PLPP grooming is underway

This is what we have been waiting for! 🙂 🙂 🙂   This Live Grooming Report showed up late this afternoon. There might be more to the story as I see only a portion of Lookout north side was done. With these cold temperatures, equipment problems can be a concern. Also note “Whiskey Jack was only track set above the steep S hill, about the top third of the trail, and groomed only below.” Well, that just makes it more fun coming down. 

Peter Lougheed Provincial Park Grooming Report

Click for larger image

Contest Update

There were 116 entries in the Elk Pass “Pick the Date” contest. Five people remain in the running to win.

Jackie L            Dec 8
Ev W                Dec 8
Herb Kruschke   Dec 9
Ross Murphy      Dec 10
Jared R              Dec 13

Ribbon Creek tracksetter Jeff sent this photo and update re: Skogan Pass…

Skogan Pass. Photo by Tracksetter Jeff.

Skogan Pass. Photo by Tracksetter Jeff.


  1. Mud Lake weather station (Chester-Burstall trailhead) shows -36 this morning, Lower Kananaskis Lake a balmy -35. Cheers!

    • Does anyone know why there is a weather station at Mud Lake?

      There’s usually some history involved. One such funny example we used to hear on southern Ontario CBC morning radio show. They would cycle through the weather for various cities and towns, including along the way Moose River Crossing, which is just a train trestle crossing the Moose River !

    • Steve, where are getting the Lower Lake temp from? The Boulton Creek(Whiskey Jack) forecast from Weather Network shows -22, yet shows today’s high being -24. Anything around -22 seems like an outlier this morning, with most temps around -30.

      While the Avalanche forecast shows -36 for Mud Lake, just down the road at Black Prince it’s -23(but at 2300 metres elevation).

      VentuSky says it’s -26 at Boulton Creek.

      There’s a wide divergence in temperatures for Nakiska Ridgetop. Environment Canada indicates -37, while Weather Network says -27.

      I’m debating whether I should go find out for myself!

      My thermometer in Canmore says -31.

      • Bob- Environment Alberta has a weather station at Lower Kananaskis, as well a bunch of other locations. I’ll post a link later from home.

  2. The wantonly thrillful Skogan Pass dichotomy: Delights your mind, mortifies your body. Only one half of me is giddy with anticipation.

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