Where would we be without the guys and gals who spend hours on their snowmobiles and snowcats, grooming the trails for us, at ungodly hours, sometimes exposed to extreme cold? We’d be plowing through some pretty deep snow.
It never fails to get me excited when I arrive at a trailhead and see new tracks. We’re very fortunate to have tracksetters who take a lot of pride in their work and make the trails so enjoyable for us. All skiers are thankful for the excellent work and all the up-to-the-minute reports which you’ve given us.
I hope the people who are missing from the gallery of photos will send me a picture. bobtruman@shaw.ca
Many thanks from me too!
Yes – thanks to all, it is most appreciated!
Thanks tracksetters/groomers – you make our Winters awesome!
Big thanks to the tracksetters! We have world class skiing here in Alberta thanks to you all.
Huge thanks!!! You provide a gift of winter weekend freedom in the beauty of nature.
Big thanks to all the groomers for your dedication, mastery, and long days of work.
Thank you!!!
Kudos and greatest respect to you, guys and the gal! Big thanks!