I bike to the top of Skogan Pass every summer, but I need to get in better shape to make it to the summit. It’s been two months since ski season ended, and it doesn’t take long for this old body to deteriorate.
As it was, I started from the trailhead at Dead Man’s Flats and made it to the viewpoint at 5.5K with 440 metres net elevation gain.

These two hikers had just come down from Pigeon mountain and were now reading the sign which says it is closed
I was surprised to see so many hikers on the trail today. The trail to Pigeon mountain is closed ’til Jun 15 for lambing season. That’s where everyone goes to see the early wildflowers on the south facing slope of Pigeon. I’ve been up there at peak wildflower season and they are indeed spectacular.
When I reached the turn-off to Pigeon mountain at 5K, I encountered two hikers who were coming down from the mountain. Being the busybody that I am, when I pointed out the very conspicuous sign to them which indicates the trail is closed, they were “sorry.”
I met another group of hikers, Brendan, Savannah, and Xander near the same spot. They had been further along on Skogan Pass and said up high there was still some snow on the trail but easy to navigate through or around. Brendan was eating the biggest sandwich I’ve ever seen.
There were a few flowers in bloom along the trail, mostly at the viewpoint area. I saw forget-me-nots, kinnickinnick, and some nice little white flowers. Earlier, when I was in some shady areas, I saw purple clematis.
Two more hikers showed up as I was taking pictures at the viewpoint, notable because the woman was carrying the big pack!
I started out in hot, sunny conditions but by the time I reached the viewpoint it had cooled off and clouded over.
There is a trail camera about 1.5K from the parking lot along the Skogan Pass trail. When I stopped to take a picture, I noticed a tiny inconspicuous device on the next tree over. Wouldn’t you know, it’s another camera. Alex on Facebook said it’s a counter to count the number of trail users.
Did you ask those ‘sorry’ hikers permission to take their photo and to publish it on a public forum? Nice.
In a public place, no permission is required. I normally ask people for their permission, but do you think it would have been given in this case? Saying sorry doesn’t cut it. Walking right past a prominent sign into territory which is off-limits has consequences.
The little white flowers are Rock Jasmine.