I like Ben’s reports especially when he talks about food and drink. I’ve often thought that it would be profitable to set up a cappuccino stand at the Elk Pass/Blueberry Hill junction. LOL
How do you like the new blog header? Do you know where it is?
Our team is officially registered for the Lake Louise to Banff Loppet. I’ll be skiing the first leg, so once again I can look forward to getting up early(it has to be a very special occasion for me to do that!). If you’re unfamiliar, the race starts at 8 a.m. on the lake at Lake Louise. There’s no other ski race that can compare to the unique atmosphere, spectacular scenery, and (sometimes) crazy weather and challenging trail conditions of this one.
I noticed a lot of new names on the Confirmation List, and I also see that last year’s Solo Skier champion, Blaine Penny, will be back to defend his crown. He not only won the Solo category, but he also beat all the teams! I’d like to know more about his diet.
With winning our category last year, all my life’s goals were achieved and all dreams fulfilled 🙂 I was kind of hoping we’d see a new category this year, Mixed 55+ but no luck. We’ll have to compete with all those youngsters again.
Golf Courses in Calgary
In the short time I’ve had the link to the Shaganappi Trail report on here, we’ve had 34 readers click on it. It’s rare to see any link get more clicks than the Kananaskis Trail report. It tells me there’s a burning desire among skiers in Calgary for information about the trail conditions in the city. I hope more of you Ski-Heretics will send in comments. I can guarantee you it will be a popular topic for readers. I’ve added a link on the sidebar under All Trail Reports for Shag.
I noticed a few clicks coming over to my blog from the Boundary Trails Nordic Club in the Pembina Valley of Manitoba. Here’s a link that will show you some photos of their trails.
Ben, it turns out that we shared the summit of Blueberry with you and Karen on Sunday. I was one of the group of 6 there at the same time, the tall guy with black pants and red windshell. It was truly one of the best days ever at the top, and we have been there many, many times!
the new header is great…just a few steps past the shadow lake turn off…you are approaching the wardens cabin on the way to readearth creek
To be so confident about your answer, you’ve obviously been there! I thought it had a kind of Christmas post card look, appropriate for this time of year. If anyone wants to see it in person, take the Redearth Creek trail in Banff and ski approx 11K. Don’t take the turnoff to Shadow Lake, but keep going for another 200m. Like magic, this exact scene will appear before your eyes. -Bob