Places to Ski
Baker Creek Banff Bill Milne Blueberry Hill Brewster Creek Canmore Nordic Centre Cascade Valley Castle Lookout Confederation Park Golf Course Dog-friendly Elk Pass Emerald Lake Evan-Thomas Frozen thunder Goat Creek Golden Great Divide Hawkridge Healy Creek Hydroline Kananaskis Kananaskis Fire Lookout Kananaskis Village Lake Louise Lake O'Hara fire road Moraine Lake road Mt Shark Nipika Olympics Pipestone PLPP Pocaterra Redearth Creek Ribbon Creek Sandy McNabb Shaganappi Golf Course Skogan Pass Spray River Tyrwhitt Watridge Lake Road Wedge connector West Bragg Creek Wheeler Whiskey Jack YohoSkierBob
Tag: Castle Lookout
Castle Lookout to Baker Creek – superb!

A couple things before I start my report. Chuck would like me to remind everyone that on single tracksetting, downhillers have the right-of-way. That’s very important on Cascade Valley(beyond the 6K bridge) where Chuck was today, also on the Castle Lookout to Baker Creek trail where I was today. I’m…
Castle Lookout to Baker Creek
Baker Creek to Castle Lookout
Castle to Baker: Dazzling!
Castle Lookout to Baker Creek
“Red chair” scenery
Fantastic conditions from Castle Lookout to Baker Creek
Baker Creek to Castle Lookout
We made the right choice
Conditions were just about perfect If you stayed home to mail out your Christmas cards instead of joining us for a fabulous XC ski trip to Lake Louise, well, you’ve got your priorities all messed up. LOL (Glenna are you listening?) We couldn’t have asked for better weather or snow…