Emerald Lake

Good news! The Kicking Horse Ski Club reports that the alluvial fan at Emerald Lake is once again accessible:

You can ski the lake and fan again–just start at the beginning of the CONNECTOR (top of stairs across from Emerald Sports) –go across the small walking bridge(carefully) and up and over the hills and dales(walking and carrying skis is OK) to the EAST BAY and to track set trails on the lake. ENJOY–there will no longer be groomed trails in the AVALANCHE AREA.


Map of the area: Peaceful pond trail map

It looks like the weather’s a little cooler out in Yoho and Lake Louise, so the snow may be in better condition.

Some grooming was completed in PLPP yesterday. I hope someone can give us an update if you are out there today.

The Spray River west side in Banff was trackset yesterday.


  1. PLPP yesterday – they must have groomed Pocaterra, Whiskey Jack and Packers first thing Saturday morning, because they were in great shape. Wheeler and Lynx were skier-set tracks but not bad. Temp was 0C in the afternoon, a warm purple wax worked well with just a tiny touch of something warmer under the toes. Caution: Watch the south-facing downhills late in the afternoon once they cool – they can be unexpectedly icy and slick within a few minutes of losing the sun.

  2. Spring came suddenly!! And distressingly for those of us who love snow……
    However, we were out at PLPP yesterday, and they have tons of new snow!! It is a bit warm, soft and sticky, but as long as we kept moving we were fine and had a lovely time. Most recent grooming had been completely covered, so we followed tracks made by other skiers – many thanks to those other skiers 😀

  3. Red Earth creek was trackset March 11 to Shadow Lake Jct. Conditions excellent!!

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