All the stars were shining bright

Do you know what PLPP stands for? Today, it was Peter Lougheed Provincial Paradise.

It had been 18 days since I was in PLPP, way too long. I didn’t get out there ’til late afternoon, and ended up skiing under the moon and stars for the final hour of my 31K ski. Beautiful.

I did not see an updated trail report before leaving home, and the Visitor Centre was closed today, so I decided to check some trailheads and start wherever the tracksetting looked good.

Pocaterra was busy, and the trail looked nice but not recently trackset. I prefer starting a little further down the road anyway. I didn’t have to drive far. I started(for the first time this winter) at the PLPP VisitorCentre.

Lots of new tracksetting has occurred as you’ll know if you have checked the Kananaskis trail reports.

An old friend was there to greet me as I finished my ski at the Visitor Centre

For the first time this winter, I skied on Woolley which was excellent. Also skied Meadow, Amos, Wheeler, Whiskey Jack, Tyrwhitt, Hydroline, Elk Pass, Fox Creek, Moraine, Lodgepole and Braille. All in wonderful condition. The snow temperature at the Visitor Centre was -9, and on Tyrwhitt it was -12. Despite the snow being so cold, it was fast. It was a terrific ski today, one of the best of the season.

The trail report mentions tree debris in the south end of the trail system. I encountered very little, almost none.

Do you know which sixties song by the Crystals I took the line “all the stars were shining bright” from?


One Comment:

  1. What gadget are you using to track your distance?

    Garmin Oregon 550 -Bob

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