Trip Report from Chuck submitted on April 13:
“With 3 cms of fresh velvety snow on top of a solid base, Lake O’Hara was a great choice today.”
Chuck thought he saw a grizzly but I think it was a bison. Check for yourself Chuck’s photos.
Lake O’Hara Lodge is closed for the season, so I imagine tracksetting has ended.
Chuck, I was fascinated with the photo of the picnic table in the snow from last May. Did you get a chance to see how the snow level at the picnic table compared this year?
I did not see the picnic table… it may well be still under the snow.
But it looks like the grizzly remembers the location!
Oh is that where it is ?!!!
You know it’s the end of the ski season when…Bob hasn’t posted anything for three days and the last comment on “Trip Reports,” two days and says “Diehard.”
I must admit this heat wave is melting my enthusiasm
I haven’t been skiing since early February
That’s when the warm weather hit the foothills.
Thanks Bob for featuring this trip on your Home Page .
Last year we skied the Lake O’Hara Fire Road on May 7, and this is what it was like then:
That won’t happen this year… hopefully we will be “Gone Fishin’” like Jim!
Hey, don’t give up on Lake O’Hara too early.
I recall hiking up the creek and having the campground all to ourselves in June way back when the dead sea scrolls were being edited!