Thanks to everyone for the trip reports today. I didn’t ski, so I am posting a few photos which have come in with the trip reports.

Alison MacPhee had the fastest time in the Lake Louise Loppet 10K today, and she wrote the iconic saying on the header of this blog. Photo from the 2016 Cookie race.
Congratulations to Erik Carleton for having the fastest time in the Lake Louise Loppet 20K race today at 1:11:38, and to Alison MacPhee for her first place in the 10K with a time of 47:41.
Congrats also to my friend Peter Neumann for winning his age group in the 10K. Lucky for him, I wasn’t there. 🙂 Peter tells me the conditions were a bit soft with all the new snow.
You can see all the results of the Lake Louise Loppet.
Congratulations are also in order for Canadian Alex Harvey for his gold medal in the 50K World Championships. Read more and see a video. (Thanks to Chuck for the link.)
The performances of Alex Harvey and Caitlin Irwin have brought tears to my eyes.
Thanks for that Chuck you made her day!
Yes, but the performance of Caitlin Irwin in the Lake Louise Loppet is true GOLD here… 1st place in the 2 Km Jackrabbit (boy or girl)… Congrats Caitlin!
Pete’s other daughter, Megan, also won her 10K race in the 11-14 age group. She had to work for it, though, and won it by 1/10th of a second!
What actually happened…Megan skied the whole way with her two friends and training partners Finn and Alison and they were all trying to finish with the exact same times. At the finish it didn’t turn out that way and Megan was upset she didn’t tie gold with her buddy Alison. However all three had a great day at the loppet and really enjoyed themselves!