For single guys looking for an available lady who likes to ski, the place to be today was Goat Creek/Spray River. Sarah, Lindsay, Kate, Nicole and Tanys were wondering where all the guys were. (At the Cookie Race?)
Ladies, if you tell me where you’re skiing next, I’m sure the trail will be crowded with handsome single guys.
The conditions on Goat Creek and Spray river were not much different from yesterday, except the downhills on the first 7K of Goat Creek are scraped bare and have become a little bumpy due to the fact it’s ice underneath. Before it was ice, it was walked in and the bootprints have frozen, and you can really feel it. Be careful. A couple cm of new snow would fix it, and wouldn’t you know it, that’s what’s in the forecast for tonight with more tomorrow.
To add some variety, I skied Spray River East, rather than West, for the final stretch into Banff. These might be the best conditions I’ve ever had on this trail. The only sketchy part was the final 200 metres down to the golf course which is hardpack, but I didn’t see any rocks. The multi-users are doing a good job of staying in their dedicated lane and avoiding the ski tracks.
The air temperature at Goat Creek trailhead at 11:30 a.m. was -7 and the snow was -8. I started out on VR40(-4/-12) from yesterday, but added a smidgen of VR45(-2/-8) at the Spray River bridge at 9K, and I had excellent grip for the upcoming hills.
The conditions between the Goat Creek bridge at 7k and the Spray Loop junction at 13.3K are fantastic. If conditions remain good, I might be skiing here every day for the remainder of the winter.
Congratulations to Ian Murray for winning the Cookie Race today. He beat Eric Carleton by three-one-hundredths of a second. That would have been fun to see. See all the Kananaskis Ski Marathon results.
Great human interest story, do miss the Alberta lifestyle (women who ski classic). The only women who ski in Nova Scotia are skate skiers or downhill.
Going out for a 25 km ski date would be better than a coffee or restaurant date!
Thanks for the shout out Bob and all the helpful tips on Sat! Great pics. Sarah and I are hoping to go back out for a ski next Sunday. Fingers crossed for equally gorgeous weather/conditions.
Damn! Bad year to break an ankle. Maybe the snow couch can factor nicely into the skier dating scene next year.
Good for you, Bob, for keeping things fun and adding a little human interest! It’s not just about the snow. Always a pleasure reading your blogs.
Looks like xc skiing is alive and well – all ages all genders!
And all race starts should be staggered – f,m,f,m,f,m… -)
Good on you Bob for keeping things interesting. Keep up the good work!
Thank you for the ski report. As for the dating advice: Really?!?
When I offered to to take their photo and display it on the blog, they said to make sure I let the men know they were single and available. I thought it would make a much more interesting story than a third consecutive boring report about trail conditions on Goat Creek.
I take it that you won’t be visiting the dating service that I’m setting up on this blog?
You haven’t registered:
Stephen! .ca please.