Sunday night update

The view from Blueberry Hill

Dec 1, 2019

We’re off to a pretty good start this ski season. We have a number of choices where there are trails in good condition. 

According to Chuck’s photos, the conditions in the south end of PLPP look fabulous. Spectacular photos, thanks Chuck(make sure to read the captions on Chuck’s photos). According to Chuckley’s trip report, conditions really are wonderful. 

Heading up Blueberry Hill. Photo by Chuck

Chuckley sent these remarks:

“Elk Pass – Hydroline – Patterson – Elk Pass @ Peter Lougheed Provincial Park
Groomers have done a superb job and the conditions were excellent today starting at -13C and ending -10C – I love green or blue wax days!
Fast snow! Patterson downhill was as good as it gets!
Debris or twigs were minor and of no concern.”

Thanks to everyone who submitted a trip report!


Linda and Kelli were enjoying the good conditions at Confederation golf course

I had a pleasant ski at Confederation golf course this afternoon. Although it warmed up to +3 in Calgary, the snow stayed cold and didn’t show any sign of deterioration. When I took a snow temperature at 2 pm, it was -2. I used VR50(0/-4) and it was sufficient. 

John picks Brett’s name in the Elk Pass contest

Confed has good early-season conditions. There are a few thin spots which are easy to avoid. Be careful on the bridges. The driving range is groomed and trackset. The course is groomed and partially trackset. 

We have another winner

While skiing at Confed, John made the draw for the second winner of the Elk Pass contest. John picked a name from among all those remaining who guessed Nov 29 as the day Elk Pass would be trackset. Of course, the first person who picked the date, Nick, was the first winner. I’ve had my email to winner Brett Plaizier acknowledged, so he’s the confirmed winner. Thank you to everyone who entered, and thanks to Stoney-Nakoda Resort for providing the prizes. 

Confederation golf course

Next time I’m on the trail, we’ll do the draw for the Fischer skis. 

From the sounds of Pete’s, MaSid’s, and Steve’s trip reports, West Bragg Creek was a terrific place to ski today. 

Barry demonstrates the method of entering Confed through the opening between the gates.

As of writing this, we don’t have a trip report from Lake Louise or Yoho, but I can’t imagine that conditions have deteriorated much. I know the tracks are getting a little bit worn on Moraine Lake road and the Great Divide, but should still be pretty good. There’s snow in the forecast every day this week for Lake Louise so the groomers should be able to refresh the trails.


Confederation golf course

Lake Louise to Banff Loppet

I was surprised the Lake Louise to Banff Loppet didn’t sell out today. For the past many years, it not only sold out on the first day, usually the first hour. As of my writing this, there are still 6 spots available. I stopped promoting it because they had more interest than they could handle. Keeping things in perspective, selling 97% of your availabilities on the first day is still pretty fantastic. 

Shaganappi Golf Course

We learned today that SNO (Shaganappi Nordic Operations) has taken over responsibility for grooming the trails at Shaganappi golf course. This morning I posted the following…

“They have a Facebook page with 12 followers; let’s see if we can increase that to 100 or more.”

As I write this at 7:30 pm, they are up to 101 followers. Thanks, everyone!


  1. Has anyone been out to Peterlougheed (William watson lodge area) today or yesterday? I am taking a group of ladies out to learn how to cross country ski and was hoping to do some green trails. Is it track set?

  2. Nice to meet you today, Bob 🙂 great conditions at Confed, thks for this wealth of information that is your blog.

  3. Glad you enjoyed the trails at Confed. Just a note on the parking lot and the 9th hole area being closed. We hope the parking lot will be plowed tonight and then we will be open the lot. It will open daily 9am to 9pm.
    The golf course did a big reno on the 9th hole just south of the club house and it is surrounded by snow fence. This is area is closed as the work isn’t done and there are many hazards until the snow and may not be safe. We have had people crossing the fence as they are used to skiing over there but we ask that everyone stay respect the closure for their own safety.

    • Jamie, there’s a skier-set sucker trail leading down to the fence. I know, I got “sucked in,” thinking it was a short cut back to the trailhead. I backtracked before I went down the hill to the fence but I could see other skiers went all the way down. I wonder if a sign at the start of the sucker trail would help, telling skiers it’s a dead-end with hazards ahead, and there is no access to the clubhouse Photo

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