We were back on Goat Creek today but starting from the Banff end. It was about as nice a day for skiing as possible with a temperature of -7 and sunny skies.
We encountered cougar tracks about 7K from the trailhead, and they appeared off and on for the next 5K.
The trail was in good condition. The 2-4 cm of snow that was in yesterday’s forecast did not materialize; rather, there was just a dusting of fresh snow. Quite a few skiers were out enjoying the day. With all the traffic, a few rocks had become exposed on some of the downhill sections. I managed to dig two of them out, but there is still one frozen into the track on the downhill to the widowmaker bridge over Goat Creek. That’s the twisting downhill which always gets glazed from all the snowplowing skiers trying to slow themselves down so they can navigate the right turn onto the bridge.
Just a reminder, if you ski somewhere, let us know how the conditions were. Click on the comments below to leave your report.
There’s been considerable new snowfall in Peter Lougheed Prov Park(10-15 cm), so check the trail report links for the latest grooming reports.
Happy new year everyone!
Ditto on the gratitude for the site, Bob. It’s a real help for track skiers and those meandering to the dark side (i.e., backcountry) as well. A quick note on skiing at Shagannappi Golf Course. I went today and found it quite enjoyable. There are multiple classic tracks (four in some places) and a skating lane in much of the area. A real crowd gathered at mid-day when the temperature was about -2. It’s wonderful to ski in the city again.
I keep meaning to say “thanks” for your site. I go to it every day, sometimes to get a pseudo-fix as I can’t get out as often as you seem to go. FYI – I spent a couple hours at Hawkridge on Tuesday. Trails were pretty good, considering what they have to work with. I did all the loops and never saw any exposed ground. Keep up the blog and happy skiing!