter.
    Roger, thank you for continuing the great work that Bob has carried out.


  17. Bob, thank you so much for your years of dedication to your blog! You have made such a huge difference for all of us who love to ski! I hope you continue to enjoy the trails, and will post on Roger’s blog.
    Welcome, Roger! Your new blog is looking wonderful! Thank you for taking up the reins. I’m sure it will be a great success!

  18. Bob, your comments and posts have been very welcome. We hate to see you go but welcome Rodger. Thanks for stepping up to the plate and taking over a huge job Roger.


    Thanks Roger for giving us an option.
    I like the fact that one has to register to either Post or Comment.
    THANK YOU BOB for all your work through the years, and managing my social media exposure!

  20. This is encouraging me to go out for one more ski trip this season, just so that I can post about it.

  21. Andrew Ostrowski

    And who is Roger, any introduction?


    CTV Are Statistically Unscientific Junk Polls

    The CTV CFCN poll that was conducted is statistically unscientific and should not even be considered anywhere near scientifically accurate. As a person who spent too much time studying statistics, I understand that every poll on CTV is not scientific as the polls can be pushed by people with an agenda and it is not a random poll which is required for good statistical science.

    The polls may somewhat represent the views of the CFCN TV viewers only at best, but still not likely. The poll could have been pushed by UCP party members or supporters as far as we know.

    The best poll on such a political question would be to allow the legalization of the right of people to vote on government bills. If the people had the choice, they likely would reject park tax fees which are a regressive tax. Regressive taxes are taxes that harm the less wealthy more than the wealthy and are based on a proportion of income. If a poor person earns $7000 dollars per year and has to pay the same $90 park entrance fee as a millionaire, it is a higher proportion of the poor persons income going to the tax as compared to the millionaire.

    Here is the math:
    $7000 poor income divided by $90 park fee tax equals 1.3% of total income.
    $1,000,000 wealthy income divided by $90 park fee tax equals .009% of total income.

    As one can see the millionaire is not affected much by the park fee whereas the poor person pays a large proportion of income to access the park.

    The scientifically poor CTV CFCN poll results are also affected by income levels. Poor people can not afford a cable connection to watch CFCN CTV TV or even an internet connection so they would be unable to participate in the poll which skews the poll results even further in favor of wealthier people.

    Most polling these days is junk as pollers can not access people in a random manner as easily or economically as in the past by land line telephone. The only other method to get random statistical surveys is to directly randomly poll people which is time consuming and expensive. All other polling methods do not give a scientifically accurate picture, as we have seen during recent elections.

  23. Taking this opportunity to say thanks Bob for creating the blog and supporting this amazing community. My husband and I have visited the Rockies to ski every year or two for many years now, travelling from Ottawa. First few years, our visits were tacked on to an annual work trip to Calgary, and gradually extended over the years. I was one of the (probably now thousands of) smiling skiers that you have snapped a photo of, for me coming down Lake O’Hara Road on classic skis. Now we are retired and hoping to visit for longer. It is a fall tradition for us to start checking out your blog, especially in years we have planned a trip. You have brought joy and the chance to see the mountains to many who are not fortunate enough to live as close to them as most of your readers and contributors do. We would love to share our little corner of nordic ski heaven, the Gatineau Park, with you if you ever head out Ottawa way. Best of luck in your future plans!


    There is nothing worse than an undemocratic dictatorial oligarchy government for the people or park users. If we lived in a real democracy where people make the decisions, it is highly likely that the people would reject Conservative oligarchy government user fees for parks.

    The wealthy have gotten 30% richer during the COVID-19 crisis while most other people have lost wealth. It is only logical to make the wealthy pay more rather than the poor or the lower middle class. There are numerous ways to do this including raising license plate fees for luxury or gas guzzling vehicles. It would not bother some rich skier to pay $1000 dollars per year for a license plate for their BMW. The government should put in a luxury provincial sales tax if it needs money- with the consult of the people democratically. Or the government should raise oil royalties to Lougheed era rates. That would bring in billions of dollars of revenue for the oil you are a shareholder owner of. Our parks need to remain universal like our health care system so all people can have the opportunity to access them without being financially penalized.

    Putting user fees on one park will spread to all others in the future if the oligarchy dictatorial political system remains. We the people own the park lands and we should have a democratic say in reguards to fees.

    The intention of the UCP (United Charging Party) Government in charging park fees is to keep poor people out of the park so the trails are not so crowded for their wealthy supporters and to derive more funds to subsidize the unethical foreign controlled oil industry that I once shamefully worked for. The oil industry needs to pay its own way and the hundreds of billions of dollars in oil industry subsidies need to stop. The oil industry needs to clean up its own immoral unethical mess.

    The $90 restricted Kananaskis park fee is much higher than the National Park fee which enables one to access many parks across the country. How Conservatively stupid is that?

    We must get rid of the old school undemocratic Jason Kenney as Premier who has never stepped onto a cross country or hiking trail. This Ontarian is not a true Albertan and he does not understand Alberta’s lands or the people. He is a corporatist tax grabber that does not have the intelligence to raise non tax funds for the benefit of Albertans. He is making life hellish for the poor and for medial workers. Soon the poor will not be able to travel out of the cities or towns as they will have no place left to go to afford other than the prairies.

    Corrupt people support corrupt anti democratic oligarchy political parties that reign over the people in a dictatorial undemocratic way. It is time to break the chains of political oligarchy oppression and make Alberta a real democracy to build a better province the way the people want it. Give people the legalized right to vote on Government bills along with citizen initiated legislation. This is what real democracy looks like and it will likely keep park fees at zero.

  25. Hi Bob et al. Regarding …” I’m surprised nobody asked Ken Hewitt about the slush fund of about $80,000 which was collected over-and-above what was required to pay the government. ”

    Well… I don’t expect that there will be any problem finding worthwhile projects to spend the money on. With the Conservation Pass now announced, and grooming confirmed for the future, the 4 person committee has now scheduled its first meeting for next week to review a draft set of selection criteria. I’ll report back here afterwards.

  26. As a frequent user of WBC in all seasons, I will continue to donate in addition to the new park fees.

  27. Your groundbreaking blog will never be forgotten Bob.

  28. LISA Jeczmieniowski

    Discount for Seniors?

  29. For those of you who didn’t listen to the press conference there are a few points that stood out. Calling it a conservation pass with an intent to minimize the amount of cars heading into Kananaskis. Nixon was very clear that starting June 1 people should car pool more ( Covid won’t be an issue by then.
    I am very skeptical at the direct impact this will have on trails especially grooming. The 200k raised this winter really only went to offset an already reduced grooming budget. There are future costs coming up that are significantly more than that amount.

  30. Did anyone see the story on Global News where a guy with three vehicles was complaining that he’d have to buy passes for each one? Some people have no sense of shame. (In reality, he’ll only have to buy two passes, but I think there should be a special rule for people with three vehicles; pay triple).

  31. You have been a beacon of joy, hope and humour to millions of diverse people from around the world who share the common obsession for xc skiing. I thank you from the bottom of my sticky wax box for your constancy and unflappable enthusiasm you gave to us all, your readers. You will be missed. Every day.

  32. Clear favoritism and privilege afforded to the OHV crowd!

  33. There should be a discount for Seniors

  34. WWBMT

    (What Would Bill Milne Think?)

  35. People should read the press release or watch the video before commenting, or better yet go to The pass covers ski trail grooming, and that two vehicles can be registered on one pass. There is also provision for “low income” Albertans. The pass will operate much like the ParkPlus system in Calgary. The pass does NOT cover the Canmore Nordic Centre.

  36. From CBC news, quote:
    “Included in the new investments will be $1 million to begin planning work on upgrades to the Canmore Nordic Centre, the province said.”

  37. Looking at the map of the area affected by the new fee’s, west Bragg Creek is included.

  38. The cost to ski in PLPP has gone from $0 in 2019/20 to $90 in 2021/22. But corporations in Alberta during the same period are paying much less tax… Thanks UCP!

  39. Big thumbs up!

  40. If “winter trail grooming in Kananaskis will be supported by the new pass” means that the grooming at the CNC is going to be covered by this fee, this will actually be a significant cost saving verses the fee charged in previous years

  41. I find it extremely ironic for this government to be touting “environmental concerns” when they would gladly sell off most of the mountains in this province to investors who would just leave their pollution behind.

    Of course, we knew this was coming and I wouldn’t mind so much if the revenues weren’t being handled by an incompetent government. What I would like to know is if they are re-instating the visitor centers as well as re-instating the cross country ski grooming (I’d like proof of this please). I’m sure these fees will help to pay off the money they gave away to industry that ended up fleeing Alberta and leaving taxpayers with the bag.

    I don’t trust this government one bit. I’m still trying to see how they are improving the lives of Albertans. They have no clue what they are doing.

  42. Contributions by Skier Bob to the local xc ski community- innumerable!
    See you on the trails.

  43. Great to hear this! Jeez you nay sayers! Where does it say you’ll be paying for parking to ski?
    You didnt have to pay this year. It was voluntary.

  44. Coming from Quebec where fees are the norm we have been so blessed up to date

    With the state of garbage lately in K country and the disgusting mess people leave I’m all for it. I feel so bad for parks staff and what they have to deal with

    I wish it would be feasible to have people pass a how to dispose of garbage test (lol) before they come to our beautiful asset that we Albertans have.

  45. Can’t see the forest through the fees.

  46. I wonder how much the success of the grooming fee this winter set the stage for this?
    I suppose that if it does lead to hiring of more conservation officers and parks staff than we will see some benefit. Time will tell.

    Good point Jon – I don’t like the idea that I can’t transfer the pass to another vehicle. To me, this supports the idea that this is more of a cash grab, rather than about improving services and enforcement. To be a bit cheeky, if I ride my bicycle, does that mean I can go for free? 🙂

  47. Not much to add, but huge appreciation for all that you have given us 🙂
    We don’t know how we will manage without you, you will be sorely missed!
    Thank you for everything, and congratulations on a remarkable record!
    Wishing you many more years of great skiing 🙂

  48. So, does this mean I will have to pay $15 a day pass, plus $10 for cross country skiing, or $90 annual fee, plus $50 annual fee for skiing? For a government that brags about lowering taxes they sure do love user fees.

  49. Wow! 2854 posts is a remarkable number. I know how much work it is to put just one post together. Thank you!

  50. Wow! That is an amazing record, Bob. You must be the fittest guy on the trails.

    Thanks again for all your great tips and advice.

  51. Congratulations on all your numbers, summarized today, Bob. While I have only come across you on the trails, once to my recollection, I have visited your site often and daily in the last quite long while. Your input to many skiers as they try to figure out where to go has been immeasurable. I for one will miss reading your blogs, seeing your trip and snow reports, and looking at the many photos you and others have posted.
    Hopefully we will cross paths in the future and maybe share a couple of words along the way. Many of our seniors club skiers have benefitted from your website.
    Thank you for all you have done over the years and all the best to you.

  52. Many thanks to Aqua Toque for sharing the beautiful fox video!

  53. Hi Dylan
    It is very noble of you to try and take this on, maintaining a xcountry ski trail is very rewarding but can also be a lot of work. Calgary is not known for consistent or a lot of snow plus it is prone to chinooks . Shag and Confed are two areas that can give you lots of info on the trials and tribulations of keeping a ski trail going in the city.

    As far as what you need the basics would be a decent skidoo with a minimum 503 cc low geared , forward and reverse. Some kind of roller at least 60” , a manual style track setter like an old Bachler or a newer YTS Ginzu or Todd Tech. In a park you will need volunteer snow shovelers and snow fence to catch the blown snow. A few well placed signs and you are more or less good to go.

    Feel free to contact me directly if you want some specifics and costs for equipment. I just retired after 40 years of ski grooming and like you I am setting up some local trails in my soon to be new home.

  54. Hey Dylan, have you tried tried contacting the folks at Foothills Nordic Ski Club? They take care of Confederation Golf Course and Fort Calgary. I’m sure they would have lots of advice for you.

  55. Great video of a pair of “red” foxes. One looks like he came from a strange background. Can you make a guess at what the scrap was?

  56. Yes, still some scraps in the Bragg Creek area.

  57. With all due respect to the Shirelles, the slower version of “Will You Love Me Tomorrow” recorded by co-writer Carole King in 1971 (and featuring James Taylor and Joni Mitchell on backup) is the superior one which definitively captures the spirit of the lyrics.

  58. That would be great to have that trail groomed. A great place for families and people who just want to put some km’s on and beginners as well. Great wide open trail with amazing views.

  59. I expect that a large percentage of new XC skiers (or those that returned after many years) will continue to develop their skills and interest… However for a fair percentage (~WAG ~20-40%) they’ll be of the “been there done that” mind set, or feel it’s too much work, or give up without giving it a fair attempt sadly. So… this next winter and the following I’m hoping for some great deals on lightly used decent equipment!!
    – Same could be said for any of the Covid-mania goods such as cycling gear, camping goods, and sadly enough pets.

    That all said, the increased awareness of our amazing outdoor facilities will hopefully generate increased development, maintenance, and funding for these terrific assets. That might include government funding, funding drives, and even sponsorships. I suspect government funding will be increasingly curtailed due to the excess and continued unrestrained federal spending problems.

  60. For clarity, there’s still an avalanche hazard on that and other slopes. It is NOT now safe for the rest of the winter to go to Moraine Lake for anyone who doesn’t have the appropriate avalanche safety and assessment equipment and training.

  61. Great reports! We’ve really depended on the emails to decide whether to make the drive out to PLPP, our favourite ski place.

  62. WOW! You made my day with those Mountain Goat pictures and a peak into the area that is on my list to hike this summer!

  63. Thanks for everything Bob. Happy Trails!

  64. Lionel was one of the engineers who surveyed the lakes for Calgary Power. 1930’s. Remnants of their camp remain on the little peninsula opposite Upper lake boat launch. My Valley – the Kananaskis, Ruth Oltman, p. 53.

    It would be wonderful to have another beginner trail but …

    There’s no way to know if this year’s sudden covid-related boom in outdoor activity will persist. Parking pass revenues could take a big hit post-pandemic, as early as next winter. Keeping some surplus funds as a reserve would be wise.

    Some will argue that surplus revenues should be used to reduce the cost of parking passes.

    Hwy 40 is plenty wide but any loop off of the highway would presumably need to exploit existing trails which it seems are just too narrow for multi-use.

    If Lionel is resurrected, I would be one of the first to ski it, though.

  65. Thank you, thank you, thank you Bob for all you have done for the X-country community over the years. Enjoy retirement and look forward to continue seeing on the trails.

  66. Hard to believe this is the end. It will be very strange not seeing your updates. Thank you for facilitating such a vibrant community of people sharing their ski experiences so others can follow. Wishing you the best in whatever comes next.

  67. Great to meet you on the trail today Bob! Such a beautiful day and amazing conditions. Thanks for the photos! Hope the end of your ski day was as great as the start!

  68. To Alf’s comment: “seems like reactivating Lionel as a ski trail should be a no brainer” — I’m not an expert in this stuff, but I don’t think it is quite as straightforward as we might all like it to be.
    1) Grooming 8km of trail even once a week is a significant addition in terms of labour. It isn’t just one pass with the PB 100 – it would likely be four (or five to return). What other grooming would we be prepared to give up for this?
    2) My understanding is that some years ago one of the grooming machines broke through the ice on Sounding Lake with a major rescue operation necessary to save it – and this is the reason it is no longer groomed for skiing.
    3) Providing for parking at the gate (washrooms too) would be a pretty significant incremental cost – and moving the gate could also be expensive.
    Not arguing against the idea — just trying to add a sort of reality check here.

  69. I think Alf has a great idea for the beginners. That trail allows for a great introduction to x country skiing along with the space for skate skiers. If it were to be track set and packed it would add to the already great trails. I would suggest that along with the aforementioned it would also add to a round trip if the lower Pocaterra to the hut were to be remade. That would allow for two return routes from the Lynx intersection – one for beginners and one for intermediate to advanced skiers.

  70. Pipestone Blue up and Green Merlin/Drummond/Hector down. Yesterday’s hikers did not help the first stretch of blue but they turned off onto Drummond and then encountered deep post-holing by the pond and went back the way they came. Quite windy by Pipestone Pond so sheltered in the trees for lunch. Snow temp -4 at 12:30 with varying 5-8 cms in tracks of new snow. No worms as seen at CNC Wednesday or snow fleas-just clean cold snow. Saw one other couple and their dog. Merlin was a delight as always. No freezing up on blue 0 to -6 or clumping either. Supposed to be more snow tonight so check skilouise in am. Ma Sid tempted us to explore the meadows on MLR further but very happy with today’s choice.

  71. Fairview at LL was a wonderful gift today ( April 9).
    Skier track set in approximately 10 cms of fresh dry snow
    By 2:00 it was starting to soften but I don’t expect it get to warm so tomorrow should also be great.

  72. A younger Alf in the day may well have awarded Sara with the “light gear touring award of the year” for this trip. I too followed along the great description, map in hand. Bravo Sara.

  73. What a feat of perseverance Sarah. Nicely done and reported.

  74. Good advice but nicely done Sara! An adventure survived always makes for a story that gets better with each telling. A great way to cap off the season and lead into scheming the next.

  75. Sara M: so glad to meet you via this blog and how deserving you are to be featured after that ultra marathon of an obstacle course. I had to get out my old Banff Gem Trek map to check out your ski. So many of us have truly enjoyed your Trip (with a capital T) reports this season. Thank you for bringing such enthusiastic adventures forth and for taking such a terrific selfie!! No wonder you were smiling to make it that far. I’d happily have risked my car’s suspension to pick you up at Goat Creek had I known of this Spring Skiing Adventure. As Chuck said, an awesome description complete with poignant photos. The one of your feet on the snow is a winner as is your beautiful selfie.

  76. Oh man, Steve Riggs/aka-bigsteve has been out there since the dawn of the internets –dispensing enthralling trip reports, words of wisdom and encouragement plus veiled hints of secret stashes on various platforms.

    Long ago upon discovering that internet ski forums and blogs were a thing I took the plunge and began posting my first tentative TRs on a now long lost backcountry skiers’ forum. Steve’s positive response to those posts inspired me to continue taking photos and composing descriptions of various ski-related triumphs and failures.

    So yeah, I blame him for everything!

  77. Thanks Bob for all the photos, I just met a handful of reporters over the years but recognize some faces from brief encounters. I was hoping to see a photo of MAAD, but he’s or she’s like the « Arlésienne » as we say ion French.

  78. Good to put faces to the names of regular posters from over the years. Looks like it was Steve Riggs I was chatting with at Patterson/Elk junction Saturday evening.

    Started on Whiskey Jack on Saturday morn on pure ice but on Tyrwhitt the lurching began from shade to sun. Saw Moose & Wolverine tracks. We were warned about the huge spruce across Elk Pass Trail on the descent so no speed record this time.

    10mins from arriving at the top of Blueberry as I was herringboning, the toe bar on my ski boots completely detached from my boot. My brother & I tried using tape & paracord to rig up the toe bar to the boot but no success. My brother had to leave but I continued to the top, stayed for an hour in the sun & light wind. A helicopter flew by below me & looks like a brief touch down at Rawson then it went to the Rawson parking lot…perhaps a rescue? I hiked back (on the side of the tracks) with my skis on my pack to Elk Pass parking lot. I’m lucky my gear failure didn’t happen off tracksetting on a longer trip. Saw a Boreal Chickadee & Steller’s Jay along the way. I was very appreciative to hitch a ride (with masks on) back to my vehicle at Boulton campground with a friendly couple I met up on Blueberry.

    The top of Blueberry was great compared to the previous Sunday when I skied from 4:30pm-8:45pm to Blueberry Hill breaking trail in up to 25cms of snow over tracksetting during the big storm. On the drive, the visibility was the worst I’ve ever had in all these years doing adventures & couldn’t see a thing on Hwy40 north of Nakiska turn off so I made it to Lorette Ponds lot & hung out for an hour until the snow eased up & I continued on. I was kind of looking forward to spending the night out there. 3.5 hour total (including stop @ Lorette) to get back to Calgary.

  79. This larger than you blog (not an easy feat) was an expertly curated and entertaining read over the past 10+ years. I’ll miss contributing, reading and scheming by it …but will still hear the mountains calling regardless. See ya out there Bob!

  80. it’s about time the Govmint widens & pave this P.O.S. road (the new parking pass program could cover the cost) so us heavy hittin x country back country snow beaters can rip out there in our big chevy escalades (1 person per vehicle please) and ski the be-jeepers outa those mountains and still get back home for happy hour and start posting ad nauseam of our exploits oh yeah !!

  81. Don’t look at the potholes, look at the spaces between the potholes.

  82. Congratulations and many thanks again for the wonderful work you have done for so many years

  83. Congratulations Bob for the well deserved honour.

  84. I feel the track setting and trail grooming was very much “my monies worth”. Thank you to all the folks who organized the “pass” system and to all the volunteers that manned the parking lots etc.
    Our seniors group/club did not get out as we normally would if our bus trips were still running. However, many of us have been driving out in our own cars and have enjoyed a wonderful season that is still going on as I write this on April 2.
    Also thank you to Bob Truman “Skier Bob” for all his time over the years! Your website has been invaluable and I am sure that all the skiers thank you very much.
    It has been a good year and hopefully we will have many more as x-country skiing has expanded at an exponential rate.

  85. Congratulations on being awarded such a beautiful painting Bob! Thanks again for your wonderful blog and happy ski trails!

  86. A beautiful painting and a well earned recognition. Thank you Bob for your amazing website. I will sure miss it.

  87. That is beautiful!! Congratulations, and thank you for everything! <3

  88. A huge thank you to Bob, Ken, and all the volunteers. Signage for the parking pass grooming program was prominently posted at the cash registers at Norseman ski shop. Quite a few customers asked about it, and we did our best to explain and promote the concept. Personally, I encouraged folks to contact their MLA and other politicians about the grooming and parks in general.

  89. What a fitting gift. You deserve it, Bob!

  90. Pierre Fournier

    We all thrive in some manner to make a difference in other peoples lives and ours.
    You certainly did.
    Thank you Bob.

  91. Cathy, Porter, Bekka, Rick, and from beyond - Ike and Polly

    That is just perfect and so fitting. Put it somewhere you can look at it from anywhere in your favourite room!

    Although, like many of us who have followed this blog, I think it’s quite possible your favourite room has distant rock walls and an unlimited ceiling of February Rocky Mountain Blue.

  92. Chuck and Jeannette

    A great recognition of all your hard work… Thank You Bob

  93. Congratulations Bob, and Thank you so much for all your efforts and ski reports. You will be sorely missed… see you on the trails.

  94. Hello Bob!

    Thank you for your kind words! I am so pleased you love your painting.

    As a frequent visitor of the ‘Skier Bob’ page, it was an honour to be able to help celebrate your well earned retirement!

    More of my work can be found on Instagram @erinkerr.clubb

    Happy trails,

  95. A beautiful painting and a well deserved special gift, of one of your favourite trails. Couldn’t quite tell if the skier was wearing a skihere toque.

  96. So awesome. You deserve it Bob. Thank you for everything. Enjoy your next chapter and hope to see you on trails!

  97. Well deserved recognition. Thanks for all your hard work.

  98. OK, so this might be sacrilegious, but as one of the volunteers for Nordique, I find myself wondering just how useful it was, really, to have volunteers out in the parking lots. It seemed that in PLPP anyway, about 70% of skiers had their passes when they arrived. That is, they had been convinced already that buying the pass was a good idea. Since more money was raised than needed, perhaps the money from this 70%, who bought without volunteer encouragement, was sufficient. Sure, being a volunteer was pleasant enough, but I wonder how much it really contributed. Maybe next year it would be interesting to try advertising only, and see what the result is. Signs could be put at the entrances to the parking lots stating something to the effect of: Trail grooming is done due to voluntary contributions of users. Please buy a pass at:……….

  99. That’s great news all around

    Did this get recorded?

  100. HasBrewster Healy XC trail been track set in the last few days
    April 1 2021???

  101. Pretty amazing result from Nordiq AB, Ken Hewitt and all the behind the scenes folks who helped to put it together.
    Thanks to all of you!
    My wife’s and I were part of the 162 volunteers who worked shifts at PLPP. We enjoyed talking to the skiers. We asked them where they were going, what wax they were using.
    One can only hope going forward, that keeping Albertans mentally and physically healthy is a priority recognized by our Politicians. Reinstating the grooming program should be one of their top priorities.

  102. Thanks Ken, Jeff, James, and volunteers!

  103. Big shout out to the Nordiq Alberta volunteers!

  104. Spotted fresh wolf tracks today on tom snow south. Also found a picked clean deer carcass off trail along one of the nearby ridges/cut blocks.

  105. Tom snow (south section) from station flats was still skiable early this morning before the crowds, especially north of the R3/bobcat junction. Unfortunately I wasn’t on skis. But the Bragg creek touring should be back in fine form if snow shows up there sun/mon.

  106. A 7 ft trail runner?

  107. The Bob Trail?

  108. Bob, quoted from above:
    I’m a big believer in the motto “When one door closes, another one opens” so we’ll see what’s behind that door when the time comes.

    Oh no, please don’t let it be fatbiking! Not that there’s anything wrong with that 🙂

  109. It’s unfortunate we missed you today Bob! We spotted some of the crew you were chatting with going through west elk pass while we lounged at the fork ‘n meadow log. Good times.

  110. West Bragg Creek
    5-8 cm of new snow at WBC, with a morning low of -13C. It’s warming up quickly under a sunny sky.
    Many of the sun exposed ski trails were down to bare ground and puddles yesterday. So, Mountain Road, Moose Loop, Moose Connector, Mountain View, Iron Springs, etc are not a good idea.
    The main core Crystal Line trails still had a pretty good base of hard, icy snow, with only small bare patches. Set tracks were still present on the shady side of those trails. I’d recommend rock skis. It is forecast to get above 0C by late morning, so the snow will soften and compact by afternoon.
    The parking lot has been cleared.

  111. We had a late start at CNC today. Conditions were slushy at the start but by 1:00 pm or so, it started snowing heavily! The storm lasted for about half an hour and left about 2 cm of much needed snow. The snow was very grabby.

  112. From this we can conclude that a bear’s cue to wake up from hibernation is the sound of cussing skiers in the woods.

  113. “The Spray Lakes road is indeed a neverending stretch of potholes.”


  114. Jeff, now that you’ve done your last shift, please accept many thanks from someone who has really appreciated your tracks since the 80’s.

    You should take great satisfaction from having made so many people so happy so many times.

    Good luck in PQ.

  115. Here all we have here is sky
    All the sky is is blue
    All that blue is

  116. Thanks to the wonderful Tracksetters for all the joy you spread through your service!

  117. Just awesome work and so greatly appreciated all the time but during a pandemic just so much more. Thank you for some great tracks this year.

  118. I vote for keeping PLPP a skate-free and dog-free zone.

  119. Huge appreciation to all the tracksetters and groomers. Great job. In addition, we would like thank the many unknown faces who ploughed the roads and parking lots, so that we could get to all that wonderful tracksetting!

  120. Oh sure, these tracksetters are really great and everything. Toiling away at all hours of the day and night for little or no pay.

    But who here among us wouldn’t kill to toodle around in these uber-cool machines and be loved by all?

    It looks like a pretty good gig.


  121. Chris, Peter & Kazzy Thomas

    A sad day in the Skier Bob universe when grooming is over for the season at Bragg Creek and Ribbon Creek. Here’s hoping for a few more weeks at Lake Louise, PLPP and Mt. Shark, we’re not ready for winter to be over yet! Many thanks to all the groomers, it’s been a great year!

  122. Thanks to everyone who has worked on the trails for our enjoyment and safety. Your skill and dedication is very much appreciated.

  123. Thank you! A few times I was out shortly after a big dump of snow, and I was amazed at how quickly the whole trail system was groomed. Thanks!

  124. Thanks to everyone this year! More than any other year, this has made such a difference to our health and well being!

  125. I really appreciate your dedication and excellent grooming and track setting skills! Thanks for making the season great.

    Rhonda W

  126. Sounds like a great idea!

  127. Thanks to everyone at BCT! While it wasn’t a season for the record books like 19-20, we still enjoyed plenty of fine skiing at Bragg. And like Mike W- I’m not giving up yet. My closing day there last year was April 6, with good skiing in dry new snow over firm old grooming. In terms of preserving the base, this week’s forecast isn’t looking too promising, though.

  128. Thank you WBC grooming team! You did awesome!

  129. Tom and Lynda Galeski

    Thank you to the team for a great season of grooming!

  130. Thanks to the WBC grooming team for all the work this winter! My last ski there last winter was April 8. I’m figuring there’s going to be at least one more big dump and I’m hoping be back for at least one more ski this spring, with or without grooming!

  131. That’s a terrific idea. I would use it.

  132. I would assume that they would need more grooming equipment to take on more trails. They haven’t been able to keep up the trails they currently have after snow falls. When I last skied out there the trails we picked were is very rough shape, despite the groomers working long hours.

  133. Gotta hand it to Alf. He’s always got his thinking cap on.

    These are the views we would get from Lionel trail opened to skiing.

  134. I love the idea of resurrection of “Lionel” but I can’t see it possibly going South of the “Back Door” due to Avalanche risks. Parking lot at the winter gate would be a nice addition and definitely need to bring back the trail connecting Pocaterra to “Lionel” which would allow for a loop.

    Does anyone know why Lionel was decommissioned in the first place? What about the other decommissioned trails such as Sounding Lake, Rockwall, Canyon and Lakeside? I’m only 30 and never skied on any of those before decommissioning but my parents did and they have an old map from 1983.

  135. Better check with Lionel.

  136. I agree that the Hwy 40 groomed trail with an enlarged parking area on the existing pavement would make an excellent addition to the PLPP ski trail system. Another idea worth looking into would be to reintroduce the old alignment of the Pocaterra Trail from Pocaterra Hut to the Lynx junction. The trails were already there so a rebuild of the old bridges would allow for yet another beginner route (that we used to have) rather than the at best intermediate route when the trails were raised out of the valley. Yes the area flooded but how often? It would be interesting to find out an estimated cost for a project such as this.
    The bottom line is that the monies left over from grooming should ONLY go back into the various areas where Kenney and Nixon made us pay for parking.

  137. I like the idea of resurrecting Lionel. Earlier this year I skied from Boulton up Packers, out the Back Door, and on towards Highwood Pass. The section south of Back Door is very scenic and would make for an excellent xc trail as well. Being less protected by trees, the road does get more wind and drifting snow, though.

  138. Great idea Alf!
    Carl- looking at the satellite image, there appears to be nothing of concern regarding avalanche hazard up to at least the “back door”.
    Cindy- I think the wildlife aspect of the closure applies more to the Highwood valley south of the pass, where open slopes and much less of a snowpack provide important overwintering terrain.

  139. I think before a decision is made there should be an assessment on how it may impact the wildlife which is the primary reason for the road closure I believe.

  140. His Bob,’
    I found this 1986 map from an old post you posted a few years ago and I guess the same map Carl is referring to.

  141. I love this idea, but when I posted an enthusiastic note about doing this on Dec 19 2020 someone replied that they thought that Lionel had been decommissioned because it crosses an avalanche path.
    That rang a bell for me, but I can’t think where that might be between the gate and the back door.
    According to my 1980’s map, Lionel did not go all the way to the gate, but branched off from the old Pocaterra near the Rolly Road and Come Along junctions. It was marked as .8 km intermediate and 7.2 km easy.

  142. An excellent idea. A loop connection would be good, allowing return from pocaterra to Hwy 40 parking. Not sure how feasible that would be given height gain/terrain. Same with extended grooming further south, allowing easier access to other terrain, but not essential (kinda like extending beyond MLR grooming to moraine lake). But also quite open and exposed to the elements. Worth a “pilot project” test regardless. Lots of cars were parked there the other day using the road.

  143. The Nordiq Alberta ski pass program has been a huge success. It has provided us with exceptional ski grooming plus the bonus of extra funds that could enhance skiing opportunities for next year.
    The value of those surplus funds are not enough to purchase much equipment or to build much new trail.
    So, my suggestion is to make better use of what we already have. Decades ago, Highway #40 was groomed for skiing from the winter gate to the Pocaterra “Back Door”… it was known as the Lionel trail.
    Given the popularity of the Moraine Lake Road, grooming Highway #40 should be a no-brainer.
    Ideally, the winter gate would be moved south by a few hundred metres to provide a paved parking lot. Add some portable toilets and a portable trailhead kiosk, and you’ve got a functional trailhead.
    I would suggest that the highway could be groomed for multiple uses. Classic track setting would create an ideal “easy” trail. And it would create an obvious loop with Pocaterra trail.
    A wide skate lane would provide an opportunity for skate skiers. A separate groomed lane could be created for fat-bikes, hikers, snowshoers, skijoerers, winter hikers, etc.
    That is a small infrastructure cost, no additional grooming equipment… but more grooming staff time… and it would produce a tremendous addition to the PLPP trail network

  144. This is how Shadow Lake Lodge looked when we passed by in 1990:

  145. We cannot come close to the happiness so evident our dogs experience skiing with us

  146. Life is so much better when you love dogs!! We have a Wheaten and a Golden (both high energy breeds) and nothing makes me happier than to see them flat out exhausted after a long distance ski. I have had dogs all my life and the only drawback to having a dog is, of course, losing them. Wonderful to read a “pawsitive” story on dogs and skiing.

  147. That is such a great story! Thanks for sharing! My husband and I rediscovered skiing this season. And it was my 9 year olds first time on skis. We started out for a couple of times at WBC and the pups on the trail kept us happy, even on the days we struggled. Last weekend my daughter decided she wanted to try to ski 20k, so we headed to the great divide. And the dog sled teams zipped back and forth all day. We didn’t notice any chance of tiring out on my daughter’s end. But those pups sure gave us great joy to see how happy they were! Thanks for sharing! And can’t wait to see more pups on the trail!

  148. FOUND!
    Rio was found tonight on sugar momma and has made it home.
    A huge thank you to the community for all the support, it was great to see so many out looking.

  149. talked to Lisa and dog is found?

  150. did you find the dog yet? if not i will come and look tomorrow

  151. Pipestone grooming was sketchy as the hard pack prevented the tracks to be formed to depth. The downhill areas were almost solid ice with some rocks coming through. The trails overall were still 70 % avg
    30% below. More snow needed 6-12” to rehabilitate the trail. Safety will become an issue bc soon.

  152. Morning
    I would like the money to go towards obtaining the Fortress lease. That way the area could be managed more in line with the spirit of the surrounding area rather than what is planned.

  153. Small update, she was seen late afternoon heading up Snowy Owl from Boundary towards West Bragg. She is very scared and bolted as soon as she saw the people. Search was called off for the night, will resume tomorrow morning.

  154. Any updates?
    Hate to think she is out there still tonight.

  155. I do hope they find Rio-so scary when a pup goes missing. Please post Bob if you hear anything.

  156. 65,000 x-c skiers if you count those who only ski once or twice a year in town or at West Bragg.

  157. 100,000 viewers .

  158. How many did not purchase a pass? How many skiers are there for each season pass? My guess would be 1.5 skiers per season pass, and 20% of skiers did not purchase a pass so that would mean there are about 12,087 skiers.

  159. Hey Bob….I might be able to help out a bit. Here is a breakdown from the combined season and day passes:
    Calgary 6030
    Canmore 649
    Okotoks 133
    Cochrane 274
    Edmonton 183
    Banff 27
    Red Deer 64
    Foothills 33
    Other 207

    Some error margin here — because these numbers include as separate counts those people who purchased more than one pass.

  160. Hi Bob,

    I now live in Bonnyville and I purchased a Kananaskis season pass, which I have used 2 times so far and intend to use 2 more times by the end of the season.
    Either your question is too broadly stated, or else Bonnyville is part of the greater Calgary area and SkierBob empire!
    In any case, you should come here and try the excellent trails of the Lakeland region and enjoy some night skiing lit by polar auroras!


  161. In this post I asked the question, “In the comments, tell us what you would do with the excess funds.” Please stick to the topic.

  162. While I like Skier Dougs’ idea of using “excess” funds to revitalize the Sawmill trails, I think that ship has sailed. The money should be held to cover any deficits in future seasons, or used to expand expand the frequency of grooming. Or- the grooming period at either end of the season, should weather and snow conditions be favourable.
    I think the success of the pass program- despite some naysayers who don’t accept that xc skiers should pay a small fee for the special services that we desire- bodes well for the future of groomed xc skiing in Kananaskis.
    Kudos to those who made it happen!

  163. First, thank you to Nordiq Alberta and all the volunteers! My main concern is to keep this funding and tracksetting permanently. There is a good possibility that volunteers will tire, and numbers of skiers (pass purchasers) will slowly decrease as Covid 19 becomes an unpleasant memory. Surplus should definitely allow equipment upgrades, I would hope even a used machine would last more than 3 years, so a purchase seems reasonable. Allowing for expected drop in numbers, I would favor a somewhat higher Season Pass, leave Day Pass the ame, as we want to encourage occasional skiers, and regular skiers are probably getting a very good deal already.

  164. The Nordiq Alberta program was certainly a success. Despite this, the government has yet to make any commitment for grooming next winter and beyond. Nordiq Alberta will hold in trust the sizeable surplus they are collecting, “pending further spending decisions regarding the use of the excess funds to support future investments in cross country ski trail grooming. … only to be spent, dispersed or utilized on the prior mutual agreement of both the Society and the Province.” See page 14 of the Alberta Parks – Nordiq Alberta Cooperating Agreement –

    Since the government hasn’t committed to grooming next winter, I wonder why the program wasn’t set up to terminate as soon as its funding goal was reached, rather than accumulating a surplus with no predefined plan on how to use it?

  165. I’m all for any surplus going to whatever is needed to keep the grooming going. However, I wonder if we need to adjust our expectations. Assuming the operations cost of grooming is $200,000, and that the expensive equipment needs to be replaced from time to time (5 years?) at $200,000 a pop (need to save $40,000/yr). Funds raised this year around $280,000 would appear to cover both operations and a fund for equipment replacement. But it doesn’t look like there would be much leftover for any expansion of the program. I don’t know how reliable the funding will be and I think we should keep our minds open to the possibilities of less trail grooming, less frequent grooming, using less sophisticated equipment, etc. to have a sustainable budget.

  166. I hope that there is going to be some kind survey done after the season is over to get everyone’s view on this. Personally I would support a higher fee if that could be put towards more equipment so that the trails could get groomed on a more timely basis after each snowfall. After a fall last week the PLPP crew were able to groom 18km of trails, while at the same time (I think) the Bragg Creek crew were able to do over 70km. For the skate ski trails especially, it is important to get to them as fast as possible after each fall. Balanced against this is a wish to keep the fee as low as possible so that we don’t price people out of our great sport.

  167. I support the money going forward to ensure the sustainability of the XC ski grooming in Kananaskis next year and beyond. The voluntary pay system this year has allowed those with less financial means to still access the superb trails in this area and this is important that access for all is maintained. Although it would be lovely if the government took over paying for this again, I’m OK with contributing a small amount each year for superb skiing, and am so heartened that the fundraising goal was met!

  168. Invest in recommisioning the Sawmill trails for future trail grooming.

  169. Use surplus funds for future XC grooming services or equipment needed. Funds must be used towards XC trails. That is specifically why I bought a pass and made a donation. Kananaskis trails are key to early and late season skiing. Thank you for the great work on the trails so far, and to all the volunteers!

  170. I’m sorry to be the only dissenter here and honestly I love you Bob and all of the work that you’ve done for the cross country skiing community, but for the life of me, I can’t understand why we are volunteering to pay for a piece of equipment that the government of Alberta should be buying. They buy equipment (or hire contractors) for other facility maintenance, why should cross country ski trails be any different? I was livid that we handed them their operational funds on a silver platter without so much as a discussion amongst Albertans as to whether this is a public good or a user good and now we are proposing to buy equipment for them as well? Some options for the extra money from me:
    1) put it towards programs that encourage newcomers to try cross country skiing – maybe hire some coaches, schedule some dates, rent some equipment
    2) put it towards people who want to enrol their kids into cross country ski programs but who might struggle based on their income to do this
    3) put it towards training, coaching and equipment for young people to develop their cross country ski skills and athletic development
    4) put it towards volunteers who are willing to obtain various coaching levels who would volunteer a set amount of time to encourage cross country skiing within families of all income levels
    5) pay for those who would struggle to afford parking fees (but lets hope we don’t have to repeat this again)
    6) put it towards public engagement and lobbying the government so that ONE user group DOES NOT have to pay for trail maintenance in Kananaskis

    If we absolutely had to have a user pay system, then I would propose that we have a Park entrance fee to Kananaskis (by car not by person) that is set at a lower rate (because there’s a broader base of payers) making it more affordable for each individual. This would still encourage car pooling (charge by car not by person).

    Honestly, I hope we don’t assume that the “pay for cross country grooming via parking fees” program is going to happen again, now that there’s time to facilitate discussion amongst Albertans and even within the cross country ski community as to whether this should be a public or user pay system.

    I feel like I’m the lone wolf in this perspective. If our current government wasn’t so incompetent in managing the province’s affairs, I might feel a bit differently but on this one I really feel we completely threw ourselves into their trap setting a dangerous precedent and I’m surprised no one else is as upset by this as I am. CPAWS Alberta managed a great “Defend Parks” campaign and groups have also gained traction on the coal issues. I think Nordiq Alberta, while having their heart in the right place fell right into the UCP trap.

  171. Bravo, and hearty thanks to the volunteers and to Nordiq Alberta. What a welcome success story. For the excess, ensure good equipment and consider off-loading some of the volunteer duties to a paid position.

  172. I would not mind seeing some funds used to better signage at the Ruthie / Skogan junction to clearly state that Skogan pass trails (and offshoots) are skiers only. An alternative would be to encourage snowshoers / walkers to buy a season pass (i.e. not limited to xcountry skiers) to raise funds to build a specific trail to go to Hummingbird Plume Lookout …and to avoid ruining Sunburst and High Level trails

  173. I need new pants.

    (Pay it forward to a backcountry skier who also bought a tracksetting season pass).

  174. With the extra money, the future of grooming in Kananaskis can be even better than it was before the government’s announcement. People are obviously willing to pay a reasonable amount to have groomed trails, and I bet they are willing to pay a little more than the paltry $50 to have more grooming(the snowcat could easily be operating a daily double shift in PLPP), and possibly open up some new trails. In retrospect, the government has done us a huge favour by “ending grooming” in Kananaskis. We’ve removed the threat of the government taking this away from us.

    A further benefit to skiers paying for groomed trails is that it will give us some clout when it comes to keeping the hikers off the groomed trails.

  175. Does anybody have sense of what happens next year and beyond? Continuation of the approach used this year?

  176. Put the surplus towards future ops and perhaps expanded service and equipment upgrades.

    Way to go Nordiq and volunteers! Thanks.

  177. Invest towards future gear so that grooming can be continued and even trackset fresh more frequently if not needing to share equipment between different regions

  178. Pssst…. new update from Nordiq Alberta re: the Kananaskis Parking pass program. Looks like $270,000 was raised via passes, plus $22k in donations.

  179. I tried skiing Cascade valley yesterday and found it icy in the morning and soft an hour or so later. I think my wax was too hard ( it was a really tough day of sliding all day) , so have ordered some purple and red wax. Is my ski season done for the year? Are there any other waxes that I need for these conditions? I’d love to keep skiing as long as possible!

  180. Congrats Mike, that’s incredible!

    Heard about your trip from your family and it blew my mind away 🙂 Way to go!

  181. Way to persevere Mike. That’s 20km more than I’ve done continuously so can attest that the last lap must’ve been a grind. There is a decade old 100km ski tradition that happens every New Years(ish) in PLPP -double round the works including blueberry that you’d be well fitted for! Hope to cross paths one day 😉

  182. Wow that’s incredible! Well done!

  183. I would guess the other cars might have been hikers hoping to catch sunrise on Ha Ling

  184. Mike W must be training for the longest race, 220 km above the Arctic Circle, in Sweden,
    last year the best times were just below 12hrs


    It is nice to know I still inspire people. I just wish it was with Making Alberta A (Real) Democracy rather than night skiing!

    My secret is out on how to make mileage on skis! Ski at night fast with the headlamp so the Panthers and Griz don’t get you and get that rush effect of the trees going by real fast in the periphery vision.

    Skiing at night allows you to go full throttle on the hills cause you know no one else is on the trail- unless they are skiing without a headlamp turned on. It does happen once in a Blue Moon. Be careful skiing on the Blue Moons.

    It is always strange coming back to an empty parking lot. I never get over that feeling- where did everyone go?

    What do you use for 100k ski fuel?

  186. Thanks Bob, my second time on the front page in just over a week! – Not in costume this time though!

  187. I probably did, to be honest the $50 felt more like a donation, so it is quite difficult to answer the specific question. I’m very appreciative of all the efforts that Ken and all the volunteers put in to make this work.

    I hope that we might be able to build on the success of the program next year and perhaps increase the amount of grooming. The PLPP crew seem to be challenged to keep up with new snowfalls (I have no doubt that they are doing their best with the staff and equipment available) and wonder if more money (higher fee or more sales) might be able to help. Perhaps a survey will be done at the end of the season to get everyone’s view.

    The fact that we have to pay for K-Country grooming while Cypress Hills PP is done for free does slightly irk me.

  188. If there had been no grooming, better to get some LT gear and break your own trail (not that you would have always had to), vs. going snowshoeing. At least the down would still be fun, fast and efficient.

  189. For me, it’s been “waxless ski” weather all winter! I purchased a pair of Rossignol RSkin skis on clearance from Wilson Mountain Sports in Lake Louise in April last year. They’re a relatively high-end pair, just below the X-Ium race line of skis, similar to the Rossignol Delta Course waxable skis I already had. I’ve been using the RSkins exclusively if the forecast high is above -3C or so, especially if a sunny day is forecast. But I’ve also used them in temperatures as low as -20C. I’ve skied a couple of times with one RSkin and one waxable for a head-to-head comparison in -20C and -8C, and was unable to detect any difference in either grip or glide. If anything, the RSkins were marginally better. The big difference is that with the RSkins, I don’t have to spend time scraping off old grip wax and carefully applying and corking in 4 or so thin layers of new wax in a pyramid pattern to get optimal performance. And I never have to reapply grip wax during the day, or get caught out by a wrong prediction on what wax to use. Nor do I have to worry about snow fleas and tree needles and other debris getting embedded in the grip wax. This winter seems to be particularly bad for wind and tree debris.

    The RSkins are not maintenance-free however. They need to be occasionally cleaned and waterproofed. And of course both the RSkins and waxables have to be glide wax. The skin strips slowly wear out, and need to be replaced eventually at a cost of about $50, which I figure is about the same as the amount I would have spent on Swix VR grip waxes during that time period. So far, after 400km on the RSkins, there’s no noticeable skin wear.


    Over 5,3 million people is a lot of skiers for Skier Bob to count!

    I blame much of the increase numbers of skiers skiing the eastern slopes on Skier Bob and his great website that people from around the world look at. Without this website, there is less talk about XC skiing in Alberta. The more talk the more people that get interested. There is no doubt COVID helped increase numbers this year, but those new skiers got a lot of information from Skier Bob as to where to ski and crash head first into their ski tips. New skiers with ski tips imbedded in fore heads have Skier Bob to thank if they viewed his website.

  191. I felt like I got my moneys worth. I am a COVID cross country skier. I have spent the last many years spending weekends at the ski hill and chose nordic skiing this year to avoid the crowds at the hill. I am undecided whether or not I will purchase a pass next year. I wonder how many more there are like me and if passes will cover the cost of grooming next winter.

    I am extremely appreciative of the grooming. I was extremely disappointed in the government’s decision to cut funding to ski grooming. When I moved to Alberta in the 90’s it was something I was really impressed about Alberta, and as a student at the time, I appreciated the free skiing. While $50 for a year of skiing is no big deal to me now, I regret that it needs to be paid. I felt it was something that made Alberta special.

    My final consideration when I reflect on the program to groom is how many volunteer hours is needed to collect funds, administer the website and patrol parking lots. I would argue that we were better off before. Having said all of this, I would take this over no grooming at all.

    Kudos to all the volunteers that made this possible this year. I have thoroughly enjoyed my winter!

  192. I would pay more for groomed trails – love the variety. Done a ton of skiing at PLPP this season – some at Kananaskis and WBC too as well at CNC and local YYC trails, however PLPP is my fav hands down. $50 per car is a BARGAIN!!!!

  193. Haven’t got my money’s worth, but I don’t care. BC residents pay pretty much everywhere to ski AND have a PST. So those that complain (Martin & Jip), you need to realize what you have. Kinda like the GST, before it came, there was a hidden tax on a lot of things, especially imports. Out of sight out of mind….

  194. $50 is good value. I have used my Pass over 30 times. Hoping to hit 40. In the fall, I thought I’d have to take up snowshoeing. Instead I’ve skied more than ever. Thank you to all who saved the season.

  195. Great day on ElkPass-Blueberry Hill. Snow awesome. 2hrs up-1hr down.

  196. A resounding YES!!! PLPP is one of our favourite places to ski and the grooming and track-setting were stellar, as always. We even got in a few more skis than usual on Bill Milne. A big thanks to the groomers, and to Ken Hewitt for all his time and effort. Even volunteering was fun!

  197. Definitely worth the $50/season/car. We are so far at 12 visits (mostly PLPP) this season – not bad for weekend warriors. We ski elsewhere (CNC, WBC, LL) but Kananaskis is a bit special – scenery is beautiful and it always feels so quiet once on the trails.
    Thanks to the awesome groomers and parking volunteers for making this possible.

  198. Yes absolutely worth it. Thanks to the hard work of Nordiq Alberta and the many volunteers we were able to keep these pristine, beautiful areas groomed and trackset for fantastic skiing. Worth every penny.

  199. Hi:
    Although I didn’t get out to PLPP as much as I would have liked to (does one ever?), I consider it money well spent, having skied there for the last ~25 years.
    With kind regards,
    P.S. I had a fantastic trip yesterday, Fairview/Lac Annette/Moraine Lake Road/Tramline. I took the trail back to the road from the first bridge along the creek. Who woulda knew!

  200. I’ll be the voice of dissent, no I haven’t purchased a pass and have not skied PLPP, Kananaskis or Mt Shark this season, I do commend Nordic for their efforts but I’m in total disagreement with the arrangement which is grossly unfair and ridiculous turning citizens into tax collectors. Thank goodness for WBC who will continue to receive my support

  201. The pass is very inexpensive and I am very grateful that Nordiq Alberta stepped up to make the grooming happen, especially this year of fewer options for travel and indoor recreation! I would pay even more for more consistent and frequent grooming but yes the pass was definitely worth it.

  202. I’ll say. The pass is peanuts for skiing on some of the best trails in North America. I have a hard time imagining more interesting and scenic trails than those at PLPP and Ribbon Creek.

  203. Elizabeth Snowball Beggs

    Absolutely ! Thank you !

  204. With probably 6 weeks still left in the Kananaskis grooming season- we are already at under $6 per skier day- and that’s with buying a pass for each of our 2 vehicles. That’s quite the bargain!

  205. Definitely worth my money. In December and January when conditions in WBC were marginal at best, I did most of my skiing in Kananaskis Village / Skogan pass (10+ times) and PLPP (15+ times) and without grooming I would have been miserable and « forced » to go farther. This month I skied mostly in WBC and next week will return to Kananaskis / PLPP.

  206. Yes, partner & I out there 3 wknds in Jan and 3 in Feb.
    And yes PLPP busier than yrs past, more youngsters.

  207. Your “farewell tour” — it’s still hard to imagine. The Empire without the Emperor front and centre. Glad to see you’re out there meeting lots of friends and fans. I’ve barely gotten out in the last two or three years, but doing a little better this year, so hoping to meet you. Having been a follower since the earliest days of SkiHere, I’m definitely going to miss your blog. But cant thank you enough for how much you’ve done for xc skiers and xc skiing.

    I’ll be able to tell people I met the Emperor when he had no clothes! Long ago and not far away … in the showers after the Lake Louise to Banff loppet 🙂

    Very best wishes, Bob. Thank you! See you out there.

  208. My biggest disappointment about not having a real Lake Louise Banff Loppet is not getting to cheer on Janice (and everybody else) at the Baker Creek crossing. Next year I will be there with my shovel.

  209. I’ll miss your updates tremendously Bob. They start and end my day. 🙁

  210. Thank you Bob for creating this huge family of like minded skiers and outdoors enthusiasts. Your big tent included many like me who are out of province, yet you made me feel most welcome.
    I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, which I am glad to hear will still include skiing.

  211. Thank you Bob for your blog! Your blog and information has helped me and my friends immensely when it comes to deciding where to go skiing. Many places we’ve never even thought or heard of. Your information has been well informative and, on some occasions, humourous :-). Best of luck to you. You will be missed.

  212. We use the trip and grooming reports every time we head out for a ski. When we first started seven years ago, this site was recommended by many people, and we have since passed it on to many new skiers.
    Thank you so much for keeping the blog going, it has been fantastic. Happy retirement!
    Wendy and Rob

  213. Above all else maintain the down home dawn-of-the-internet vibe.

  214. In addition to other comments, attributes of a “ski community” information sharing web site (if that’s the goal, hopefully):
    – A public, open and inclusive platform, no membership login or exclusivity
    – Not a for profit business or overly explicit advertising or product based platform

  215. If you use the search bar on this site and look for ‘track width’ you will find:

    Track width
    A frequent question: What is the maximum width of ski that can be used in the tracks made by tracksetting equipment:

    This is a reply to the question by Tracksetter Jeff(Ribbon Creek):

    “The bottom of most track pans is 70 mm The sidewalls flare out to 140 mm at the top of the track. If you were skiing on 65mm skis there will be times when you will get a bit of drag from the sidewalls Also understand that unless you get the first tracks in a fresh trackset the sidewalls are subject to scraping from all the other skiers who went before you.
    If you are looking for performance in the track I’d go with the 59. If you are out for a nice easy ski and want good support for the hills the 65 should be fine.”

  216. Hello,
    Will it be possible to use Fischer backcountry 104-74-95 skis on this trail?
    Thanks a lot,

  217. Having a daily featured post is one of the things that brings me to your site every single day. Then, I go to trip reports. Like many others, I also use SkierBob as the primary link to weather stations and forecasts, webcams and grooming reports. I could save them all as “favourites” in my browser, but it is way easier to just go directly to this site.

  218. Hi Bob. You will be missed a lot 🙂

    Trip reports for sure. And pics.
    Grooming updates.
    The link to all trail maps in one place!

    Thanks for all. Cheers

  219. Hi!
    Hope this is appropriate… I would like to thank you, Bob, from the bottom of my skis for all you’ve done to keep us inspired and informed over the years.

    You probably don’t remember me but a few years back, I took your photo celebrating your 1000th kilometer (that season). It was at the top of the big hill at the beginning of Elk Pass with the splendid view of Upper and Lower Kananaskis Lakes down below.

    Wishing you many, many more kilometers, Bob!

  220. My priorities for a new blog:
    Trip reports are #1 90% of my time is spent on Skier Bob is on trip reports. Details like snow conditions (track conditions, skate -ability, dirt on the tracks , wax used, temperature. Parking etc.
    Ability to add pics VS a link to a photo storage page.
    After a while, I get to recognize the writer and trust their reports for accurate beta.
    Grooming updates are great as well.
    Keeping it current is probably the most important.
    Having a FAQ page for those questions that seem to get asked everyday on any Facebook page.

  221. Hi Bob, the trip reports for sure, the grooming updates and links to grooming reports, and the info on the loppetts were most useful to me.

  222. Philippe in Calgary

    The daily posting is where it all starts, and is a vital contribution.

  223. I wonder if the earthquake had anything to do with triggering an Avalanche.

  224. I’m not sure what the fuss is all about. It looks like this lynx walked with its legs splayed apart to avoid stepping in the ski track?

  225. Re: Helping people out at Bragg Creek: I am not by any means a regular there so you can stop reading right now, but from all the posts I see about Bragg Creek and all those who are passionate about the place, would it be worth while to initiate a “SNOW HOST” kind of concept as works very well at Canmore Nordic Centre? The program basically runs only on weekends, or perhaps also during Race Events, but those involved and trained “can” snow host, wearing their identifying vest, any day of the week.
    Part of the deterrent of my wanting to explore the trails at Bragg Creek more, is the entire area has such an overwhelming abundance of trails and perhaps the hikers/snow-shoers could be more efficiently managed by designating more trails JUST for them. Recently while in PLPP, I was impressed how many trails are now totally designated to walkers/snow-shoers/fat bikers. There is a big map available at the Discovery Centre “PLPP Winter Trails”, showing Elkwood Loop, Marsh Loop, Lower Lake, Canyon, Penstock, Tall Water, Frozen Toad and Torpor Loop (and likely some shorter distance ones). Yes, there have always been issues with people heading to Elk Lakes Cabin but for the most part, PLPP has done a great job of providing this many snowshoe trails. All of these are marked on this map, and alot of excellent general information also included on the back.
    Thought Mike W’s and Herbert’s comments were very well said.

  226. Hi:
    While “taking a photo and shaming them on the internet” might solve the immediate problem, society takes a small step backward.

  227. Bob, with respect to shaming the walkers, I’d start with shaming the skate skier who sliced up the trackset. He/she did way more damage than the walkers (one couple was still figuring out where to go, and the other couple had just started). And the skier couldn’t claim ignorance as to what the purpose of the trackset was.

  228. Don’t you just HATE water when it’s not crystallized?!

  229. I remember the time dad read us kids “The Avalanche on Redearth Creek”.

    Worst. Bedtime. Story. Ever.

  230. Is the October 23, 2013 photo of the bridge over the Spray River free for use?

  231. Probably another road closure coming for spray lakes road and avalanche control affecting access to goat creek/shark etc. next few days.

  232. To be more precise for the Red Earth Creek fireroad past km 7, with respect to the highest avalanche hazard potential and based on ancestral slide path off Copper Mountain, the section of the ski trail from km 8.2 and 8.7 is the most obvious. When the ski trail gets very close to the creek, past the Lost Horse Creek campground, you are entering that 500 meters section.

  233. Lucky, especially when getting pushed into lake water!!!! Another report from guides yesterday accessing saddleback and surprise pass at lake Louise. Conditions rapidly changed while they were travelling so they pulled the pin and headed back, only to see their up track had been hit by avalanches. It’s quite possible that some of the avalanche paths near cross country trails will run also (or hiking trails or other areas without fences or signage), increasing risk to potentially unaware cross country skiers, snowshoers and hikers. It’s that kind of time right now, and maybe another week or more of heightened risk. Avalanche terrain exposure maps are available to the public. It’s the users responsibility to inform themselves, always.

  234. To be clear, the avalanche path in question is not off the headwall at the end of the lake, but rather about half way along the lake at the base of a huge avalanche path, as seen in pictures number 5 & 6 in this photo link from March 2019:!AgTx5EOCG7eSihUV_yzr6hFjrwpR
    This avalanche regularly breaks the lake ice on impact and should never be approached. Any pictures taken should be with a long zoom lens like mine!

  235. I posted the original incident report to Avalanche Canada. Thanks for reposting here and increasing the visibility of this incident.

    I believe that Parks Canada needs better signage on this trail to indicate where the avalanche terrane begins and what that means. Currently there is a small sign, posted on a tree, that says something along the lines of “ski touring beyond this point”. This language is not clear to non-skiers (heck it’s not that clear to skiers) which are the majority of trail users these days. There are clear warnings at the trailhead but they are lost in the clutter of maps etc.

  236. Thanks the update Bob, regarding the Boom lake avalanche incident, I have seen over the last months a few posts on Hike Alberta of folks wanted the « perfect Instagram shot » of themselves near the frozen waterfall below the avalanche path. Even from their photos you could see right away they were putting themselves in danger and many comments were like « stunning photo » lets go there!

  237. Shaganappi: Was there yesterday, about 15h00. Classic, loop starting w/ “expert” of to right from parking lot. Mixed conditions, first hill was fine w/ decent snow as was field on other side, then hit slush on back side of that field, crossing the creek the snow was soft but still a lot of it, coming up toward the condos conditions deteriorated quickly, snow turned to slush w/ icy patches, that was pretty much the “top” part of the loop. Lot of bare patches, but easily avoidable. Tracks were largely non existent.
    On the flip side, the place was quatro gatos empty as they say way down south.
    Snow preservation is the right call.

  238. I finally made it to the SkierBob front page photo! Small correction on the photo credit: The photo was provided by me, but not taken by me. I don’t know who took the photo.

  239. Now you tell us!

    And to top it off you post up drone footage!

  240. Got any with “lignum vitae” edges?

  241. Another thing I’ve been trying to sort out this week is my wax. How should the ideal wax feel? Especially for trails with lots of ups and downs. I was doing pretty well sorting out wax for the flats. And now that I’m adding in elevation, sometimes it feels too sticky or not sticky enough for the uphilks. Thanks again!!!

  242. Hi! Thanks again for this wonderful portion of the site! I’ve been out enjoying great skiing this week. But I’ve also developed quite this blisters on my heels, and On the bottom of my second toe. Any suggestions?

  243. Q: What did one moose say to the other moose?

    A: Waoh…. that is one BIG rabbit!

  244. Check out the Feb 2021 Trip Reports. There’s a Sandy McNabb report that was posted yesterday evening.

  245. Does anyone know the current condition of Sandy McNabb? I looked at the interactive map and it says some trails were track set about 5 days ago. I went out there 4 weeks back and there was nothing… no tracks no trails, everything was pulverized by people walking on them. I used to ski there as a kid and would love to take my kids out there but don’t want to get out there and be disappointed again 🙁

  246. Hello,how are you. My wife and daughter and I live in the Okotoks area and are beginners to novice skiers. We are looking for a nice user friendly course relatively close to Calgary. As well we will need to find equipment to rent. We are planning just a day trip,so we’d need to rent for just the day. Can you direct me to the best way to go about this? Thank you

  247. I found the same thing at the nordic centre. The air was warm, but the snow was still very cold and slow

  248. We also lost Marmot to mid-mountain in the flood too.

  249. MAAD wouldn’t have turned around.

  250. Looks great! Stoney Trail NE of Troll Falls perhaps? Maybe route was originally packed for powerline access?

  251. We were at Confed late afternoon Thursday (11th) and saw the Valentine’s sentiment on the hill. Glad it lasted and hope whoever it was intended for saw it!

  252. Thanks so much to the Ribbon Creek groomers for grooming a detour around the ice floe so quickly! We didn’t ski it today but saw it as we drove past and several folks were out on it. BTW the temp. at Evan Thomas/Wedge Connector/Bill Milne was around -10C early afternoon and more people out than yesterday.

  253. Historically, Telephone loop (along with many of the trails in WB) was designed specifically as a ski trail by Don Gardener in the late 1970’s. It was not groomed consistently until a few years ago when the GBCTA took over responsibility for it from Parks.

    The east half of it has been deemed multi use which has led to heavy amounts of foot and bike traffic.

    Maintaining this as a groomed ski trail is proving to be impractical, and we see it as being possibly delegated to a primitive ski trail. Our efforts to provide a quality experience for tracked skiing are better suited to areas that are restricted to skiing only.

    In an effort to be all things to all users, the original intent of this trail has been lost.

  254. The thought occurs: If it is a multi-use trail then why set ski tracks? Or think for even one second that non-skiers should stay off our precious ski tracks? I think the non-skiers should be free to enjoy a trail without having to tiptoe around ski tracks. Guess I won’t make any new ski friends with this remark.

  255. A couple possibilities would include:
    1. Nordic Alberta’s website (would require modifications to have SkierBob functionality)
    2. Creating a subreddit on Reddit for Alberta xc skiing
    3. Discord

  256. Well done Skier Bob. Thank you for all of the wonderful ski updates and the service you provided for us all. You’ve served the community well and I wish you all the best!

  257. Dear Skier Bob,
    Although our paths probably have crossed when the Regina ski club made it’s annual 4 day trip to Canmore area I don’t think we’ve actually met. We would often pick your brain/blog for the best skiing options for us flatlanders and your prompt replies always sent us in the right direction. I believe one year you told us not to do Goat Creek unless we we’re planning on doing it with a luge. It’s another “end of an era” but it’s totally understandable. On behalf of the Regina Ski Club thank you so much for countless hours you’ve spent to make this a better world. ?

  258. I know I’m late to the game, but better late than never! Skier Bob, you’re a regular part of my winter routine. Every week I check out your posts to find out where to ski and have explored so much more of the Rockies because of you. Thank you so much for all you’ve done to advance XC skiing for all Albertans!

  259. Lake Windermere WHITEWAY (Advertised as The World’s Longest Skating Rink): Friday Feb 12th Started at Kinsmen Beach in temps around -20 and warmed to -15 (blasting bright sun: where were the Eskimo Slit Goggles?) After skiing all loops and to far end of lake, we reached our desired goal of 31 kms. Supper at FUZE was wonderful, especially to sit down warm and cosy inside. Almost needed “extracting” out of the car at 9pm, but Mission Accomplished for our Virtual Birkie on two opposing teams.

  260. Thanks Steve! Sounds great!

  261. I have a friend in Norway, in Sandvika near Oslo, who ski often, here is their map of ski trails and info on grooming/tracking near Oslo.
    On their web site of the ski association
    I am reading:
    “A total of 16,265 kilometers of ski trails were prepared in 2020. Compared to 43,585 kilometers the year before(2019), it is understood that it was a demanding winter. In some terrain trails, there was not enough snow to prepare at all.”
    Info might be of interest to our groomers and others,
    anyway, thanks for your contribution over the last 13 years,

  262. P.s. We live in Cochrane, so if there are any other trails close to us for the busier work/school days, that would be great to know too!

  263. Hello! My family is new to Calgary and my 9 year old daughter is new to skiing. We’ve been loving WBC and working up through the trails. Moose loop was beautiful on Sunday, if a little slow. Technically the trail was perfect for my daughter, and she is excited to go again, but the length was at her upper limit. Any suggestions for the next set of trails for us that would have nice mountain or trees or any nature scenery views? We are willing to drive a couple of hours. Thank you! Happy skiing! And happy Chinese New Year!

  264. I have loved your blog and will miss it immensely! Thank you for all the time and effort you’ve put into it over the past years. I met you once on Goat Creek and it was a real highlight!

    Could a trail in the Empire be renamed the SkierBob Classic or the Bob Truman Trail!?

  265. I emailed Banff NP info centre about whether Parks Canada could join Nordic Pulse. This has been ‘passed along to management.’

  266. Bob,
    Thanks SO SO much for bringing together the Nordic community through your website.
    I still hope to meet you on the trail someday.
    Best wishes to you,

  267. Hi Bob,
    I concur with your comments regarding the utmost importance of trip reports, on a personal note, the groomers reports are equally important as they provide first hand information and usually before the « official » website.
    Regarding the grooming as seems to only work for Kananaskis Village greater area trails, I have noticed that WBC uses Nordic Pulse to provide a similar colour coded map. What do you think to « push » this option to other ski areas?

  268. I’m still having a hard time accepting the new reality that this blog will not be available next season.
    If someone is going to design a new blog, a few suggestions come to mind:
    1) Anyone wanting to post should be required to create an account including a unique UserName linked to their email. This would eliminate the confusion when two people use the same name, knowingly or unknowingly!
    2) The ‘Search’ function should be allowed to work on contributed Trip Reports. At the moment the ‘Search’ function only works on the Home Page. The Administrator(s) can’t be expected to ski everywhere! Year’s ago our reports did go directly to the Home Page, but that became unmanageable. Users often want to check out the recent reports for a particular trail (or by a particular reporter), so this would facilitate their search.

  269. I’m so sad!! Checking in on your website has been a part of almost every winter day for many years – that being said I realize this is a tremendous amount of work and those are hours you could be out on the trails. Thank you so very very much Bob! Your dedication to sharing good information has been so valuable to a huge community. Thanks for so many years of great service!!

  270. Thank you Bob for creating this wonderful resource for the x-country skiing community! Your site has been the go to place for current trail conditions and everything else x-country skiing for myself and many others for the last 13 years. I’m sure I’ll bump into you on the trails in the future. Until then wishing you all the best!

  271. Thanks, Jeff. I always enjoyed skiing your tracksetting. Skogan Pass, my favorite, has the most elevation of any trails I ski. And Bill Milne – well, its the flattest. So you covered both ends of the spectrum. Enjoy your retirement , and thank you..

  272. Thank you Bob! The positive, welcoming style of your updates has done much more than just inform us about conditions and entertain us with stories. It has created a community of cross country skiers. It has embraced and celebrated all the different ways that we enjoy skiing. Many of us check SkierBob every day, often several times. There was always something new on the site- a new post, fresh trip reports, grooming reports and it was the hub that linked us to more details about weather, grooming reports, etc. But, to accomplish that, you had to be working on the website every single day. What a huge commitment!

    I’m hopeful that your remarkable example will inspire some others to pick up the torch to ensure that something similar will continue on. I expect it may require a team effort.
    Thanks for all that you have done to bring us together! See you on the trails!

  273. Thanks so much Bob for all you have done. I read your blog and the trip reports nearly every day during the x-c ski season. What you created has had value beyond belief. Congratulations

  274. We really can’t add many more accolades Bob. You have a huge loyal fan club, and they have stated it quite eloquently and we echo their sentiments.
    There is nothing but respect and admiration for all your hard work. You give up a lot of your own ski time to help others out, always with a big smile on your face. (And a happy greeting for the canine)
    Thankyou !!

  275. When I read it on CBC today my reaction was Oh No! Will REALLY miss your blog!! Thanks so much for all your work over the years

  276. On behalf of myself, and my humans Chris & Peter, thanks so much for all you’ve done for the XC community, especially where pupsters on trails are concerned – it’s been great to have access for doggies clarified. I know my humans check your page regularly before deciding where we will ski – this input will be sorely missed! Hope to see you on the trails soon!

  277. Chris, Peter & Kazzy Thomas

    So long Jeff, and thanks for all the tracks!

  278. thanks thanks thanks
    Thx BOB, amazing to have used this for so many years

    PLEASE not a FB page. Not all of us rejoice with FB or have accounts.

  279. Cross paths in the future

    the “end “
    So many great comments from all your followers , friends and admirers!
    You deserve them all and more- You covered the basics 10 times over, Always relevant ,interesting ,helpful and sometimes funny!
    I don’t know how you had time to ski!
    And all work on getting PeterLPP Back And successful
    It won’t be the same.
    Sad to hear, but you must need a rest
    hope we will Cross paths in the future

  280. Jeff – Thanks for the many years of great tracksetting! When the weather is very cold, Skogan Pass is my favourite trail. The extreme cold greatly improves grip on the ascent and reduces the need to snowplow on the descent. Very little of the trail is flat or low angle descent where you’d notice the impaired glide. Having enough layers to survive the wind chill on the descent is challenging though!

    Enjoy your retirement in Quebec. I’m sure Alex has been well-trained to carry on the great work the two of you (and others?) have been doing.

  281. Merci Jeff pour ton travail assidu à tracer les pistes pendant toutes ces années. Grâce à toi et ton expertise, on a pu pratiquer un sport de glisse dans des conditions excellentes. Bon retour au Québec et fais-nous savoir qu’elles seront les pistes que tu y traceras!

  282. Hello Jeff, I had the pleasure to meet you a few years ago and I remember you telling me all about pre-Nakiska trails that you had groomed. Just for my sake, on YouTube there is 2015 video of the Skogan pass grooming, was it you?
    Skogan pass and shootouts are my favourite place for a good workout and many thanks for the prefect grooming.
    Bonne retraite au Quebec et un grand merci pour toutes ces années!

  283. Wow, everyone is retiring this winter. What a shame, we’ll miss Jeff’s tracks. Hopefully someone will take over and this isn’t an excuse for the government to end grooming at Ribbon Creek?

  284. It’s good to hear that your knowledge and skills will continue to benefit skiers. And bikers too, I’m guessing. Sounds like Alberta’s loss is Quebec’s gain! Thanks for going above and beyond, Jeff.

  285. Owning a place in Lac Des Arcs (purchased in ’93) made this whole area at Ribbon Creek “my” Nordic Centre. Those many deep snowfalls made Ribbon Creek such a joy to ski. It was and still is a Winter Wonderland. Just last Friday we skied up Coal Mine in perfect conditions; I guess in hindsight, it was in your honour although Alex, your well trained successor, might have groomed it. After Kovach’s loop we skied down from the Hotel (is that trail really called Bill Milne Paved Trail as my Gaia would suggest?) back down to the car, a wonderful pot pourri. It would be awesome if you would list the Top Ten Beefs from an EXPERT Groomer’s perspective before you leave us. Thank you Jeff for your years of service to our deeply loved Kananaskis Country.

  286. What was the second announcement? 🙂

    The second announcement was Ribbon Creek Tracksetter Jeff’s retirement. -Bob

  287. Thank you, Jeff, for your years of dedication! Your retirement is well-deserved! You will surely be missed. All the best to you in your future adventures!

  288. Thanks for all your hard work on the trails, Jeff. I skied on your tracksetting in the 1980’s . How lucky we all were — and are — to have teams like yours. Best wishes for your move to Quebec!

  289. Many thanks to tracksetter Jeff for the his superb tracks in Kananaskis country. You’ll be missed.

  290. What a week of announcements for the x-country community. Another loss it feels but a very deserved retirement for Jeff. Hopefully he is able to pass on his skills before he leaves!
    Thank you Jeff for hours of blissful trails we enjoyed because of you. We have been skiing here since the mid 90’s so we owe a lot of memorable skiing days to you!


    What a fantastic story of the early days of Jeff the Groomer. His early grooming career occurred at a time when the Alberta economy was hurting from very high interest rates, the American oil pull out in protest of the National Energy Program and oil as low as $12 per barrel, about 4 times lower than todays rate of $58.27/ WTI per barrel. This was an age that people in Calgary were selling homes for $1 because the economy was so brutal. Yet the Alberta Government had some intelligence to expand cross country skiing at the time to benefit the health of Albertans and to expand our tourism industry which would help the government books in the longer run. The Progressive Conservative government of the day had so much more tourism vision back in the 1980’s as compared to recent years with the elimination of new open pit coal mines in the mountains, expansion of parks and xc ski trails.

    It would be great to expand the story on Jeff and get more details. I wonder how much input he had on expanding the xc ski trails to make way for the first Piston Bully. It must have been a glorious day to step into such modern technology. He could have been stuck in a Tucker Cat instead!

    To hear that the first Piston Bulley used in the Eastern Slopes of Alberta, which was bought way back in the last century, is still in use today in the glorious Eastern Alberta Cypress Hills is fabulous That is another clear example of why it is better for the government to buy good equipment rather than leasing it. The savings are superior this way and it reduces the cost for xc tracksetting and grooming which is something we all want to see.

    Too bad Jeff is heading to Quebec to retire. Lucky Quebec that will benefit from Alberta’s brain drain. Jeff’s experience would be valuable for the next new Alberta Government after the 2023 election in order to upgrade the Alberta XC ski tourism industry here for the next 7 generations.

  292. Thank you Jeff – wish you all the best in the move!! The trails are always such a dream to glide on. Ribbon creek is where we discovered our love for XC skiing !

  293. All the best to Jeff, wishing him a long and happy retirement. Many thanks for a great job on the trails, I am fortunate enough to have been able to enjoy them these last few years.

  294. Like everyone else who has commented, thank you for your tireless efforts promoting and advocating for cross-country skiing in southern Alberta and eastern BC! May you enjoy whatever you have planned next.

    A coupe of years ago we relocated to B.C.’s Lower Mainland for work. I knew one thing I would truly miss was cross-country skiing in K-Country and WBC. I was right: I’ve been on my skis three times since moving here (and the skiing isn’t the same). I ski vicariously through this blog. =)

  295. Skiing on your tracks in Kananaskis has been pure pleasure! I’m so glad my toddlers got to enjoy your trails on your last season with us too! Your retirement plans sound perfect. Best wishes to you, your wife, and those lucky Quebecois skiers! 🙂

  296. Thank you Skierbob! For all your work putting together timely info and also your generosity in sharing it. Your blog is positive and upbeat, filled with great photos, current conditions, etc. Everyone who submits trip reports has been so willing to give info and tips to help us all have a better experience… Your website has so much helpful info/tips – webcams, weather, maps, competitions, gear, etc. We may not have known about the grooming kerfuffle with the gov but your website rallied us all and hopefully the user pay passes will have made a difference to keeping the tracksetting going. Enjoy your skiing next winter but know that you will be missed a lot.

  297. Thank you Bob for all you and your blog has done for the X-C ski community over the years. Also thank you for bringing together a group of great, thoughtful, kind and generous individuals through the blog. Everyone needs to retire at sometime and you have decided it is your time, so go for it. See you on the trails!

  298. Heartbreaking news. Wonderful to have had this blog for as long as we did – always something to look forward to. All the best!

  299. Thank you, Bob, for all you have done for cross country skiing. I will miss your posts.

  300. Love, love, love the updates and seek them out before heading out. I will certainly miss seeing what Skier Bob says.

  301. Bob you truly paved the way and kept us up to speed on where to go for incredible skiing. Thank you for taking the time to do this! I fondly remember the Lake Louise to Banff relay we did together with the others. Will hopefully see you on the trails!

  302. Thank you for providing such an amazing platform for the xc ski community!! When we moved back to Canada last year our friends told us that we had to follow SkierBob to get the best info about xc skiing…it completely exceeded our expectations. We follow all of your posts & website to help us plan all of our xc ski days. You are going to be sorrily missed and have left a legacy that will live on forever!! Good luck to you and Happy Trails!!!

  303. Bob, your support of the southern Alberta / eastern BC XC community has been outstanding. A hearty congratulations and many thanks.

  304. RIP (retire in peace) SkierBob! It’s been a fantastic journey, for you and many many others. What you have created will endure in more ways than just the technical cogs of a web site. It really is a wonderful inclusive community. Thank you so much for that. Retire with pride. We all look forward to a post covid retirement party when it’s ok to hug again. Maybe one last raffle/contest is in order though: It’s time to pass on the SkiHere toque (literally and figuratively) and don a trip reporter hat. Happy care free skiing Bob and see you on the trail, or better yet, at a relaxing comfortable couch. (-:

  305. Bob, thanks for all that you have done for the Calgary and area cross country ski community. You will be missed! Best of luck for your future endeavours.

  306. My family and I will miss all the comments, trip reports and insight. As with many it was an honour to meet you on the trail a few years ago.

  307. Yes, me too. Will miss you Bob. I check your site every day before I go to sleep and as soon as I wake up. Plus some days even more often. I probably would not have to do it, since I ski with Helen often and I think she is on your web every hour. But I do not blame you, I also am trying to limit my time on the computer and the contrary is happening right now. Maybe you will still change your mind when the next winter comes. Enjoy this one.

  308. The first question I always ask a fellow cross country skier, “Do you follow Skierbob”. The answer is always “Yes”! This site provides so much information and inspiration. It is the first (and pretty much only) site I check on before we head to the trails. Your blog posts,Bob; trip reports; answers to questions, trails conditions; your site is such a huge part of our winter. You will be greatly missed!! Thank you for all you have done for this ski community.

  309. I secretly hoped that somehow, miraculously, this site will go on forever; can’t imagine heading off to the mountains without looking for info here first. Thank you, Mr. Truman, for your great service to the community.

  310. Well, they say that “all good things must come to an end” 🙁
    It’s just that “WE” – the XC Skiers of the EMPIRE aren’t ready to say farewell to what has felt like home base for so many of us for so long. “” has become every skier’s BFF 😉
    BOB: Thanks for your dedication & the many hours you devoted to your exceptional website – a true labour of love! So grateful to you for sharing it with us for these many years!
    Best wishes to you as you “retire” to the freedom of the many happy trails ahead!
    Cheers to you!

  311. Bob, you deserve our thanks! I recall when we first started to xc ski, how frustrating it was to glean a little information from the websites, and then just how relieved we were to find your humble “home page”. Kudos for what you’ve accomplished here! Grateful that your webpage doesn’t demand to turn us into a product.

  312. Thank you Bob for all the work you did over the years.
    For years you have been our #1 resource to decide where we would ski.
    I also love how positive you were and always stayed away from criticizing anyone or anything.
    Whoever is thinking to take over will have BIG shoes to fill.
    Thank you, thank you and looking forward to meeting on the trails for many more years.
    Sophie & Andrew

  313. Bob… you’ve built a wonderful following thanks to your ongoing passion, engagement, and willingness to tackle/facilitate many challenging issues. You’ve given voice to the average person (comments, reports, etc), enabled and solicited engagement and participation from many, and even though this is a very simplistic blog/forum it is true to it’s cause and maximizes utility. You’ve managed to help keep much of the cr@p off this site (ie: poor comments, trolls, bad advertising, “selling out”, etc…).
    Between you, and the many contributors, you’ve helped so so many of us find anticipation, joy, and share our crazy/gleeful moments on ye ‘ole misery sticks.
    Hopefully you will entertain many out on the trails as we encounter you. Hopefully you have some swag you can find a way to offload (hint: fundraiser for ski-related services).
    Hopefully you will consider some form of “hand-off” and/or continuation in whatever form this site and you would support?

    Thank you for the few times you referenced any of my posts. Thank you for some of the personal notes over the years too. Thank you.

    As you ski off to the end of the tracks… be proud man. Be proud.

    Thank you.

    (dangit… dunno how this became a long drawn-out note)…

  314. Tears are running down my face. What will we do without you Bob??? You leave a lasting legacy and the XC community was very fortunate to have you for as long as we did. Thanks for everything!!! Happy Trails 🙂

  315. Bob thanks for all you have done for the cross country ski community with much appreciation from Janice and Charlie Perry .

    One last poem for the Blog for you Bob by Janice

    When looking for a good cross country ski source
    Everybody tunes in to Skier Bob’s Blog of course

    Information on trails, conditions, maps, and stories
    Anecdotes and photos of skiers in all their glory

    Bob’s camera ensures a picture says a thousand words
    As we see scenic trails, happy skiers, mammals and birds

    Let’s not forget all the contests and prizes
    There’s always something wonderful to surprise us

    Informative trip reports bring our ski community together
    Details of trails, waxes, conditions and weather

    Everything you need is in one place
    Hopefully the info won’t disappear without a trace

    If you lost something on the trail don’t sob
    Look for it in the Lost and Found section of Skier Bob

    Looking for information on Loppets to try
    Find this on Skier Bob in a blink of an eye

    Not sure where to ski with your dog
    There’s even a section to help on Bob’s blog

    Need to write a letter to the government to lobby
    Get all the information on the Blog of skier Bobby

    Want to ensure you have great conditions for your favorite sport
    Just click on the section titled Grooming Reports

    Bob you have made so many friends on the trail
    Now its time to just ski and enjoy your fan mail.

  316. BARB aka the snow fairy

    Thank you for your beautiful blogs and excellent reporting. You’ll be missed Bob! Happy Ski Trails.

  317. All of my friends and I say (when deciding anything relating to xc skiing) “but what does it say on SkierBob?”. You will be missed greatly. THANK YOU so much for everything that you have done, and the way you have done it – such grace and positivity – what a great spokesperson for xc skiing.

    Hope to see you on the trails!

  318. Bob, what will we do without you! You’ve become a legend in the xc ski community. Thank you so much for your years of dedication to providing us with so much information about our favourite sport! I certainly hope you never lose your passion for skiing – maybe you can get out even more now! We’ll be looking forward to seeing your trip reports in whatever new blog rises from the ashes! Happy ski trails, Bob!

  319. Thanks a lot Bob for the commitment on your website over the years, in being the common thread of the skiing community in the Calgary and Rocky Mountain areas. Whether it was for track-set, flat-pack, knee-deep trail breaking or powder turns, there was always a good snow all-you-can-climb’nglide buffet on the website. It will be a tough task to replicate the same standards and wealth of info we could find before and after any ski adventures. Hopefully, there will be a unique place for all the regular contributors to share their stories and all of us to gain valuable information.

    I enjoyed reading all accounts daily, especially those from Helen, Alf, Chuck, MaSid, MAAD, Mike W. et al. Knowing where all those contributors will post their reports starting this fall, to get accurate info on trail and snow conditions as well as photo galleries, would be great to fuel up on each other outings. Ski safe.

  320. Bob, Empires come and go, but not many, if any, depart at the height of their powers. Skierbob has been an invaluable resource to me over the past many years. Many thanks for your significant contribution to our winter pleasure.

  321. Devasting news – just devasting! We are mourning the loss of this exceptional website.
    We actually get “all the news we need” on the Skierbob report!
    What will we do every evening and early morning without checking out who went where, and what they found?
    We luckily discovered this site about 8 years ago and what a blessing it was. We learned so much and were incredibly inspired by so many of your Trip Reporter’s exploits. What an incredible crew of reporters.
    Great job Bob – you are star and we can’t thank you enough for all your hard work and dedication to the sport. Your website is REALLY going to be missed in our household.
    Enjoy your new schedule and we look forward to seeing you the Skierbob Special in PLPP.
    3 Cheers to you – JR & Karen

  322. You are a LEGEND. Thank you for the years of information, insight and communication. I hope someone can fill the BIG shoes you leave behind so we can continue this awesome community of active peeps sharing knowledge and trail tips.

    Thanks again ROCKSTAR BOB!!

  323. Wow! You’ve been my go-to website to figure out where to go skiing for the last decade!
    I will miss this structure (as opposed to the FB structure), but understand the need to step-back at times.
    Thanks for everything you’ve done for the community.

  324. Bob,
    I can’t imagine a ski season without you and your BLog Bob. 🙁 . But I completely understand your decision. I was just saying to a friend on the weekend it must be so much work for you to maintain this blog as well as you do. I can’t remember how many years ago I started tuning in but it was many.
    Thank you so much for all you’ve done for the x country ski community and for announcing this now instead of end of the season. Other bloggers may take on this challenge but it’ll never be the same or as great as yours.

    Rhonda W

  325. Thank you SkierBob!

    Identifying primarily as a backcountry skier I have nevertheless found your blog to be extremely valuable and entertaining.

    Hopefully someone with a lot of time on their hands will *just get off the couch* and pick up the reins.

  326. Thanks Bob for your great contribution over the years.

    I, and some friends were some of the first groups (from Edmonton and Vancouver) greeting you on Pocatera 15 or so years ago, and followed you on this blog ever since.

    Your notes, friendly banter and pix lightened up the day:-). Now that the Long Loop (cca 30km) from WWL is too much of a challenge for me , I do my skiing in Edmonton and view this blog to reminisce!! Alas, with warmer winters the XC tracks are rather unreliable here. So I went to the dark side, to down-hill skiing at Snow Valley, Edmonton. They groom every night, so ice is not a problem.
    Thanks again, good health and all the best, Emry

  327. Thanks Bob, I refer to your blog often. I appreciate all the effort you have contributed to our community.

  328. Thanks Bob for all the years of providing a great platform for trail information. This has been a big part of our trip planning. While Skierbob blog may ski into the sunset, hope to see you on the trails. Warm hearted thank you.

  329. Thanks for everything that you do for cross country skiing Bob, we are very grateful for the vast amount of information you provided, and for the community you have fostered with your website. It will always be the SkierBob Empire, best wishes!

  330. Thanks for all your hard work over the years, I don’t know how to manage without this site. I hope someone else can take it over, or start a similar one.

  331. Thanks Bob, for all the effort you’ve put into this website over the years. I find that just posting a trip report with photos is a lot of work, let alone what you have to do on a daily basis. Hopefully you’ll have more time now to go skiing! Just post your phone number at the top of your home page so we can all phone you to find out where to ski! <>

    Similar to MAAD’s idea, perhaps a XC ski shop or a ski club would be interested in setting up a similar website. That way, the work could be split between several people.

  332. Thanks for all your hard work! I have treasured this site and the community it has forged. Wishing all the best in your new adventures!

  333. I just wanted to say thanks, Bob! We appreciate everything you’ve done for our local ski community. Enjoy the next chapter, you deserve it.

  334. Skier Bob,

    Thank you for all the years I’ve turned to Skierbob to check trail conditions & reports & enjoy folks’ shares!

    Enjoy retirement from managing the blog & hopefully see you on a trail!

  335. Our small group has found your blog so helpful over the years. So so appreciated! Thank you for your tireless efforts. Wishing you the best.

  336. Absolutely new to cross country. Have never tried and really want to try. I am a single mother and have a very athletic and coordinated 9 yr old and was hoping there was a place I could get a quick lesson or an intro lesson for half of a day ( a couple of hours ) in the Canmore area

    Does such a thing exist ?

  337. It won’t be the same, but you’ve certainly done more than your share for the rest of us over the years. Thanks, Bob!

  338. Skierbob's Groupie

    You are Skierbob, professional, star quality, ski royalty extraordinaire. You started your own blog, Skierbob Banana Republic in 2008 because you found your passion for skiing. It was a great idea as you wanted to provide all the information that you became interested in, in one location.This information took a tremendous amount of time to accumulate as well as providing a one-stop blog to obtain all the answers for others who enjoyed this sport as well, and wanted this same knowledge and could find it all in one place. I am sure it took you a lot of time to contact all of your support people, experts, government contacts, groomers, and of course introduce yourself to each of them to explain your idea and concept of your blog.

    By reading your blog today, I can see why many people read it as they all can see the amount of time and effort you put into it. I can also see it has been a time consuming passion of yours. Not only did you get the support from others, you compiled excessive amounts of material from individual sites to provide complete and necessary information to aficionados like yourself who are looking for similar information also for enthusiastic beginners. You answer so many questions daily on your blog and while some of the questions don’t appear to pertain directly to this sport, you still faithfully supply what information you can. I am amazed at how you find some of the information sometimes to help others. So may enthusiasts want to know: the weather today, tomorrow and the amounts of snowfall, the condition of the snow, and even potential storms, when the trails were last groomed, the condition of the trails, any trail hazards, or hidden curves and training or speed hills. Besides all that people want to know wax treatments for the skis in any weather, parking availability or restrictions. On top of all of this you took the lead in compiling more information and contacting everyone to help push the voluntary purchase of parking passes, to support the continued upkeep of the ski trails. So once everyone reads these facts, you further entice them to go skiing right now by showing all those gorgeous pictures taken by your friends and of course your own. As one person stated on your blog, this is a gold mine!

    This blog isn’t all hard work for you though there is a lot to do. You must get off the ski couch and ski around yourself, talk to numerous people, say hello to all the beautiful dogs (you talk to them all). You talk to as many people as you can, you are friendly and concerned, asking everyone how they are and if they have any issues. It is all about your ambassadorship for skiing and treating everyone as part of your skiing family, Skierbob Banana Republic X-Country Skiing.

    No wonder you are known as a celebrity on the slopes Skierbob! You blog is a one-stop dynamite place where you have provided your own attachments and insight into the contribution from others. This sight is a part of you, the humour, the honesty, it is your heart. It’s a joy for all of us to read and take advantage of your knowledge and facts. Thank you for all of your dedication.

  339. This and Kamloops trails are my two favorite, resourceful and most helpful blogs I’ve ever subscribed to.

    Well done and your work was most appreciated!

    Hopefully someone will carry on all the resources you’ve built up.

  340. I have been reading your blog for many years. Thanks for all you have done! Catch you on the trails 🙂

  341. Nooooooooooooooooooooo!

    Rats. Thanks a lot for all the work you’ve put into this site over the years. Thanks to you and the people you’ve brought into your world, I’ve discovered new places to ski, learned a lot about the sport, and have found a community I’m happy to be part of. I’m convinced that a big reason there are so many people on the trails this year is due to the access to information you’ve been providing.

    Thanks again, and hopefully I’ll finally run into you on the trails one day!

  342. As the novice XC Skier 7 years ago, Bob, your blog was the first source I found which inspirited and informatized my wife and myself searching for joys of freezing winters. Thank you very much for over-years efforts running the blog. Wish you all the best.

  343. Bob you have made a measurable and considerable impact on our xc skiing community. Thank you so much for your dedication and enthusiasm for this wonderful sport. Wishing you a happy “retirement” and now more time for getting out on those trails you love. All the very best!

  344. Thanks for everything you’ve done. I promise to do my part to keep things going in the Facebook group (apparently we have 6000 members!)
    Starting a new blog isn’t in my future but I hope somebody is inspired to do so.

    You’ll be missed. I’ve visited your site nearly daily over the past several years.

  345. It’s clear this website has been a labour of love for you over the years, Bob. We cross country skiers have benefited significantly from your commitment and dedication to providing this forum to share information and encouraging a sense of community for all us. Thank you! and Happy Trails!

  346. Bob, it’s just the start of a new trail for you! Thanks so much, your blog has done so much for cross-country skiing.

  347. Annika Lindh Cully

    I’m sorry to hear this as your site has been a real source of inspiration for me! When I moved to Calgary from my home country of Sweden I found your site pretty fast and it has helped me feel more at home here, it has inspired many trips with my family. Thanks for all the work with keeping it such a current and relevant site. I will miss it!

  348. But I just signed up yesterday!! Sounds like you have been a great asset to this community and will be missed. All the best:)

  349. Hi Bob
    I’m sad to hear that you’re intending to end your website this season. It’s an amazing site. I wish I had known it in 2008. I’ve recommended it to many skiers.
    I understand that it’s a lot of work to keep it up.
    I’m sure you will be out on your skis on the trails you love.
    Take care and keep skiing!

  350. Will miss you Bob! Thanks for an amazing blog – we read it all the time and will continue to look back on all the wealth of information you have provided to the cross-country skiing community! Thanks for keeping the site on.
    Hope you can enjoy your skiing even more now!

  351. Thanks so much for your dedication and hard work, Bob. The terrific information in your blogg has been a great help to our small cross-country ski group. We will miss you!

  352. Your blog will be sorely missed! There’s such a community feel to it- skiers sharing photos, trail updates, photos of wildlife or dogs encountered, etc.
    I hope there is someone out there willing to continue with a blog as many folks prefer an emailed blog to using Facebook, although it’s great to have both.
    Thank you and happy trails.


    Shutting down SkierBob will harsh the XC Ski Nation’s buzz.

    I hope you are going to shift to Making Alberta A Democracy now!

    Thanks for the great service Bob.

    Ski long and prosper.

    (PS Sell your website to a ski shop)

  354. Bob, you have done a fabulous job in conveying a worth of info to hundreds of enthusiastic Skiers. I am blind and your blogs really helped me to choose where I could to and safely ski. Truly, we will miss you. Thanks indeed. I hope someone else takes over to administer your site or starts another one. May God bless you.

  355. AJ and Ellen Flesch

    We’ve really appreciated this site for a wealth of reasons. You have created a community and injected us all with tremendous spirit for the winter season. We will all miss you. Does one have to have a FB account to access the FB site? We do not have a FB account. Please someone think about picking up the mantle. I nominate Helen. But I know there are several others that get out daily.

  356. There is not a day in winter when I don’t read all the updates / trip reports to plan my next outing……the blog will be sorely missed and for sure you would deserve a proper send off at the end of the ski season from all the readers / trip reporters! Would you consider letting a group of aficionados take over the blog and continue your “oeuvre” or are you more inclined to just close the blog?
    In any case many many thanks for the time and energy you dedicated to the ski community and being such a great ambassador to this sport.

  357. I just got back into XC skiing before Christmas and your site as recommended by a long time follower of yours (thanks Rhonda) was instrumental in getting me the information needed to facilitate a fast and informative launch! Thank you so much, Bob!

  358. Thank you for a great website So nice to have access to all the information! A job well done!

  359. Thanks Bob, for doing so much for the xc ski community!
    Don’t put that camera away, though.

  360. Wow, this blog will sure be missed! I’ve only started cross country skiing this year but I appreciate all the work you (and others) have put in over the years. Also, meeting you on the trail and having my photo make it onto the blog was a special memory from this year – yes, I sent it to my parents because I think it’s a big deal! I’ve really enjoyed visiting and I’ll be sad to not check this site every morning next winter. Thank you again!!!

  361. Warren Smith, Olds.

    Is there a more useful, comprehensive and appreciated xc ski blog in the Universe than the skierbob universe? I think not. Entertaining and helpful, principled and ethical. Thank you, Bob.

  362. I feel as though a dear friend is about to pass away. The memories will linger on, long after a “new” initiative emerges.
    Happy trails Bob!

  363. Thank you so much for your enormous volunteer contribution to the XC skiing community. Your site contains so much valuable information. You will be missed, I hope to thank you in person soon.

  364. Mary Catherine MacLaren

    Thanks so much Bob! My husband and I have Loved your blog and have viewed it for years as we love x-country skiing and find your blog to be so informative!
    you will be sorely missed!

  365. A heartfelt thank you. Your work on behalf of the skiing community is so greatly appreciated.

  366. Its a very sad day to hear this news Bob, thank you for all you’ve done for our skiing community, I’m personally very appreciative of the tremendous energy you’ve put into Skier Bob, awesome, awesome job

  367. Wow you will be sorely missed! This blog has been such a benefit to all of us who love cross country skiing… hope to meet you on the trail someday and thank you in person.

  368. Thanks for all you have done Bob. I have enjoyed reading your blog for years and I appreciate the huge volunteer commitment you have provided.

  369. If you’re looking for somewhere to ski without the extreme cold, I suggest Mars. The latest weather (Feb 4) from the Curiosity Rover is sunny with a high of -6C! You don’t have to worry about wind chill because of Mars’ minimal atmosphere. Because Mars has only a third of Earth’s gravity, getting up hills will be a breeze (without the breeze). Great views everywhere! (Unfortunately Mars is a bit too far from Earth to spot MaSid’s East Elk Pass wind wall.)

    I recommend skin skis with a Teflon base. As an extra bonus, a Parking Pass is not required. Safety Tip – Get back before dark; the overnight low is -74C. – Hey Bob, how about adding this link to your Weather menu?

  370. The population of the Calgary/Southern Alberta region has tripled since the 1980’s.
    Except for the creation of the Canmore Nordic Centre and the addition of new trails by West Bragg Creek volunteers, the actual amount of XC ski trails in Kananaskis Country has decreased. There has been no comprehensive plan in the past 30 years to address the increased demand for outdoor recreation that results from this regional population increase. Successive governments since Don Getty and Ralph Klein have cut funding for trails. The NDP did create the Castle Parks and invested in trail and infrastructure upgrades in Kananaskis.
    The UCP governments helpful plan is to have Australian companies remove mountain tops and sell the coal for nothing to China… and to turn the rest of the public lands over to OHV users.
    Peter Lougheed would be ashamed of the lack of leadership and vision.

  371. In PLPP we also lost part of Boulton Creek due to the flood. This were subsequently replaced, though I preferred the original. Sunshine used to groom and trackset trails up in the village on a regular basis and even had a nordic lift pass that allowed a ride up the gondola and one ride up either Strawberry or WaWa. There was one loop above WaWa, a loop in the meadows beyond Strawberry and a loop below the village. I don’t know what the total km was. Last time I was at Sunshine it looked like the loop below the village was groomed for skating, though without a season pass you’d have to pay the full lift price to get up there.

  372. This morning I observed a couple of ice flows starting along Mountain View West in WBC. I suspect there may be a few others lurking and slowly growing.

  373. Before your time Bob pre 1988 Ribbon Creek had almost 68 km of groomed trails. The trails around the Nakiska ski area like Stump Meadow, Timber Trail an extended Coal Mine and Ruthie’s were some of the best ski trails in Kananaskis.

  374. According to the latest news and weather the empire’s assets will be frozen this weekend.

  375. Very little tracksetting at CNC. Some trails were groomed. Quite disappointing really.

  376. Hello – I have had a number of hip surgeries and walk with a cane, however I have been able to do some limited skiing on nordic trails. As part as my rehabilitation I would like to get back on x-country skis. I need flat trails as even the slightest incline can throw off my balance. I did ok at the East Village Loop in Calgary and I have read that the Wedge Connector may be good for me in Kananaskis. If anyone has any other thoughts on where to find very flat tracks for me to practice and get my confidence up — please share!!

    Many thanks

  377. Thanks again for all these links and resources. When the Pandemic ends I will have to quit my job so I can explore all these gorgeous places on skis!

  378. It’s good to know that there’s more detailed information on the grooming in PLPP. What puzzles me is that Amos, Wheeler, and Woolley were last groomed on Jan. 17, while Braille, Lodgepole, and Sinclair have been groomed 3 times since then (Jan. 19, Jan. 26, and Feb. 2). Blueberry, Elk Pass, and Patterson were last groomed on Jan. 20. I thought that there might be more of a regular rotation in the trail grooming, as in past years.

  379. Great way-back referencing! I’ve got the revised ed. in my library aside David Rees’ xc compendium and Savage’s Ski Alberta. Question: what of these old gems? Whitehorn Loops; Sundance & Sunshine nordic trails; Johnson Lake Loops; Chester/Sawmill & Kananaskis Golf Course networks —some easy light touring trails that a new generation of skiers can explore.

  380. Thank you Helen, Doug and Roy- I appreciate the information and look forward to checking out those sites– and those trails eventually. Enjoy the bounty of snow you are getting!

  381. Kevin: I am partial to Yoho area and they have a smaller hotel in Field, BC called Truffled Pigs which I believe has 12 rooms and is complete with a very funky restaurant. Prices were very reasonable and a month ago hubby and I stayed there and were offered a discount for being members of Kicking Horse Ski Club ($50/yr). Trails available at that end and within 12 kms are: Lake O’Hara Fire Road (11 kms up one way), O’Hara end of Great Divide which one can ski to Lk Louise (11 kms.), Yoho Valley Road (5 kms or more if avalanche danger LOW), Tally Ho (right from Field Info Centre) takes you to The Connector (7 kms) which then takes you all way to Emerald Lk., and at Natural Bridge can ski Kicking Horse Fire Rd (7 kms). and scenic winner of all: Alluvial Fan at end of Emerald Lk. (8 kms starting at parking lot of Emerald Lk). Only problem is after a BIG storm, sometimes Trans Canada can be temporarily closed for avalanche control. They also have a CANSI level xc ski instructor who lives in Field, who is active in above.

  382. Kimberley has the best Nordic Center between Rossland and Canmore. It is also halfway between the two towns.


    This website appears to have lots of info about xc skiing areas in the Kootenays.

  384. I trust every one in The Domain is hoping for some early sunbeams tomorrow morning so Balzac Billie’s prognostication will be for 6 more weeks of “Let Snow Let it Snow Let it Snow.

  385. Hi Bob,

    It is so fun to read these precious articles. Really appreciated. Thanks for sharing.

  386. Those are Pine Marten tracks!

  387. TFKIR

    Thanks For Keeping It Real.


    Peter Lougheed was the only quasi decent Premier in my life time who expanded Alberta owned oil and gas infrastructure to generate non tax revenues. Back in his day as Premier oil royalties were at least 43% higher which enabled Albertans to have so many more government services with less oil production. Today, with oil prices higher than the Lougheed days, most of the royalty reduced public oil wealth is being funneled to supporters of the Conservatives rather than the owners of the resource- you. This is one of the reasons why there is a reduction in the quantity and quality of ski trails in Alberta today as compared to the last century.

    If we lived in a real democracy where you are given the legalized right to vote on government bills as well as having citizen-initiated legislation, you can bet Albertans would utilize their resource assets in a superior way to the neo conservatives and we would have an expansion of our parks not a decrease. That is why we need to Make Alberta A Democracy- for the betterment of Alberta and our future. Ski trails not pipelines to no where.

  389. And now, thanks to our latest version of politicians, we have parking fees at trailheads, a closed Barrier Lake Information Centre, etc. Time does not always improve matters.

  390. Wow, so different from the current crop of Alberta politicians, who do not give a hoot about the environment unless they can make money from it. Can you imagine the Jason Kenney Provincial Park? I can’t!

  391. I met Bill Milne in a professional capacity in his later years when he sat as a member on the Calgary Planning Commission. I didn’t know at the time his involvement in the protection and creation of kananaskis. It would have been fantastic to thank him personally and directly for the immense value it has provided.

  392. Excellent bit of trivia Bob. Including Sandy McNabb, WBC, Mt. Shark, and PLPP, there are approximately 200kms of groomed trails in Kananaskis today.

  393. I thought everyone had a copy of this!

  394. Great photos, thanks, Skier Bob!

  395. Agree with all you wrote Skierbob-trails were in fantastic condition ( even enough snow at the underpass near Lake Louise to ski through) and sunny blue skies made for the perfect temperature. And after all these years of following your blog I finally saw you on the trail. You passed me about 2km from my finish at Castle Junction and asked if I was doing the loppet and wished me luck. Wished I had stopped to chat but I was stunned by the celebrity siting and bonking from low sugar. Highlight of the ski!

  396. Congratulations to all who did this one. Great stamina.

  397. Hello. I’m looking for trails that are the next step up from “Beginner Trails 101 – The easy trails for raw beginners”. I’m comfortable on the intermediate trails at West Bragg Creek and I’m looking for somewhere else to ski for a change of scenery, ideally not too far from Calgary. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thank you! Rachel

  398. What a beautiful day! Thanks for helping us with waxing Tennessee’s skis 🙂 As beginners we are really loving the sport, the warm community, and this site. Thanks for all you do, Bob.

  399. Skied Ribbon Creek 10:30-12:30. Still good track-set with some fresh snow lightly falling as I started & bit heavier towards the end. It must be wet snow as I really had to scrape off snow packed on bottom of boots when I finished. I skied Kovach-Aspen-Kovach-Terrace.

    Took a break at the picnic table Kovach/Aspen & had to scrape snow build up off my waxless skis, otherwise it was fine.

    Please buy a pass to support tracksetting so it’s continued next year!

  400. Mt Shark: there was more snow overnight and all morning/early aft. Some icing around the lunch/early aft period, then better when it cooled off again. Enough travel to pack it all down for good tracks tomorrow. Didn’t notice any overhanging branches along green loop at all.

  401. Great shots.

    Here’s one I have of a bighorn bidding us adieu on the last day of skiing up at Highwood Pass one year.

  402. Thanks for the early report Bob. Now I know what to do today.

  403. Can you connect West and East Elk Pass or is EEP just an out and back?
    I’ve skied WEP to both couches there and climbed back up the power line.
    I’ve also connected WEP to Blueberry.
    Trying to picture this new area I haven’t explored yet.
    Anybody got a map of the whole area, couches and routes all labeled?

  404. They say the East Elk Pass Wind Wall is visible from outer space.

  405. Couch H2.0 is where it’s at in good weather. A bit cooler than west elk pass normally, unless a pure west wind. East elk better protected from west wind than west elk. East elk exposed more to south wind, hence the large wind wall. Best done when completely clear for the long view to the south. Unfortunately there was cloud down that way today, obscuring the far off peaks.

  406. It is always exciting to see a moose on a trail, even if they ruin it.

  407. Hello, I am an advanced skier, however due to a head injury I am very limited as to what o can ski for now. My limit is about 8km on a good day, but usually only 4 or 5 km. Elevation is difficult, can handle only about 100m. I am from Jasper and will be visiting the Banff area for 3 weeks. Can anyone recommend some dog-friendly trails that fall within my limitations. Thank you so much for your help.

  408. Skier bob! You’ve made my parents Doug and Sandy famous! They have been published on the renowned skier bob website. Thank you for the great content and giving them their internet fame.

  409. Hey there! Just wondering if you think Cascade Valley is a viable option for someone who has only ever cross-country skied Mt Shark/Watridge Lake and Castle Lookout to Baker Creek. Endurance is not an issue, but general technique/confidence with going uphill and downhill still needs some work 🙂

  410. Hi All;

    I’m going to head out for my first time tomorrow and try the “Great Divide/old 1a” trail. I was planning to stop at the Lake Louise visitor centre to pickup some winter trail brochures so that I have my own copies to keep in my pack. It looks like the visitor centre is closed tho.

    Would anyone know where else I can pickup copies of the brochure maps?

    Any advice is much appreciated. Thank you.

  411. The Cuthead cabin saga looks very tempting but also a bit daunting for an old timer, I just need to convince a friend of mine to accompany me! Thanks for sharing this adventure SaraM , Chuck , Mike W and MAAD
    I remember a post from Chuck (correct me if I am wrong) from a couple of years ago of an extraordinary trip of 80k to where bisons have been released, this would set the bar higher….

  412. Just wanted to note that the final part of the track I set to the cabin differs from Chuck’s description. Instead of heading north at the 23.6km junction and then cutting through the forest to reach the cabin, I turned left towards Flint’s Park and then took the trail the branches off to the right at Cuthead Creek to the cabin. So if someone wants to do a little more trail-breaking, Chuck’s route from the junction is still available!

  413. Without doubt Tyrwhitt is the most beautiful and skiable trail in the skier Bob domain. I was there as well today and was awestruck.

  414. I checked the alberta parks online library, no sign of these brochures yet. Good grief, you’d think if they were in money saving mode that’d be the first place they put them.


    The elk skeleton was Chuck’s photos of the year for sure. This is what wilderness looks like.

  416. Dang! Double Super Secret Couch didn’t stay secret for long.

  417. Re Chuck’s “single track right of way”: I thought that if there was space for two tracks that the “right hand rule” still applied. Skiers often get out of the track anyway on the downhill sections to better perform a snowplow or to obtain a wider stance for stability.

  418. Good to see you yesterday Bob, if only just to say hi as we went down the hill! And thanks for stepping out of the track, much appreciated!

  419. I love reading your posts and often get excited about trying many of these trails, which are new to me. What I would really enjoy is if you would let us “out of towners” know where these locations are. Just a thought.

  420. Bob- your wish is my command! A couch picture:
    After clearing the fresh snow and stomping the area a bit, we enjoyed the panoramic view and lunch in the sun. Thanks, MaSid!
    We passed by again later on the blue loop (pipestone#20) at around 3- the couch was still catching the rays. I will add that the sometimes challenging hills on the blue loop were in possibly the best shape that I can remember for skiing downhill, while leashed to an eager retriever.

    Thanks, Steve. I’ve added the photo to my update. -Bob

  421. It is more than frustrating. It is dangerous. On December 30, I was going downhill on Trappers heading to Sundog and the tip of my ski got caught on a “pothole” like the one on the first picture. I hit the ground so hard, I developed a hematoma on my right lower leg (not just a bruise). Still swollen and sore.

  422. Philippe in Calgary

    It is an unwelcome surprise to see the potholes and deposits left by horse riders on the set tracks at West Bragg. In my innocence I thought that the horse crowd was somehow more aware and considerate of other users than the usual targets of XC skiers’ frustration, rutting bikers and trampling hikers. I will never look at a horse train at WBC the same way again. Most disappointing.

  423. Hi, Everyone,

    I am an intermediate skier new to kananaskis area thinking of do a loop starting from Ribbon creek parking lot along ribbon creek, link, and kovach back to parking lot. Just wondering whether there is any really big hill/tight area along the route. Thx

  424. Speaking of Emerald Lake, every year them I ask about the Woodies, every year I hear crickets

  425. Hi everyone, can anyone describe for me the beginner-friendliness of the trails that are marked as Green from the Pipestone area (Hector, Drummond, Merlin?) This is my first season but I’ve been out a lot and had some instruction, I can manage long gradual hills or steeper short ones but I would prefer to avoid longer, steeper hills or hills with turns.

  426. Wait, did I read that right?

    “An expert is a beginner who has done anything once.”

  427. Hi West Bragg Creek Skiers,

    Had a number of close calls when yesterday when coming down steep hills and almost running into dogs. I know they are allowed to be off leash. But if they are really playful and friendly this can be super scary for those who are not confident skiers. I know it is great to let them run and they look so happy. Please just be mindful to call them back, especially before slopes.

  428. Hi, brand new skier here. I’m wondering what the proper etiquette is when the trail is only a single set track? Who is “supposed” to get off the track to allow a faster skier to pass, or another example would be when one is coming down a hill in the tracks while someone is coming up.
    Any feedback regarder proper ski etiquette in general is also welcome 🙂


  429. Thanks so much for this! It’s also a great list for pregnant ladies like myself 🙂 Up to now I’ve been using Confed golf course, which is another great start for beginners!

  430. Outstanding! Very good selection, in my opinion.

  431. Thank you thank you thank you for the info to beginners. I really want to experience skiing in the . mountains, but have been Uber reluctant to head out and end up on a track beyond my limited ability. This blog was sooooo timely. Thanks!

  432. Hello skiers
    One thing I would like added to the recommendations is where to park (for example north side of lot) and where to start the trail (example -once you park on the north side, the trail starts on the far east side of the parking lot). I was a beginner fairly recently and would stand looking stupid in the parking lot until someone helped me out.
    Thanks for this website as it is very helpful to all skiers.

  433. I hope this guide includes “things not to do”, like that first bit from the Goat Creek parking lot on the Canmore side down the hill to the start of the trail! I went down it Saturday, and the same couple of rocks were there from when I did it ~3 years ago, the path was just as narrow right beside the [running] creek. and it is still all around sketchy! I’ve skied all my life, and was again amazed I didn’t mangle and/or soak myself before even getting started!
    Happy trails,

  434. Thank you again for your efforts into confirming dog-friendly trails, we responsible owners/skiers appreciate it!

  435. Is the PLPP maintenance compound forecast from Weather Network Boulton?

  436. This coverage reminds me of a quote I heard recently upon meeting Kevin & Leslie on the Goat Creek trail. Leslie said “When I retire, I want to become a SkierBob reporter”.
    Well, I don’t know if I should pass on this photographing secret just yet, but I just say “Wanna SMILE for Skier Bob!”. It works, at least until they realize that I am not Skier Bob!

  437. Thank you for the positive comments on the Redearth trail. It’s really nice to see people out enjoying the park and this trail in particular. I am currently responsible for the grooming which has been done up to this point, and am pleased to see that people are enjoying the most recent work done on the trail. Let’s hope the snow continues so we may keep the trail in good shape for all users. Thank you to anyone who has provided feedback, both good and bad, please continue to offer your comments, but try not to be too harsh 😉

  438. I would like to thank you so very very much the groomers and the volunteers. Could enjoy Pocaterra and Ribbon with tones of joy. THANK YOU

  439. Even walking on the flat part in middle beside tracks on ups and downs is dangerous for skiers as shoe imprints make holes that cause crashes as skiers ski down hills. So many hikers now and walking by twos and threes beside each other rather than single file on the outside edge of tracks. Definitely need better signage for ski only trails and tickets. But if it’s not government groomed trails who is going to give out tickets?
    Do hikers need some of their own hiker only groomed hard packed trails? Some snowshoers also seem to like groomed hard packed trails as well (maybe easier for the less strenuous working
    snowshoers?) This way they can all get on board with helping chip in on parking passes to keep trails groomed and trails accessible!

  440. Thank you for posting about this important conversation Bob. These are unprecedented times for new people heading outdoors. Sandy Mcnabb has always had some crossover, where people would walk on the ski trails, but nothing close to what I’ve seen this year. I think having clear signage at all trail entrances is important, but also maybe using social media to spread the message? People new to outdoor winter activity are going to need to hear this message more than once. I think if we are kind, and if possible add a bit of humor, it might make the message more palatable. Try not to let the few ‘entitled’ folks wreck our attitude for the many many who just haven’t thought about it and don’t realize.

    If any groomers read this message, I have a question. Is it technically possible, to create a hardened trail (like the trackset area) but just flat, and off of the ski track? I’m not sure if I’ve described that well…. Like one of the previous posters noted, the hardened ski track area is very enticing. I’m trying to think of future solutions moving forward, and I don’t have the knowledge base for how ‘grooming’ works. I just know I love how the trails turn out at the end of it, and can see how inexperience hikers are drawn to them.

  441. We skied Hummingbird Plume today. Someone had driven a 4×4 for about 700m along the Skogan Pass trail just as it heads North from Mount Allen Drive (Nakiska Road). Now if that doesn’t mess up a trail. My wife fell on part of the ruts left behind. Wish there was a big enough sign or stick!

  442. In some cases signage is indeed ambiguous. For instance yesterday when I skied the entire network south of Ribbon Creek I noticed that it often depends on where you enter the trail. In one case one junction indicated skier only and the very next junction (coming the opposite way) was signed “share the trail”. Even if the signage is clear as is the case for some WBC trails (the yellow ones, not those blue skier signs that Tanya mentioned) or most trails at PLPP it does not seem to matter to some entitled users. I find that WBC is particularly bad, perhaps because of the sheer number of users. I think that parks need to enforce the rules and ticket people. If it becomes expensive to walk on groomed trails, people will stop doing it. You almost never see dogs on cross country trails in PPLP because when that rule changed it was enforced.

  443. I feel like some signs just aren’t clear enough. For example, some of the WBC signs say that they are for skiing, but they don’t say that you can’t hike on them. The signs tell a hiker that he may encounter skiers on this trail and that he should share the trail. The signs need to be more similar to the ones at Kananaskis Village where they actually say “no hiking.”

    And then I’m still seeing the “share the trail” sign on trails I know are supposed to be for skiers. Wedge Connector for example. No good reason to walk that trail. We shouldn’t be sharing the trail.

  444. I noticed some new signage the other day on Great Divide. There was the added element of the dogsled track! I thought that the signs looked nice and were quite effective, and I hope that people will check them out.

  445. I find the signage at Bragg Creek to be very effective. As you can see in the photo Bob posted (man skiing with lovely Golden Retriever), you cannot miss or misinterpret the signs. We also ski at Sandy McNabb. Their signage for both multiuse and off leash areas for dogs (I have whined about this before) is terrible. I try to always approach people kindly as I can see why there is confusion. Although, when I see the same people repeatedly each time I go skiing walking on the skier tracks, well, my practically perfect manners go to hell in a hand basket! Back to the main issue. I do feel the areas that suffer the worst damage are areas where signage is lacking, or open to interpretation, or, for some reason, easily ignored. All signs should be universal so that no matter where you ski, they are the same color, same wording, same meaning, and same dollar fine amount (money often changes people’s perspective) for breaking the rules.

  446. FREE BEER!


  447. From my experience walkers are the main issue, as they don’t snowshoe I believe groomed trails are very inviting to go for a walk…In PLPP there are no shared trails (from what I know), hence less risks to get it wrong. In Ribbon Creek the permanent signs / summer map just show trails name / distance and unless you look at the small paper winter map that is below the main map, you will not know what is allowed / not allowed. The winter map from Alberta Parks ( is also confusing with just different shade of blue to differentiate xcountry only trails from shared trails. I could not find winter trail map for Skogan pass area, are all trails (Sunburst, skogan loop, etc.) shared or not? Personally, I believe a big sign on the trail and at junction (whatever the colour) stating xcountry ski only would be best.

  448. Crystal-clear signage first so that no one can pretend they didn’t know. Then enforcement for the ones who pretend it doesn’t apply to them. If they can fine me $1,000 for having a couple of friends over in my own house… okay, let’s not go there.

  449. maybe Bob won’t move this post to the delete bin so here goes; “sign sign everywhere a sign blocking out the scenery breaking my mind”; thanks to the Five Man Electrical Band for this song “Signs” circa 1968. OMG do i ever wanna see more signs cluttering the landscape.

  450. I’m finding almost every trail in West Bragg Creek gets trashed despite the ski only signs. I always ask people to kindly not walk on the track set. Some people seem to purposefully walk on the tracks despite having 3’ of flat track beside it. Do people feel they are that entitled that they won’t read signs?

  451. I was wondering if that was you, Bob. I just caught a glimpse of you as I was coming off the bridge. I was paying more attention to getting lined up for that tricky little hill that goes down into the campground. Just curious, what were you using for wax? With the varying temperatures along the trail, I found I had to re-wax a couple times and never really found the perfect combination.

    I applied two layers of VR45(-2/-8) and covered it with two layers of VR40(-4/-12). -Bob

  452. What is the distance of this loop? About 14km?

  453. I think people forget how much time, resources, people and relationship building it takes to effectively lobby the government. Especially true with this government who doesn’t want to listen and just marches forward.

    Those who feel lobbying the government is the best method are often unwilling to take up and lead the fight. Sure, most people will sign a petition or put up a lawn sign, but are less willing to put in all the work behind the scenes that makes lobbying effective.

    There is still time…you have a year until next XC season to start lobbying the government to reverse this decision. You will also have a plethora of data collected by Nordiq about use. Are you willing to lead the charge?

    I fear that if a group like Nordiq didn’t step up, then there would be no track set trails this year in these areas.

    I don’t think this means they made a choice for user pay for all Albertans I’m every situation, they simply stepped up to the plate when no one else was willing.

    I will happily display my pass and volunteer to support groups that are willing to work and provide activity options for all Albertans.

  454. (3700 x $50) + (500 x $10) + $16000 = $206000

  455. The government had better not cancel grooming for these trails; they are a huge asset to Calgary and the cost, especially with the paid parking program, is minimal even if it doesn’t quite reach 210000.
    As I see it, buying and displaying a pass is a way to help these trails survive: it is giving credit to Nordiq Alberta for working hard to save the trails, rather than to the government for being jerks. Besides, 50 bucks a season for some of the best trails in North America is pennies. It’s less than a tank of gas. Compare it to other ski trail pass costs!

  456. Hi Bob. We didn’t cross paths again because … after we met on Wedge, upon reaching E-T parking lot, I came to my senses and simply backtracked to ski that outer loop clockwise not CCW for the second lap – got the same miles logged in but avoided doffing skis and walking the E-T parking lot twice. Nice tailwind to Ribbon. Strava said 26.8 km. See you next time.

    Good job. You did double my mileage. -Bob

  457. Love your page and love the reports.

    I know it’s not possible to have these pristine ski conditions without Kananaskis grooming but to imply that we wouldn’t have grooming in Kananaskis without a user pay system is a stretch. The government threatened and the nordic community caved to the threats and set a precedent on behalf of all Albertans. I still think we could have lobbied the government in other ways to pressure them to maintain the grooming in Kananaskis. Now that the precedent has been set, I fear there will be no end to user fees going forward.

    Our government is inept (as clearly seen in their covid response / leadership, plan to de-list parks and protected areas, opening up the eastern slopes for coal extraction, undermining our health care workers at a time of crisis, giving away billions of dollars to corporations with nothing in return…and the list goes on). I’m grateful to be skiing on nicely groomed tracks but I think we let the government off the hook way to easily.

    I do appreciate the grooming efforts of staff as well as the volunteers that come out for various events, etc. Thank you very much for this!

    I do not appreciate that we’ve gone down a dark rabbit hole without proper engagement, thought and discussion of all Albertans on the matter.

    BTW – I bought my parking pass but I will not display it. I don’t need to give this government any more support for their poor decisions.

  458. There isn’t a skijoring club specifically, but there are a few groups on Facebook for all dog-powered sports – check out Kicksled Calgary or AB Mush for Fun. They occasionally hold events, including races and learn to mush clinics.

    As for trails, anything dog friendly has worked for me. I love Bragg but also find it more difficult because of the the prevalence of off-leash dogs – mine always wants to say hi so my quick release gets a lot of use, hah.

  459. I skied Glenmore Reservoir tonight. There is no formal track setting I am aware of. The tracks which have been layed down are by skies. Many on east west part are wind filled. The ones parralel to North Glenmore Park are deeper. The same can be said to those by Heritage Park H. The crossing tracks are filling in with snow. I have not expored by the sailing club or the south side yet.

  460. January 4th – Excellent conditions today on the Pipestone Loop in Lake Louise. Soft snow and smooth gliding in the tracks. Great day!

  461. And Fairview track set Saturday morning.

  462. I did some digging to find the full version of that pamphlet:

    I was running 40 Mile Creek this summer and noticed some Parks Canada nordic styled signs. What an area that would be to ski!! Carrot Creek as well, so many gems in there. I also can’t imagine how wonderful Middle Spray River would be if it was still properly maintained. Might need to invest in some LT skis next season…

  463. Dean – technically the Glenmore Reservoir is Closed from Nov 1 thru April 30, however I don’t think I’ve seen any enforcement except when people are being really dumb. Be cautious – the reservoir water levels can change resulting in ice well above the level of the water, or resulting in slush on top of the ice. If I were to ski on the reservoir I’d stick close to shore and preferably along the east shore near Glenmore Landing. Be aware of where the river flows in at the west end, between the canoe club and Heritage Park and by the causeway as all those areas have unpredictable ice

  464. 3 pins won’t fit in the tracks at the Nordic Centre, but you can always ski outside the tracks on the corduroy which should work fine for wide skis.

  465. Yes! That is what I was thinking. I realize the unprecedented interest has led to strain on the current trails and parking, but what if this enlightenment of the masses leads to a bigger voice for this wonderful activity and MORE trails get funded, and better parking solutions are found, and all the other great things mentioned in the above post!

  466. Who’s this guy? A young Steve Riggs?


    Skier Bob asked what the future of XC skiing will be like. Lets look at ski sales to predict it.

    Well if the lack of choice for ski equipment continues at the many shops I have visited in the last couple of years, skiing may not occur for a lot of people. I have not been able to buy a decent durable reasonable priced pair of ski poles for years. My size does not seem to be available by the time I can make it to ski shops after harvest without paying more for the poles than my skis. The Rossignol poles I bought 3 years ago were junk as the thin straps broke and the tips fell off. I feel like I am living in the old Soviet Union Dictatorship (I wonder if they were short of XC ski poles?). I am on my” back up back up pair” of poles and the tips are nearly worn to the baskets. I can only ski soft trails as a result. I will likely not be able to ski hard spring snow with these poles. I will likely have to resort to being stuck in COVID downhill ski line ups at Lake Louise in late winter rather than cruising on my XC boards.

    I won’t get into how I can’t buy the super narrow high camber metal edge waxable skis I used to be able to buy years ago. UGHHH!

    On Kijiji there are a lot of people looking for XC equipment- the most I have ever seen. People can primarily only buy old junk from way back in the last century. I really don’t think bamboo poles will last more than 5 minutes for me before splintering and leaving dangerous debris on a ski trail for someone to crash into and get all slivered up!

    If ski shops can’t supply equipment demand, a lot of people may never get into the sport or leave it. Some of the local shops are just too small to store gear so I can understand that they run out quickly. But bigger shops have no excuse to run out of equipment selection by the 3rd week of November. They are missing sales and profits as a result. If a “want a be beginner” xc skier can’t buy gear as late as January 31, then they may never get into skiing nor advance and buy better gear as they get better at skiing. This is a potential huge future profit loss to the ski shop industry and ski equipment manufacturing industry. Then such “want a be skiers” won’t introduce 2 friends to skiing and those people won’t introduce 2 friends to skiing and so on and so on. The is what XC opportunity ski equipment sales losses look like not only today but in the future.

    The ski shop and ski manufacturing industry really needs to understand the marketing concept of “Just In Time” supply chains, like other industries do. Imagine if a car parts store only brought in parts the way the ski shops do. You would not be able to get an air filter after the first few weeks of November.

    A lack of XC ski equipment supply also means fewer than the maximum possible amount of new skiers entering the sport. This has negative economic spin off effects on the local economy as well. Just imagine if there were not enough cars for sale on the market or enough gasoline or electricity to supply cars on the road. Similar negative economic spin off effects would occur.

    Lets hope the ski shops in the future better match equipment demand with supply for the benefit of all skiers, their profits and more. If they don’t Amazon may and that will kill a lot of ski shops along with parts of the local shop economy.

  468. Bob, I managed to dig out my copy of the booklet whose cover you displayed. Here’s another booklet cover from “the olden days” –

  469. Colder temps in Bragg creek (wishful thinking); proper tax base funding for grooming given the demand and benefits (or a tax/health credit for user fees); expanded trails and grooming; winter roadside camping options with weather protected cooking facilities; more skis available and snowshoers/walkers embracing this efficient way to travel in winter; a new generation of younger skiers so demand/grooming continues; more seating options in good places; better connections between trails for more continuous ski options; more rapid or strategic parking lot plowing after large snow events, and; Bob finds an apprentice with equal talent.

  470. The snow remained cold and firm later in the day. That’s for Iron Springs, Elbow, and Crystal. It was +1C at 3pm and zero at 5pm at the parking lot.

  471. Happy New Year Bob. I reported on Emerald Lake on the 29th, and on the first half of the Kicking Horse trail – both good with soft silky snow in groomed tracks. I’m happy to report that today there was no sign of doggie damage in the tracks on the Yoho Valley Road as reported by Wally yesterday, must have got skied and snowed over. Snowing lightly all day today and if the forecast comes true, all of these reports will rapidly get outdated!

    Thanks, Chris. Now that you mention it I did read your report. My memory is failing me. Bob

  472. Wally MacNaughton

    Skied Yoho Valley Road on Dec 30th. It was snowing lightly so the tracks were getting a bit soft, but still in pretty good shape. Lots of fat skiers go up that route but they were staying clear of the set tracks. Unfortunately, near the end of our return we met a couple who were letting their exuberant labradoodle jump all over the tracks. He said he was “trying” to keep the dog out of the tracks, but his efforts seemed feeble at best.

  473. Hey Bob,

    Glad you had fun on South Iron Springs/Elbow. Boomer Groomer Jeff set those tracks as people kept asking and we thought it best not to wait any longer for AEP to get back from holidays.

    Take Care Groomer DNA

  474. That photo by Jeremy is just fantastic. Inspiring, and a pretty good Christmas post card with its perfectly placed “ornament”. And my favourite place to ski on a sunny day of course. Happy new year Bob et al! See you on the trails or at a couch. (-:

  475. Ok,
    Thank you gentlemen very much for speedy responses.
    …much appreciated!
    Good to know they are not altering the glide performance of the more popular and common type binding. I really like my 3 pin setup but I guess I will have to tolerate the lack of glide efficiency. It did seem to bother hubby more than me. Thank you to Track setter Jeff ,,,I am also curious if a different machine was used on the Bill Maline vs the Wedge pond to the Evan Thomas stretch. I just didnt feel nearly as much drag on the binding on the Wedge trail!

    Also Bob, I was trying to find a link you previously provided by a lady speaking on waxing techniques. Looks like my old skis are a hickory base. Just used a liquid glide rub on wax and was pleasantly surprised they had any glide at all lol Guess I need a kick wax on the center areas now.
    Bob…love the last name,,, my Father and Brother are both Truman’s!!! Cheers to 2021
    To Lots of snow !!

  476. Hi Skier Bob!
    Thank you so much for your amazing web site and wealth of information. Truly a wonderful resource and I love your spirit of enthusiasm.
    Hubby and I are not seasoned xc skiers, to say the least, but are enjoying these wonderful conditions and workout, usually after a 1/2 day on the down hill at NAKISKA.
    We have bought, second hand, ole school 3 pin bindings skies and have very comfy, warm 3 pin boots which were bought new.
    Our issue… yesterday, on the Bill Malign, we were experiencing quite a bit of drag with the wider binding but noticed a nice difference coming back, as drag was less due to them already broken through the side walls and do they damage the track for the more common style binding?

    Can groomer machines not accommodate these style bindings !??

    Margaret, I’ve passed your question along to Tracksetter Jeff. -Bob

  477. I’ve been skiing at night by headlight or moonlight and it’s been fantastic, both Elk Pass and Skogans recently! Although I’ve been THE ONLY PERSON out there in the empty parking lot. lol. I wouldn’t exactly say it’s been lonely by today’s standards, peaceful for sure.

  478. Outstanding Bob! Glad you had such a fantastic day!

  479. Hey Bob, so good to run into you in the parking lot! You arrived at prime time, it was pretty chilly out there early morning. I was looking forward to a lovely ski after volunteering in Boulton Creek parking lot, but unfortunately was suffering from a bad night sleep, combined with a stupid fall the day before. Such a disappointment to not take advantage of those wonderful conditions! Wasn’t that cloud amazing?
    Thanks for your website AND thanks to Nordiq Alberta!!
    You’re never going to get a better deal than $50 a season for these exceptional trails. My kids pay more than half that for one day of skiing in B.C.

  480. I skied the lookout loop as a side trip on the way back from Skogan Pass today, and encountered 3 more avid subscribers to “Postholer Quarterly” magazine. In all honesty- the divots were annoying to see, but didn’t really affect the skiing for me. I did have to remind the one young woman to “please stay out of the set tracks”- I think it was just a momentary lapse on her part, as the track setting remained in good shape on descending Sunburst. High Level is still pristine.

  481. Where is hayfields trail please. Love reading about it but can’t find directions. Desperate to find an off leash ski for our pup,
    Many many thanks – and a very happy new year!!

  482. We skied Wedge Connector today, my son and I. It is his … second time on Xcountry skis, and this trail was perfect. Loved to get into the mtns and have an accessible trail to ski.

  483. My understanding was that the fire lookout (gazebo) was built by the POWs who were “incarcerated” at the Barrier Lake POW camp, which was where the UofC Field Station is located.

  484. Hello Bob,
    there seems to be a new temp reading at
    it’s located about ~200 m south of William Watson Lodge, and ~200 m west of Kananaskis Lakes Trail at a private home on Lake Shore Dr.
    however, the coordinates shown on the above link are wrong by 18km, there is only one house over there and it should be 50.6603, -115.1252, elev. 1674 m is likely OK

  485. hope this area gets re-trackset tonight .what a mess ! ! be nice if parks puts up some newer educational signs for the walkers and starts an enforcement campaign in this area ,now that we have to personally pay to have tracks set.

  486. According to Gillean Daffern, the name was given in the 70s by Don Gardner, who designed the original Ribbon Creek trails (as well as the original PLPP and West Bragg trails). The building on top isn’t a gazebo, it’s a fire lookout that was staffed by POWs during World War II when the summit was open following the huge fires of 1936.

  487. Isn’t that High Level?

    Correct. It’s where it passes under the power line. -Bob

  488. This is nearing Skogan Pass. Power lines always a clue.

    I knew the power lines would cause confusion. -Bob

  489. Does anyone know what trails dogs are permitted on in ribbon creek/kananaskis area?
    I have seen the post regarding the misprint in the brochure, however on the site it states no dogs allowed.
    In the brochure it says no dogs allowed on groomed trails, does this mean trackset trails but multi use ones would be ok?

  490. Thanks for the shout out, Bob! I am flattered! I hope more readers listen to your “Death Bridge” warning ??. What would we do without this blog!
    “Live To Ski Another Day” sounds like a James Bond film title. I hope they include an action sequences with Daniel Craig as Skier Bob!


    There are no death bridges if one skis under control. If a skier requires metal edge skis to prevent a ski or die accident, they should get a pair to maintain control and know how to use them.

    The Goat Creek trail requires the control of a Mountain Goat most of the time, particularly at the confounded bridge. A bridge too far- if you hit it hard and have to get back home- up hill.

  492. Skied at Nipika Mountain Resort on Christmas Day, amazing conditions for classic or skate skiing. Beautiful trails and views made it for a lovely ski. Fantastic place for anyone looking for a dog friendly place to ski with a furry friend! Just Fantastic

  493. Skied Banff to Goat Creek return today. Came across a couple who broke a binding in a collision with the 7km bridge and opted to post hole the 11-12 km to Banff including at least an hour in the dark. Heed Bob’s warning on the steep downhill followed by sharp turn on to the bridge!

  494. Hi Bob!
    It was so nice to finally run into you on the trails yesterday! What a beautiful X-mas ski! Thanks for the lovely photo and writing this blog! Hopefully I will run into you again on another ski trail in the “Empire”!

    Meeting you was the start of a fabulous day on Goat Creek! -Bob

  495. How is the parking at Spray River West trailhead? Do you have to arrive early to get a spot?

  496. Woogie the Snow Yorkie

    Great to finally meet you Skier Bob. Woogie is a celebrity snow dog now. Let’s hope it doesn’t go to his head. Thanks for maintaining this awesome site. It’s always great to know if trail conditions are naughty or nice before heading out. Merry Christmas!

  497. Thanks for the pic of me at the bridge. I wondered if that was you when you were taking pictures! Would have loved to give thanks in person for all the great information!

  498. Skied Cascade Fire Road to the bridge first thing this morning and it was in great shape! It has been double track set at until the bridge and single track set beyond the bridge. Not sure when the grooming happened but it was recently after the last snow fall. We saw lots of wolf paw prints and we are pretty sure they were not too far: we saw fresh scat and urine markings on our way back up from the bridge that weren’t not there as we descended to the bridge a mere 15-20 minutes prior!

  499. Friends did Cascade to the bridge today and enjoyed it so I think it must be good!

  500. Deirdre (Dee) O'Brien

    Merry Christmas Bob to you and all your contributors. As a former skier now an arm-chair one I really appreciate and enjoy your Blog. So many people I know read and learn from it. Many thanks and I’m sure you will all continue on with a great season. Cheers!

  501. I think this post was totally directed at me, new to skiing and have been reading so many old posts and gathering as much info as I can hold. Loved the waxing post by the new mom, I’ve slowly purchased my equipment and everything involved to wax my own. I’ve looked at many other sites but absolutely nothing comes close to this site so special thanks to Bob and everyone involved here. Thanks, happy holidays, and happy skiing to all.

  502. Hi:
    That’s a lovely shot of Debbie.
    My sister and I skied Silver Springs golf course this aft. It was glorious. Might as well ski in town when you can!
    Merry Christmas,

  503. Thank you also to skier bob for our skiing updates!
    Stay healthy everyone for the remainder of 2020 & 2021.??

  504. A big thank you to the track setting team…you’re cross country skiers’ snow angels thank you! thank you! thank you!
    Thank you to Nordiq Alberta for keeping track setting in our parks, hopefully this will be successfully supported so it continues!??

  505. Oh! Forgot to ask – is it possible to ski the loop? We have enjoyed skiing Evan-Thomas – Wedge Connector – Bill Milne loop in the past, relying on some bridges along the way.

  506. Merry Christmas Bob – and Merry Christmas to all the volunteers, tracksetters, groomers and others who are making it possible to enjoy our amazing ski trails!!

  507. Are you saying that the new bridge over Evan Thomas is gone already?? That is rather disappointing, if so.

  508. Kudos and many thanks to all those who have been out track setting the trails throughout the season – you do great work so that we can have a great time out there!

  509. Fyi, I just called Strathmore golf course (“pro desk” still open). Day passes of $5, or annual pass of $50 required (ie. not by donation), and dogs must be on leash and off the groomed tracks. Looks like WBC is still the only area with some off-leash xc skiing. :-/


    There is a lack of xc skiing “riches” in Banff to date. There is no ski access to the Ink Pots this year. Brewster Creek, Healy Creek and Redearth have yet to be trackset. Hopefully that will occur today, but I will not bet on that with my skiing life.

    I will likely investigate Brewster Creek tomorrow and ski pack the short cut trail, if my legs can tolerate doing so.

  511. FYI that the CNC trail report indicates that Grassi Lakes and Hwy 742 above Canmore are closed due to avalanche risk. Apparently avi control is scheduled to start tomorrow Dec 23 at 10 am… Always fun to watch the slides that are intentionally triggered!

  512. My wife tore her ACL downhill skiing last winter. We want to start cross country skiing. Could you suggest a flat area that would be good for her to start on

  513. New Environment Canada iPhone App!
    The new EnvCanada weather app for the iphone is excellent. V1.5 is much improved. Saved locations, radar, highway alerts and more

  514. The other day I skied West Elk Pass past the couch, past a second snowfort, and on to the hydroline in BC. The logging operations I heard earlier in the year have expanded now, and there is a fresh clearcut right beside the powerline. The road underneath the powerline has been plowed out. I returned the way I came rather than skiing up the powerline to Elk Pass as I had planned. In all, going to Elk Lakes Cabin via Elk Pass and the powerline would be a muddy, noisy and ugly mess. Something to consider if anyone has booked the cabin over the holidays.

  515. That drag renovator looks like they stole somebody’s garage door with a Ski-doo!

  516. I see my car in the parking lot, but I don’t see my cat!

  517. Bob,
    I missed you on the trail today, and as you describe the snow/tracks were good, albeit a bit sticky.

    I encountered a skater at the Elk Pass / Patterson junction, and was disappointed (but not surprised) that he had been crossing both tracks all the way up from the Hydroline junction. I guess it is inevitable that folks will skate on these narrow trails, but perhaps it is time for a gentle reminder of both etiquette and places where skating is appropriate.

  518. Was thinking about Bob’s comment about use of a “butt bag” equating w/ not having emergency supplies. I just got a new BB and here’s what i fit in: wax of the day & mini cork/scrapper combo (which i’ll ditch when i get my skin skis), 2 energy gel packs & cliff bar (blood sugar emergency), car key, micro 1st aid kit w/ lighter & duct tape, & emergency refective blanket thingie. Cell phone now goes on arm band thingie, figure this way i’ll stop missing great photos because it’s in the BB and i don’t want hassle of fishing it out. Lashed on to my BB is a windshell. When i no longer need the cork & wax i’ll probably sub in a pair of over mitts, maybe a hand warming pad. And of course, there’s a 600 ml insulated bottle that has luke warm water. And….wait for it….Bob’s your uncle.

  519. And Thanks Baker Creek Chalets for grooming in early season conditions

  520. Re. Pocaterra Hut: hate to be a spoil sport, but Pocaterra Hut should not remain open at all, unless they choose to leave the indoor bathrooms available. Even Lake Louise Ski Hill is not allowing backpackers to eat indoors. As per most recent guidelines:
    Mandatory restriction – Provincewide – Effective Dec. 8

    All indoor and outdoor social gatherings – public and private – are prohibited

  521. Pocaterra also had superb track setting from Whiskey Jack junction down to Packers. North of Packers, it was roller packed/groomed but not track set, as was Lynx, Amos and Wheeler. Very good conditions on all of those.

  522. Did you stop by pocaterra hut bob, still open? Another Hellenic moment: “the hallway”. Enjoyed the storey of the passing of the speed demon , J-F. Supports the notion of the right glide wax, and/or shoulder surgery.

  523. Bob, did you or do you know if it’s possible to ski between Pipestone and the Town Trails to the Campground/Bow River trails?


  524. Snowmobile single track-set trails through the trees are such a treat — an increasingly rare feature in an era embracing the development of safe, multi-use, big machine grooming. Both means ARE great, and I hope both can coexist. Some other faves are Telemark, Upper Macabee Loop, Hostel & Telephone Loops, and the ‘Hiking Trail’ in the Allison-Chinook Wonderlands ….

  525. Did you manage to check snow depth over the ice on the river? I’m guessing not enough yet, but worth a visit given the trail conditions for some initial compacting.

  526. I skinned up the ski out to Goats Eye and skied alpine from there…no line ups on any chair I took…we must have arrived in the parking lot just as everyone else was getting there

  527. Does wax have a shelf life? It seems like my green and blue waxes have stopped working – like maybe they dried out.

  528. Please, PLEASE, wear and advocate proper respirator and/or ventilation whilst hot waxing. The science is VERY conclusive on damaging health effects on not just melting fluoro but ALL hydrocarbon wax vapors. Sorry, but NOT sorry! for being a kill joy.

  529. That’s well and good but let’s hear what Baby Tim has to say about all of this!

  530. Thanks for the videos! I’ve been ironing in green as a base kick wax for a long time, but never thought to give the zone a light sanding after cleaning to improve adhesion. Learn something new every day!
    My observation is that many skiers could benefit from improving their grip wax application, based on the number I see herringboning up every uphill.

  531. Dasha and cooperative 2 month old Tim, thank you both so much for creating these videos. I love your “Home Hardware” scraper approach. I use one of my old irons but always wondered how soon after using the wax solvent (I use Bio Citron KUU) I could apply my Kick wax. I generally prefer to leave an hour or so in between. And because I hate to go fast, my technique at Glide waxing has been almost non-existent. I love these videos you donated to Skier Bob’s site and will watch them again. Your pitch to SkiGo just tells me I need to learn to “trust it more”.

  532. Thank you so much for the info Dasha and Bob!

  533. Thanks so much for this Dasha and Skier Bob for posting!!! It’s very helpful and clear.

  534. If Dasha waxes her skis, she is going to ski on them! 🙂

  535. In a galaxy not so far far away, Fast Trax has a steady supply of SkiGo wax It’s great for up here in Edmonton, too.


    Skier Bob, I will try to put some humor into the reports but when you have had as many concussions as I have had which have destroyed the humor cells, that could be a pretty tall order especially after an 8 to 10 hour ski or so. The old worn out brain just has enough cells in it to make me stand up on skis.

    Anyone skiing up Healy Creek, keep an eye out for a potential crashed skier off the trail that I may have missed skiing at night! Not likely you will find one but just in case.

  537. We skied Elk Pass on Friday to avoid crowds so I’m surprised that it wasn’t busy on Saturday. I guess they were all out on Hwy 68. We were near Sibbald on our annual family xmas tree hunt and picnic, which we do in the area every December. Crazily busy- far more so than usual. I heard that Hwy 66 was the same with hordes of people taking advantage of the weather.
    As for MAD’s reports- I enjoy them, they offer useful information, and if someone can’t handle the political spin- just don’t read them. As was brought home to us last spring- politics does affect xc skiing.
    I don’t know about those nocturnal adventures though- I’ve skied WBC under headlight or moonlight and it is a wonderful experience, but those are very familiar, relatively easy groomed trails. Descending Healy after dark- no thanks!

  538. Ah sorry I read your comment too quckly. Agreed it’s great for aging joints and chronic injuries and I’d use it in a pinch for an acute injury if I had no acetominophen.
    Thanks for clarifying.

  539. Interesting as I was coming down whiskey jack alone this afternoon and was thinking I should get a pair of metal edge touring skis for situations like this. Also I do have an inreach but didn’t bring it with me as I tend to have it for backcountry trips, but that also crossed my mind. It was a great day and the trails are holding up but more snow is required.

  540. You do not need metal edges (this accident proved that). You need focus, determination and sheer fuc… sorry, and braking. Lots of braking. Lower your speed to safe value every time when going downhill first time of the day in every potentially dangerous location, try it first. It’s never the same it was yesterday.
    Edges may not help in some situations and make you dangerously overconfident (hello mr. democracy) but low speed always works.

  541. As MaSid says Vitamin I, along with a first aide kit.
    We carry that and down jackets, extra gloves and mitts, toque, buff, Warmup pants or wind pants. when out of Cell phone range (K Country ),I carry an InReach and a VHF radio.
    Most of this sits all season long in my pack.

  542. Hi Bob:
    Have enjoyed your site for years. Good work
    I’m the skier referred to in that post, waiting for surgery in Foothills to repair a fractured ankle.
    My group was well prepared and did a fabulous job. I’m proud of them all. I was kept cosy until the toboggan arrived.
    I’m an experienced skier with quality gear, including metal edges. This was a moment of inattention on a hill that I usually do easily, icy or not.
    Just thought you might want to know.

  543. I lived in LL in ’97. Pretty sure I was enjoying a car-free 1A on return journeys from Ross Lake mountain bike rides.

    But when was it closed in winter? I first skied there in the mid ’80s so definitely before then.

  544. While I would usually prefer to be on my regular light and fast xc ski setup- also having a pair of metal edged light touring skis for those conditions can be invaluable. Even better is pairing those metal edged skis with the more supportive NNN-BC boot and binding, if you can afford to run two systems. A bonus is that this sets you up for off the groomed trail exploration as well.
    And- ditto to Peter’s comments about being prepared- it sounds like this group was.


    I really urge people to ski on safer, better controllable, metal edge cross country (xc) skis and know how to use those metal edges on the snow. As an advanced xc skier, that is all I ski on although with my ability level I could ski on faster plastic skis. Being an expert downhill skier, I just hate the feeling of unsafe plastic ski edges. Metal edges allow for more safe hardcore ski fun.

    As I do not wish to have hundreds of dollars in skiing assets sitting around doing nothing for most of the year, I find metal edge xc skis to be the best all around alternative if you just want one pair of good xc skis. Metal edges allow you to carve up the icy slopes at a superior level as compared to dangerous plastic edged skis that can not carve into hard or icy snow.

    If you want a faster pair of metal edge xc skis, buy the most narrow pair available with a high camber, like the Madshus Fjelltech M44 skis available at Norseman or Life Sport. If you can find even more narrow metal edge xc skis, buy them for the speed and let the Skier Bob nation know where you got them from.

    With metal edge skis I do not have to worry about what kind of snow conditions exist on the ski trails if I happened to forget to check out the ski conditions on Skier Bob. That is a big bonus which allows for overall better and safer skiing days.

    Metal edge skis allow me to travel at any speed I wish. If I want to go 100 kilometers per hour down a hill in a tuck position, I will knowing I can stop quickly with metal edge skis, pretty much similar to my downhill skis. On groomed trails or hard smooth spring snow conditions, I can also cut turns similar to slalom downhill skiers.

    Also metal edge skis extend your ski season. When people pack in the XC skiing in spring because of hard spring snow conditions, metal edge skiers can keep on skiing with safety. This is the time of year when metal edges really shine. Just look for smooth hard spring snow conditions, which are often best off trails in the higher country.

    If you are not a good XC skier, it is a good idea to take lessons on how to become a better skier. Also, you can take your cross country skis to downhill ski hills to practice turns, snowplowing and stopping. You will need safety straps on your skis to meet the ski hill standards for run away skis though. Good ski shops can help you with that.

    It would be a good idea for a section on this website to promote XC ski lessons to encourage more safety on the slopes. There seems to be a few too many accidents occurring out there as the above story suggests.

    Ski or die (- an old hard core extreme skier saying- if you crash then their is potential for death from smashing your head into a rock or tree or getting taken out by an avalanche).

    Keep your ski bases on the snow and your ski tips up.

  546. Ouch! (((Shudder))). Another useful item to have is some anti inflammatories, not so much help for severe injuries of course, but can get you home safely sometimes. Good value for weight.

  547. On Tuesday my wife and I skied Elk Pass and she skied out Trywhitt and Whiskey Jack. Conditions were rather icy and the trail could use more snow and some grooming. Earlier in the day we meet a group of older skiers (like us) on the trail. Later in the day my wife encountered the same group with one skier having fallen on one of the steeper downhills of Whiskey Jack and having suffered what appears to be a severe break of one of his legs. The trail was very icy and fast. The group had moved the skier off the trail, had him wrapped in a space blanket and one member was sent off to summon the SAR team as there was no cell phone coverage in the area. We met the SAR team heading off with Ski-doos at the Boulton Parking area about an hour after the incident. The lesson here is that conditions are quite icy and accidents can happen at any time. The group seemed well equipped with warm clothing and some safety gear. They did not have a way of communicating and as I was coming down a shorter route from the pass, I was carrying the InReach, so I could not help. But would have this been faster that someone did by skiing out and driving to find the Rangers. I often see skiers who have nothing more than a little bum bag with a water bottle and Powerbar and no extra clothing or safety gear. Luckily it was not to cold on Tuesday, but having to wait an hour or several hours for rescue could be very uncomfortable or dangerous. Carry some extra clothing, some safety gear and a way of communicating such as an InReach or a Spot if possible. PS, when my wife asked if they needed any more help, the skier asked her for Whisky, which she could not provide at the time.

  548. I was able to find this:

    Adams, Jeff. “Tourists vs. Nature: Five-Year Plan Must Serve Two Masters”. Calgary Herald. 29 May 1994. B6.

    “As for closing the 1A Highway west of Lake Louise, the new five-year plan says the summer-only road is so rough it will soon be dangerous for the average 500 motorists a day who use it each June, July and August.”

    So it sounds like the road was open in the summers up until the mid-90s. I clearly remember driving the road as a kid in the 80s (well, I wasn’t driving: my dad was). If memory serves me correctly there was a gas station where the current parking lot is now.

  549. I think it was 1999. I’m pretty sure that it was still open to traffic in early 90s.
    I have worked at the Chateau for a few years, and remember taking this shortcut a number of times.
    There was a popular tourist attraction at the Continental Divide. A creek that forks, with one side draining east to Hudson Bay, and the other side draining west to the Pacific Ocean.

  550. Are you talking about closed to vehicles in the winter? It is still open in the summer, isn’t it?

  551. The road closed in the mid 90s. It was deteriorating really fast.

  552. Lint collected from a dryer lint filter is an excellent fire starter with twigs. I always take off the (lithium) batteries of my headlamp, in case it gets turned off while in my pack; it happened to me twice! Carry bear mace in winter ski season until early January and starting mid-March. A spare tuque is good on long trips, especially for long and warm spring ski days, in case of an unplanned overnight.

  553. Are users required to purchase and display a Couch Pass?

  554. Besides trying to bring cookies for the various locations of groomers, I am a bit of a “Candy-holic” so as soon as I see those Dark Chocolate BRANDY BEANS on the shelves before Christmas, they are in my pack!

  555. After an incident where someone was injured and lay on the snow for a while and getting extremely cold before being airlifted out I always carry space blankets. Better than hypothermia from laying in the cold snow. Besides the items everyone has suggested I also have a whistle. We always ski on weekdays when there weren’t many people around, may be different this year. I will include duct tape in my pack from now on.

  556. Thanks for this. Is it bad etiquette to ski with 65mm skis at a nordic centre?

  557. Reading the list of risks laid out by MaSid, it got me thinking ”outside the trails”. Considering that cross-country and light touring skiing will be far more popular this winter, in part due to the pandemic, it might be appropriate to have a string of suggestions about equipment to bring along for safety purpose. I am thinking more for those less experienced and beginners. The lack of snow at WBC will bring a flood of Calgary skiers into PLPP, where conditions have been stellar for 5-6 weeks. A couple years ago on this site, many of us with lots of ski experience provided useful suggestions as such. If those prevent some unfortunate situation on the trail with proper planning for less experienced, far away from a parking lot, that would be good. Maybe add a section in the Resources tab. My two cents worth.

  558. Not skiing related but another neat outdoor option if it gets cold enough is the planned Ice River Skating Trail

    New for 2020: North Glenmore Ice Trail Pilot
    Coming soon: a new Ice Trail pilot project is launching at North Glenmore park in late 2020.

    This ice trail is a free and fun destination for Calgarians during colder months, and another way we’re helping to keep Calgarians safer as they stay connected this winter.

    You’ll be able to skate over 730 metres of connected track, through North Glenmore park, with an attached skating rink located in the centre. Benches, picnic sites and portable washrooms are available on site. This pilot is part of The City’s ongoing commitment to delivering value for Calgarians’ investment, creating exceptional experiences in public green spaces, and further activating parks during winter months.

    The ice trail and skating rink will be open from 11 AM – 10 PM daily.

    The North Glenmore Ice Trail is expected to open towards the end of December 2020.

  559. There are a few risks in the west elk pass meadows for those venturing off track with narrow skis:
    1. falling over due to soft snow/track, blown in track or an unintentional deep pole plant, and can be hard to get up in the ungroomed stuff
    2. getting lost if enough fresh new snow and no visible track to follow, can also sometimes be an abundance of tracks wandering about with no apparent destination at some times of year. Having some knowledge of the landscape and navigation skills is key in those times. If in doubt, just reverse course. But probably good travel conditions for the next few weeks until the above average snowfall arrives (unless it gets too warm).
    3. sun burn: it can get intense back there some times, especially at the couch if hanging out for a while (particularly the non-covid version of other years as it’s a big parabolic reflector that generates solar heat)
    4. addiction: its gorgeous throughout the meadows when the weather is nice, and if you brought a foamy to sit on at the couch, you might just stay too long and develop meadow narcolepsy (see #1 above).

  560. Guessing Running Rain Lake and the west ridge :-).

  561. As an addendum to Bob’s Tyrwhitt report, both Elk Pass and Pocaterra parking lots had about 30 cars each – and approx 50% had parking passes – which is about what you’d expect for this early in the new “parking season”. Only 3 or 4 cars in Boulton. Staff at Visitor Centre (aka Discovery Centre) were busy prepping to open tomorrow.

  562. SkierBob! We must have just missed you this morning! We met 2 friendly skiers along Tyrwhitt who said they had parked at the back door and were one of the last cars to get a spot. Have always wanted to meet you on the trails! Perhaps we did see you in passing somewhere along the way…..we had a great ski, glad to hear you did too!

  563. After a week where it is CLEAR that we should actually be having much more strict rules than the UCP government has decided upon, and not having a province wide mask by-law yet, please be diligent.

    Please for 2-3 weeks even be more careful about car pooling. If you listened to CBC last week, a gentleman said he was cautious for 8 months, only to let his guard down ONCE, carpooling with an Asyptomatic friend… unknowingly.

    Given we now get to PAY $$ to XC and PAY$$ for track setting, the last thing we need to do is PAY with our mutual health!

    Hope everyone who follows SKIER BOB stays healthy and well for the duration of the ski season.
    Merry Christmas is coming!

  564. Alberta Parks:

    Some rough or uneven surfaces remain but generally in good condition. Groomed only for the first 1 km south from Lookout Junction.
    Groomed: Nov 27 Track Set: Nov 27

  565. I learned of cases in Canmore starting by 4 people carpooling from Calgary to Canmore. One fellow who was asymptomatic spread it to 1 of the others. The other 2 in the car stayed negative. I don’t have details re: masks, distance in car, etc…but I find people get caught up in the details to justify their own risk tolerance, and lose sight of the big picture that we are in unprecedented times requiring really tough decisions, and sacrifices by all of us on a variety of fronts.

  566. The “2 friend rule” is interesting. If you live alone, you are allowed to not go crazy through lack of social interaction. Not sure that applies to driving together as a none household unless it’s the only two you ever interact with, as if they were a household, and no interaction with anyone else. Solo days aren’t so bad, but I won’t stop skiing.

  567. BTW – The town of Banff has declared a state of local emergency and the Banff, Lake Louise area has the second highest rate of infection in the province. Please stay away!

  568. The idea is to limit your exposure to other people as much as possible. The virus doesn’t care about climate change or politics and will take every opportunity to spread, regardless of what the rules say. I always ask myself if what I’m about to do will increase my risk of exposure, not “will I get a fine if I get caught”? Like I said, the virus doesn’t care.

  569. I think the intention of the restrictions are that your Bubble or Cohort are the same two people if you live alone. So not one for skiing then another one for restaurants, etc. I realize it is not that environmentally friendly more safest to have so many people driving, but this is one of the sacrifices we must make or stay over to reduce your times on the road.

  570. Suddenly the environment is no longer a concern. Burn gas and pollute all you want.

  571. The intent of the restrictions is to minimize unnecessary indoor gatherings. If you are not in the same household, taking more than one vehicle is going to be safer, and possibly more enjoyable as you won’t have to wear a mask. As others have said, this is only for three weeks and if we all try and stick to the intention behind the restrictions they might work and be lifted at the end of that period. Trying to bend or stretch them will almost certainly mean that we are faced with more restrictions. In the spring we lost access to the Parks, and obviously we don’t want that again.

  572. The restrictions are currently only for three weeks – winter in the Canadian Rockies lasts months! Please stay home if you cannot adhere to the restrictions, and please don’t try to ‘stretch’ or ‘bend’ the new regulations to suit your immediate desires. The snow will be here all winter.

  573. I believe the cohort/bubble rule has changed with these new restrictions. As of November 24, 2020, close contact must only be with members of the same household. Indoor social gatherings – even among members of the same cohort – are not allowed. It would be logical that” indoor social gatherings” would apply to vehicles as well. Check out for the newest update on restrictions.

  574. I have 1 friend (other than my husband) who I will share a Vehicle with and thankfully she is my ski buddy. If we stick to the cohort /bubble rule I think we’re fine.

  575. Seems like a good question but we can still travel by public transit, taxi and aircraft, without limits on seating, provided all occupants are masked up. Maybe the same holds here?

  576. Hey there, I’m trying to find a up to date trail report for Calgary so I know where I can ski & can’t seem to find anything. Your help is greatly appreciated.

  577. A potential “resource” article suggestion bob: some kind of waxing primer for beginners, understanding the different types, varieties, do’s and don’ts, fluorocarbons, synthetics, and acronyms (brand naming etc: VR vs “special extra”). When is best to use fishs scales, skins, or wax. I’ve always used fish scales for cross country gear, being daunted by it and not wanting to bother (and never really cared about maximum speed or distance). I have used wax on my AT gear but have only had real success with polar wax temps. Anything warmer seems to be more art than science. There may be many new users looking for a similar overview and additional resources.

  578. I had never skied the Upper Lake – Elk Pass connector before, so today I parked at Upper Lake and started from there. I skied through Elk Pass meadows to the hydroline going into BC, where I could hear noise from heavy machinery. It sounded like a logging operation is going on just on the other side of the hydroline. Something to be aware of for those skiing through to Elk Lakes cabin.

  579. Fat bikers….

    What’s lower?

    Their IQ or their tire pressure?

  580. Based on the above, we can see that grooming is expensive, especially to achieve the high quality Pisten Bully grooming. On Friday, we skied with a group of friends on the marvellous fresh grooming on the Elk Pass and Blueberry trails. Everyone had a great time and most certainly enjoyed the grooming.

    PLPP is the closest location to Calgary with a reliable snow pack for a long ski season.

    In the past years, there was no charge for this grooming at PLPP and this year there is a very modest charge for parking. There is no reason why the users should not cover the grooming costs.

    Many users would be happy to pay for more frequent grooming with examples such as at the Golden Nordic Club (Adult $12/day 35 km of trails), the Sovereign Lake club (at Vernon Adult $19/day 50 km of trails), Canmore Nordic Centre (Adult $15/day 65 km of trails) and others. Note that Golden grooms about half of the trails daily and Sovereign grooms all of the trails daily.

    At PLPP we have witnessed MANY happy skiers so far this year. This large group of skiers should be able to fund more regular grooming of more trails daily at PLPP, especially this winter of high demand for ski trails.

    Thanks to the groomers, Nordiq Canada and the volunteers who helped to retain grooming at PLPP. We are indeed fortunate to have these trails groomed this winter.

    Also a shout out to the excellent work done by the volunteers at West Bragg! They are also seeking a bit more funding for their proposed new smaller Pisten Bully equivalent (Sno Rabbit). We should all help with their funding as well.

  581. Perhaps I should have offered some wax….

    Several facts: 1) A small portion of PLPP contains the only high quality classic ski grooming (Pisten Bully) in South Western Alberta.
    2) There are very small signs at the start of the trails in PLPP stating that skating is not allowed since it damages the classic track. The tracks are too close together to provide room for skating.
    3) Many people are not aware that skating is not allowed in PLPP, but will copy other people that skate, since it is of low probability that they have read the small signs.
    4) One person skated over much of the groomed classic track up Whiskey Jack.
    5) One person was skating on Tyrwhitt. There were no groomed classic tracks on Tyrwhitt.
    6) Yes, I was irritated.

    Note that the only trails currently available in this area for skating are at Lake Louise (MLR and GDT) and Frozen Thunder.

  582. Perhaps Brews did not remember that he skated much of the way up Whiskey Jack as wel as skating on Trywhitt

  583. Appreciate the informative article.If a trail is packed and not track set eg Tyrwhitt this weekend , what is the etiquette regarding skating ?
    I found it difficult in places to maintain glide & was switching between classic diagonal and skating . A gentleman stopped to tell me it was extremely rude to skate on a classic trail . I don’t see the issue on an uncrowded trail with no set tracks to damage but willing to consider other viewpoints

  584. Hi Bob, we skied down Packers on Saturday not realizing the condition it was in, happy to report we survived! But yes, it was very dicey. It was a veritable roller coaster. Great day nonetheless!

  585. Easiest way to look at grooming is to think of it like making a snowball. What is required when the snow is cold and dry? What happens if you make a snowball when the snow is wet and it freezes?
    The answers to these questions is the basic principle of all grooming.

  586. I concur with Mike W. This article is most useful and should make a lot of people think about the crew and all they do for us ( I know it certainly made me appreciate even more what is done for us). This article is good for both new comers to our sport but as well to people like myself who have been using the area for many, many, years. Thank you Bob.

    I would also like to pass on a huge thank you to all the folks who sent in emails etc. to the government. Without the pressure we put on Jason Nixon and others and without Nordiq Alberta the wonderful service described here would not have happened.

  587. An excellent article, Bob! How about listing it under Resources, so it’s readily accessible into the future?

    Good idea, done! -Bob

  588. Bob, you mention “There’s been lots of concern about there being no Live Grooming Reports. Nobody seems to know anything except for the fact that it’s not functioning.” Does anyone presently know any further? As a retired IT professional, is there anything that I can help with in that regard to investigate?

  589. Great to meet you Skier Bob! We had a great day out!
    -Lindsay and Mitch

  590. Thanks to Skier Bob for the Upper Lake parking tip. We were the first vehicle in the Upper Lake lot at about 9:40 this morning. When we finished at 1:30, the Elk Pass parking lot was completely full, including vehicles parked on the side of the short access road into lot. Upper Lake had probably 15 or 16 vehicles and my buddy commented that the massive Upper Lake lot is a much better option than the crowded Elk Pass lot. We also enjoyed having that nice little 0.9 km connector stretch to casually ski after coming down to the Elk Pass lot.

  591. A month ahead of normal schedule, including travel in the meadows! Happy days. As I have no cross country gear currently, unlikely to be any couches on pipestone or Fairview this year. So couch HQ is it, for now. Bring a foamy to sit on.

  592. We arrived at 10:30 today at Elk Pass parking and were the last to squiz in

  593. I was one of the skiers who told you not to ski down Packers, and we only realized it was you after you left!

  594. Do you know if Cascade valley is trackset yet?

  595. Please add me to your email list. Thanks!

    Mailing list? News to me. I don’t have any such list. -Bob

  596. I rode down the Kicking Horse Trail this summer and was blocked well before the Ottertail river by an ever growing number of large fallen trees. Much thanks (and maybe even a KHSC donation) must be given to the maintenance crew in getting this trail (and all the Yoho trails) in tip-top shape!
    I only discovered these “hidden” gems last year around the time of the loppet -also a hidden gem of an event. And, COVID notwithstanding, really hope to see it go ahead. Well worth the trip, even from Edmonton (and we have snow!)

  597. MaSid looks hardcore.

  598. Thank you for your wonderful reports and dedication to the nordic skiing community! I reluctantly bought my parking pass today…not because I believe we should be paying the UCP government twice for this but because I didn’t want the hassle of explaining to volunteers how I feel this shouldn’t be a user pay facility (we already have one in Canmore). People should know that the pass is actually $54 because of the “processing” fee on Zone4.

    I encourage everyone to write to Jason Nixon requesting that the live grooming be re-instated. I’m not sure why it’s “no longer functioning” which sounds pretty final t