This turned out to be an eventful day. Never mind that conditions in PLPP were excellent everywhere, with every trail having been trackset within the past week. That’s eventful in itself this season.
The snow is staying cold, even while we have above seasonal temps everywhere else. The snow temp at Boulton Creek at 1:40 pm when I started was -10. Easy waxing.
My odometer turned over 1000K as I skied down Hydroline, but that was trifling compared to who I met today. No, not the two busloads of skiers from Regina.
The big news today was that I finally met Steve Riggs, who has been a reliable and consistent commenter and trip reporter almost from day one when this blog started in 2008. Steve was the second person to post a comment(Ray takes the honours as the first). When I was taking those first wobbly steps, wondering if anyone was reading, it was encouraging to get those initial comments. Steve and his entourage were at the Elk Pass/Tyrwhitt/Hydroline junction as I emerged from Tyrwhitt.
I always enjoy meeting blog readers/commenters on the trails. Today, a number of skiers who I didn’t know said hi. I usually stop and talk for a minute, but it seemed everyone was flying downhill on this gorgeous day. I would have to admit that it’s more fun to keep your momentum going than to talk to me. 🙂
I didn’t take many pictures today, but suffice it to say every trail is in excellent shape. The only inconvenience I encountered was a short stretch on Hydroline where the tracks had disappeared due to wind-blown snow.

This is my 997K photo. Taken at the Elk Pass/Tyrwhitt/Hydroline junction. Thanks to Steve for the photo
Trails I skied today were Whiskey Jack, Tyrwhitt, Hydroline, Elk Pass, Fox Creek, Moraine, Packers, Pocaterra, Lynx, Amos, and Wheeler.
From the sounds of the trip reports, this wasn’t the only place with wonderful conditions today.
I would normally get a photo at the point where I reached 1000K, but in the absence of that, I’ll use the photo which Steve took at 997K.
If you’re a beginner skier, scroll down and read the post “Where can beginners ski.” Helpful comments continue to pour in. As a beginner skier, you really want to start out on good snow conditions, so thanks to Greg for bringing that to our attention.
Congratulations on hitting the 1000k mark this year Bob !
Nice to meet you too, Bob!
The skiing on Sunday was truly superb- we skied up Whiskyjack to the Fire Lookout for lunch, down the south side of Lookout and up Hydroline to Elk Pass, then over Tyrwhitt and down Whiskyjack to finish our 21 km loop.
All in great condition including the downhills which were fast, but skiing very nicely. Watch for the occasional “tree bomb” in the tracks on Tyrwhitt.