When skiing up Whiskey jack, you may not even have noticed the little creek which you cross as you near the top.
It’s known as Spotted Wolf creek and it flows through a culvert under the trail at 3.5K(if you started at Boulton creek parking lot). It follows a tiny channel through the trees on its journey down the mountain side.
In the winter, it’s usually frozen, but on warmer days you could hear the water gurgling beneath your feet if you were listening for it. I’ve skied over it at least 80 times in the past 15 years.
During the heavy rains, the creek must have become a raging torrent, picking up lots of debris which eventually blocked the culvert, and consequently re-routing the stream flow down the trail.

Once an inconspicuous trickle, Spotted Wolf creek has created a massive drainage ditch on Whiskey Jack for a distance of 300 metres
There is now a channel, varying in width from 2 – 5 metres and approx 2 metres deep, running right down the middle of our beloved ski trail. It goes for a distance of 300 metres and eventually hits a low spot where it exits the trail among rocks and debris.
The trail is not closed, but it’s difficult getting around this section where the trail has eroded. You would be required to do some bushwahacking. The sides of the drainage are undermined and unstable in places and would be risky to walk on.

Whiskey Jack now features the “twin waterfall.” Spotted Wolf creek enters the trail about 20 metres above this waterfall.
The trail is in good shape for the first 3.2K with some minor, almost insignificant erosion on the steep part at 2.5K. I was able to ride my bike all the way to the 3.2K mark.
Jack, the manager at Boulton Creek campground, wanted me to remind everyone they are open. If you have a reservation, get on out there. The Boulton Creek Trading Post is also open.
K-country has now updated their trail reports. You can see the status of all the summer trails(some of which are also winter trails). See the main menu under “Trail reports.” For more information on trails which are open, go here Where to hike.