Lots of smiling faces today

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Was Patti happy to be out skiing today? Jan 17, 2010

Ten of us set out from the PLPP Visitor Centre on a beautiful warm day with pretty nice conditions on all the trails which we encountered.

Bonus! some fresh grooming and tracksetting occurred last night on a few of the more popular trails in PLPP, including Pocaterra up to the Packers junction.

Debbie and Dave on Wheeler trail. Jan 17, 2010

Five of the “non-casual” skiers on our trip today were able to enjoy a stretch of the new tracks as they skied down Pocaterra from Packers to Lynx.

We  “casual skiers” did an 11k trip on Meadow, Wheeler, Amos, Woolley and back home on Meadow.  It was all good. You could see a few remnants of the icy trails on the occasional downhill which had been scraped clean, but no problems.

Lots of smiling faces today! Woolley trail Jan 17, 2010

Dad tries to keep up with future world-cuppers Caitlyn and Meghan on Woolley trail. Jan 17, 2010

Lake Louise to Banff Loppet update(from Loppet.ca):

Jan 18: Registration is now closed as we have reached our limit of 160 skiers. Thanks for supporting our loppet!

“Weekend trail crew warriors have good news to report we fully anticipate being able to ski the full 71 km to Banff! Crews will reset the track midweek. Weather forecasts indicate a minor cooling trend by the end of the week.”
Read more http://www.loppet.ca/

Nipika Loppet this Sat, Sun:

If you missed out on the LL to Banff loppet, don’t forget there’s another fun race this Sat and Sun at Nipika. Here’s the latest on their trail conditions:

Jan 18: “WE HAVE SNOW,1 cm of new snow overnight has freshened up the trails. The Nipika Toby Creek Loppet Weekend, Jan. 23 – 24 is a GO, GO, GO!” Read more Nipika Loppet

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