The Healy Creek bridge is expected to be fully operational for the beginning of June. Photo by Michelle Ferguson/Crag & Canyon/ QMI AGENCY
By my count, there were at least 122 bridges in Banff National Park and K-Country which were damaged by the 2013 floods.
The Healy Creek Bridge, referred to in this Crag and Canyon article will be a very welcome sight next winter for xc skiers. We will no longer have to access Healy Creek and Brewster Creek trails through the obstacle course starting at the Cave and Basin.
The other trail referred to in the article, Ribbon Creek, will be even more welcome if the work is completed in time for ski season.
Jill Sawyer, regional communications officer for Alberta Parks, said:
“There are a couple of major trails in Kananaskis that are very popular that were completely damaged and we’ve had to do a lot of work on them. That includes the Ribbon Creek Trail, which has been partially repaired in 2014 and will be a focus for 2015 as well.”
I think we should have a Ribbon Creek Grand Opening event if it comes to fruition.