-Marlene is ecstatic over the fresh snow.-
I have lots to talk about from an eventful day on my cross-country skis, so let’s start with the biggest news of all: More snow has arrived!
We’ve waited a long time for the second round of snow on Moraine Lake road, but it was there today, and it was filling in a lot of the gaps in the trail. I started skiing just as the snow was beginning to fall, soon after 1 pm.
Today’s snow was cold and dry, so no high-heels on our skis. I waxed with VR45 on one ski, and my secret wax for fresh snow on the other ski, and both performed perfectly well for the rest of the day.
About half-way along(4.5K), there was enough fresh snow in the tracks to slow you down a bit, but who’s complaining. There was much better snow cover and a good track through both of the S-bends.
Jane and Marlene, the two cheerful skiers on the header of this blog, were on the trail today. I didn’t recognize Jane, and she escaped the paparazzi this time.
Just as I had clicked into my skis, a Parks Canada truck drove up with two of the tracksetting crew who had come to inspect the conditions. I talked with Andrew and Jeff for about 10 minutes and it sounds like they are prepared to deal with all this new snow which is in the forecast.

Helen Read draws the lucky winner’s name. Farley Klotz is the winner of two free nights at Mountaineer Lodge in Lake Louise.
We have a winner
Normally, this would be the big news, but new snow trumped all else.
I had the entries for the Mountaineer Lodge contest with me, and when I ran into Helen Read about 5K up the trail, she volunteered to make the draw. I am happy to announce the winner is Farley Klotz.
When I emailed Farley to give him the good news, I also asked if I could use his full name. He replied with, ” This is most excellent news! Of course you can use my full name so that everyone can be envious!”
We have two more contests coming up in the near future where you will get another chance to be the envy of your friends.
Helen picked Farley’s name from 166 entries. The comments/entries were delightful to read and I wish I could give the prize to everyone. Thanks to all who entered, and thanks to Mountaineer Lodge for the prize. If you didn’t win, you can still stay at the Mountaineer Lodge and get 20% off, a special rate for all SkiHere readers. Conditions should be fabulous this weekend at Lake Louise, and hopefully some other trails will be trackset.
When I got back to the trailhead it was still snowing lightly, but within five minutes of leaving Lake Louise, the snow had stopped. There was a skiff of snow around Castle junction but Lake Louise is where it was happening today.
Is Canmore Nordic Centre in your plans for this weekend?
With all this snow in the forecast, hopefully some new trails will be skiable this weekend. We’ll need them. There are two events on at the Canmore Nordic Centre so it will be busy there. CNC has trails open and available for recreational skiers at all times but parking can be a problem when special events are on. You can check for CNC updates on the Canmore Nordic Centre page.
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THANK YOU for the frequent updates. After stopping at Lifesports for backcountry boots last Monday, we headed to CNC and enjoyed a beautiful, sunny day on some great terrain. My 18 month-old was giddy with all the downhill rides she enjoyed from her backpack throne. We headed to MLR last Tuesday & I’m glad to hear you’re getting more snow. After a wonderful intro to AB skiing, we’re looking forward to snow down here in MT this week!
What and when are the two events on at CNC?
The CNC has provided this information: Nov 29-30: Biathlon NorAm, Cross Country Alberta Cup 1 & 2. (Yes, 2 events the same weekend). For November 28, 29 and 30, the public wax rooms will be located in Cross Country Team Room #6 (located across from the Daylodge).
Details of upcoming events are posted on the CNC page