Is this legal?

I encountered two hikers who were loaded down with antlers which they had collected in Bow Valley Wildland Provincial Park in K-Country. This photo was taken on the Wind Ridge trail. I told them it was illegal to remove antlers from the park, but they disagreed with me. Does anyone know for certain what the rules are?


  1. There was a twitter from CBC tonight about an antler bust in Alberta today

    Thanks, Gord. I found a link to the story 500 antlers seized in wildlife trafficking bust
    Also in the Edmonton Journal Antlers seized in trafficking bust -Bob

  2. If not illegal common sense should tell them to leave them where they are to complete the cycle of nature…

  3. Its a provincial park so therefore a protected area so they were commiting a crime.

  4. The Government of Alberta website states this:

    “In Alberta, naturally shed wildlife parts, such as antlers, can be kept or sold without a special permit, as long as they were found outside of a provincial or national park or other protected area. ”

    This touches on provincial and national parks. A “WILDLAND” provincial park may be slightly different.

  5. Thats quite a pile of antlers they collected! You should report them to a conservation officer along with their photo.

  6. Probably not allowed, take a look at section 9.2 and 10.1 of the Provincial Parks Act:

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