This was a big one

Update Jan 15 at 7:27 a.m: No new snow overnight, and not snowing now. If you look at the Canmore Nordic Centre Grooming status map, you can see both Pisten-Bullys are out working the trails. The map is covered with green dots, which means those trails have been groomed overnight. It’s -20 in Canmore now, but the high for today is -8(WN) or -13(EC). Milder weather is moving in. It’s -3 in Lake Louise.

If you discover any new tracksetting today, please leave a comment and let us know.

The mountains are covered in deep snow

It snowed heavily all day in Canmore but has finally let up. I can see the moon, and the lights across the valley. The forecast, however, is calling for further snow, ending by Saturday afternoon. There’s a nice accumulation of snow here already, I’m guessing about 15 – 20 cm.

The PLPP trail report shows that some tracksetting was completed today on Elk Pass, Hydroline, Lookout, and Tyrwhitt. The first skiers tomorrow will likely be breaking trail in at least 10 cm of fresh snow.

Lots of new snow in Canmore today. Jan 14, 2011

The photo above is the trail where Tessa and I walked this afternoon, about 30M from our back door. As I mentioned previously, I expect the trails at the Canmore Nordic Centre will be groomed tonight. Their ultimate condition will depend on how much new snow falls on them.

Everyone will be interested in whatever conditions you find tomorrow, wherever you may ski. Leave a comment and let us know.

It’s been a long time since we’ve had a wide-spread heavy snowfall like this one. Conditions are going to be fantastic.


  1. Well, we got a few mm here in Calgary!! Not much more in Bragg Creek, but the snow there is fantastic. We parked at Allen Bill (-pond) and skied the Iron Springs – Elbow Valley loop. Some was on soft powder, some on freshly groomed snow, all of it was wonderful! In fact we were passed by grooming machines as we skied. It remains quite cold “out here”, but not too cold to ski if you cover up.
    The West Bragg trail system is really very promising, it is a shame the snow is rarely so wonderful. I’m personally hoping for more cold weather (but not too cold)!

  2. Hi Bob,

    Love the website. I stumbled across it in mid-November and now I check it daily.

    Skied the Spray Trail @ 5pm tonight (Friday). Spray had been groomed on this afternoon, but at 5pm there was 5cm of fresh on top of the tracks. The track was good to about the 7.5km mark and then it crapped out. I stopped 2km short of the Goat Creek turnoff. Just enough moonlight to leave the headlamp off tonight. If we get clear skies on Sat or Sun the Spray/Goat Creek circuit will be perfect for an evening ski – 36km out and back.

    I might be breaking tracks up to Elk Pass for the second weekend in a row. This weekend I’ll be on fat skis since we’re heading over the pass to the Elk Lakes cabin.

    See ya at the LL-B loppet. It should be the best race conditions in the last 10 years.

    Tom from Canmore

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