-Hannah, Janice and Charlie were on the way back when I met them about 4K along.-
(First things first: I know that Calgarians are curious to know the conditions on the golf courses, so here’s a Shaganappi update)
By the time I arrived at 2 pm, Moraine Lake road had seen many skiers. Vehicles were still lined up on the road. The trail was packed this morning, but not trackset. The snow is still too thin for tracksetting.
Before I continue, I should let you know about further plans for grooming. Tracksetter Jeff sent me an email which said, ” Will pack out 1A and Upper tramline tomorrow.” 1A is also known as the Great Divide trail, and it tends to require a little more snow because of all the bumps and heaves on the old highway, so don’t have high expectations. Upper Tramline appeared to have lots of snow.
By arriving late, the snow had set up nicely, and I had a firm base to ski on. The classic skiers before me had made a reasonably well-defined skier-set track, albeit very wobbly on the way back down when I was going faster.The snow temperature was -7°C, and VR40(-4/-12) performed well. Easy waxing on this cold snow. The air temp was -10°C. I see the forecast calls for -29 tonight and a frigid high of -18 tomorrow.
I only went to the first high point which is at 5.2K and 210 metres net elevation. Pole tips were hitting pavement until I was part way up the hill, about 3K. Jeff said that further on, the snow thinned out again and I imagine the click-clicking may have returned. Jeff’s email said “Less snow accumulations at the top end ( only 7 cm ) strange…thought there would be more.”
One of the things I like best about the return of ski season is all the blog readers I get to meet and talk with. I met Lanny and Mark for the first time. Lanny was the one who checked the trail for us on Friday and left a trip report, cautioning us not to go on Saturday because most of the snow had melted.
The trail tends to get beat up a fair bit on the first 1.7K to the Fairview junction due to heavy skier traffic and lots of training groups. Thereafter it gets a lot better, but I’m not complaining. There’s no risk of hitting pavement, although I could see the early skiers churned up some of the soft snow with their baskets. The S bend, as you approach Paradise creek at 2.6K, has some icy spots but nothing to be too concerned about. It’s always thin in this location in the early season.
A word about road conditions: The passing lane on the highway is snow/ice covered. There was a semi in the ditch near Lake Louise.

I am grateful to our veterans for the freedoms we enjoy. A heartfelt thankyou to those who have sacrificed and served the cause of freedom and peace.
A much-improved Frozen Thunder will re-open tomorrow noon(Tuesday) at the Canmore Nordic Centre. The recent snowfall, combined with man-made snow, should help conditions immensely. The colder temperatures will be conducive to getting out the blue wax.