I noticed from the CNC Live Grooming Report this morning that some new terrain was added to Frozen Thunder. It looks like about 500 metres on the Nagano trail.
I couldn’t access it, of course, because Frozen Thunder is closed to the public due to the biathlon races. It will be closed tomorrow(Sunday) as well from 8 a.m. – 5 pm.

These skiers are coming to the turnaround point. A further 100 metres is possible up the hill on the left if it isn’t closed for lessons.
The conditions at CNC are wonderful on the limited amount of trail that is available to the public. From the daylodge you can ski 300 metres to the turnaround point at the biathlon range. There is a further 100 metres which goes up the hill on Banff trail if it isn’t closed for lessons.
At noon, the air temperature was +1°C, and the snow was -4. I had terrific grip with Swix VR50.
A four-lane lesson grid is in great shape in front of the daylodge and was being well-used by beginner skiers.
The imminent cold weather should be conducive to making lots of snow. Starting Monday, it’s going to be bitterly cold for the forseeable future.
All the weather forecasts are predicting snow tonight, and a substantial amount of snow tomorrow(Sunday). The Snow Forecast for PLPP which was at 49 cm a few days ago is still predicting 30 cm, with a high of -20°C on Tuesday. The Weather Network predicts 5-10 cm for Boulton Creek. Ventusky says 10 cm for Elk Pass.
With the cold weather on the horizon, it would be interesting to all my Calgary readers to know the status of the proposed snowmaking on the Calgary golf courses. I hope we can get an update on that soon.
Dollars do not stretch far nowadays, only 300 meters it seems. Might as well keep on driving to LL. Yesterday even Canmore Nordic club was training on MLR. The conditions were excellent lightly falling snow with about 4cm already on the ground. Hordes of skiers but still lot of space at the chateaus parking lot.