PLPP – the middle

Juliana, Tom and Mark at the Wheeler – Amos(south) junction

No need for a long story about today’s skiing. Everything is perfect on the trails I skied in the middle section of Peter Lougheed Provincial park. The photos below will tell the story better than I can.

Jason on a fast downhill on Pocaterra

Jason on Pocaterra

At 12:20 pm, air temperature was -11°C, and the snow was -12. I lost or misplaced my brand new tin of VR40, so I used Start for snow temperature -7/-12 and it worked well. I could have used VR30, but I thought the temperature was going to warm up. It did a bit, and was -8 when I finished at 2:42 pm.

I started at Elkwood Amphitheatre and skied a 20K loop including Wheeler, Whiskey jack, Pocaterra, Lynx, Amos, Woolley, Meadow.

The photo of Jason was taken while we were both doing a fast downhill on Pocaterra.

I’ve updated the PLPP Maps on the main menu. The new maps show the changes to Pocaterra, Come-along, and Boulton creek. I’ve also changed a couple distances which I know are incorrect.


  1. Hi Bob,

    My wife Taylor and I met you a while back at Ribbon Creek. We’ve been doing a tonne of skiing since then, and loving it! Your mention of the snow vs. air temp in today’s post struck a chord, since I’ve been working on my understanding of that with our waxing. In your experience, how quickly does the snow temperature follow the air temperature, assuming a typical forested trail (i.e., not too sun-lit), and average wind conditions? I did a terrible waxing job the other day, when I assumed the snow to be colder than it was!

    Thanks so much, and cheers,

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