Last night’s 10 cm in Canmore is creating a winter-like atmosphere on Frozen Thunder. The Weather Network is predicting a further 10-15 cm in Canmore by Thursday night.
I was pretty sure we’d get a report today from Chuck, and he didn’t disappoint. Click on the Trip Reports to read our first report of November. He’s added some photos from his ski trip on Moraine Lake road. The tracksetting crew at LL is officially on the job starting tomorrow(Nov 2), so let’s hope all that snow on MLR gets packed sooner rather than later. The Snow Forecast predicts a further 15 cm at LL by Thursday night.

Some early-season tracksetting near Kananaskis Village. The snow is still thin and more is required to be skiable. Photo by Tracksetter Jeff.
This next photo from Ribbon Creek Tracksetter Jeff is a real teaser. I think he sent it simply to make us all salivate. He set a track for a short distance in a place where the snow must have been fairly deep but his report says the trail needs one more dump to be skiable with rock skis…
“15cm of new here at Kananaskis Village. Not skiable yet but with another good snowfall rock skis could come out.” – Tracksetter Jeff(Ribbon Creek) Wed Nov 1, 10:00 a.m.
Jeff didn’t say which trail this was on, but I will guess that it’s Terrace trail near the village. I hope Jeff will correct any of my foregoing assumptions if he’s checking the blog tonight.
The Weather Network is predicting 15-20 cm for Thursday in Kananaskis, the Snow Forecast is predicting 16 cm by noon tomorrow. Mountain Forecast is at 15 cm. Ventusky is only at 7 cm. I’m cheering for 20 cm so we could possibly be skiing on Terrace trail by the weekend.
I’m looking forward to some creative comments and answers to Diogo’s question about snowboarding on Moraine Lake road. I once encountered snowboarders on Elk Pass, so maybe anything goes?