Call for volunteers

This morning's sunrise over Grotto mountain in Canmore

This morning’s sunrise over Grotto mountain in Canmore

From the Friends of Kananaskis:

The Jewel Pass hiking and mountain biking trail need your help.   We are in need of strong volunteers this coming Saturday, Aug. 31, to assist with rebuilding a set of hiking and mountain biking trails.

Volunteers are needed for the Jewel Pass trail (accessed from Barrier Dam) to assist with repairing or building new trail suitable for both hiking and mountain biking. trail rebuilding. This is medium to heavy work (what we like to call work for elk and grizzly type volunteers) and will include shaping the sides of trails, creating drainage, moving loose rocks and debris. tamping tread and assisting with bridgework.

You can volunteer as an individual or as a group. We are also happy to accept teenage volunteers, over the age of 12. Advise us if your teenager wishes to participate unaccompanied and we will e-mail to you a consent form to sign.

If you already have alternate plans for this Saturday but are considering changing these in order to come and help, confirm with us that volunteers are still required for the date before you change important plans.  

It is imperative to sign up before you come to insure we have adequate supervision and tools available. To volunteer for this projects, please email: Help us to manage the many volunteer requests that we are processing by putting in the subject line: “Jewel Pass, Aug 31”.  


  1. P.S. Other than the park employee I was the only “crew” to show up. Matt managed to shame/guilt a few hikers into helping out (As well as his friend!). Thank goodness, never would have finished otherwise. The falls are a real treat too. Great little spot.

    • That’s to bad the turnout wasn’t good. I would have been there like I was during the 19-23 week but put my back out Friday so was unable to help out:( Managed to hike up the trail today and it looks great! Saw a mtn biker on it also.

  2. My muscles will tell you it’s good to go. I don’t even work that hard in my yard! We took the tape down this afternoon. Yeesh, if you have a child waffling about getting an education, send out to repair and build trails, that’ll fix it.

  3. As of Friday, Aug 30, the Quaite Valley and Jewell Pass trails have been re-opened. The Quaite Valley trail is OK for hiking, but still too soft, brushy and unfinished for mountain biking. That should improve with work over the next week. The Jewell Pass trail include about a one kilometre middle section of brand new trail on a completely new alignment. The new route is has more views, interesting features and aesthetics than the original trail. The volunteer work party on Saturday should finish off the final bits of trail work on this trail. Here are some photos of the trail work from the past 2 weeks.

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