Moraine Lake road is trackset

This is what we’ve been waiting for! The Great Divide at Lake Louise was trackset yesterday afternoon(Friday), and Moraine Lake road was trackset this morning.

Thanks to Chuck for the photos on this update. If anyone has photos of the tracksetting on the Great Divide, please send them to me, or post them on the trip reports.

If you were sking at Lake Louise today, we’d like to hear about your experience. What wax did you use? How were conditions coming down the big hill?

Moraine Lake road ski trail is 9K to the end of the tracksetting. The Great Divide is 10K to the Lake O’Hara end. Both trails are out-and-back. 

The Great Divide is an excellent trail for beginner skiers because it is wide with a few small, gentle hills. Moraine Lake road is suitable for beginners to Paradise Creek at 2.6K at which time a steep hill will confront you. 

You’ll notice in Chuck’s photos that he skied 2K beyond the end of the tracksetting to reach the lake. The reason the trail is not trackset for the final 2K is because of avalanche danger. Act accordingly. 


  1. Hi. How deep is the snow. Ie do poles hit the pavement

    Poles are not hitting pavement. -Bob

  2. How does that saying go ‘ the avalanche does not know you’re an expert’. BTW are dogs allowed in paradise valley and if so how would my k9 friend get to the trail head without subjecting me to a $25,000 fine?

    • What would be your route to get into Paradise Valley, I think that will be the way to determine if he/she can accompany you.

      My guess anyway. Call LL Visitor Centre?

  3. The road crosses some hairy avalanche slopes beyond the end of the track set. Best not to encourage people to venture into places where death from above is a very real possibility.

    • A good reminder, and that’s why my update included this warning:
      “You’ll notice in Chuck’s photos that he skied 2K beyond the end of the tracksetting to reach the lake. The reason the trail is not trackset for the final 2K is because of avalanche danger. Act accordingly.”

      Chuck, who has plenty of backcountry experience, also mentioned on his trip report that it was a safe day to go down to the lake.

      From my experience meeting people on MLR, hikers especially, they don’t seem to need any encouragement. I mention there’s avalanche danger beyond the tracksetting but they are bound and determined to see Moraine lake and disregard the possible consequences.

      • The words say no, but the photos say go, Go, GO! I don’t mean to troll you. I’m just tired of people new to the mountains seeing pictures, not reading enough or having the experience and training to assess what they’ve read, and then doing stuff with extremely high pucker levels. And just because the conditions were safe this weekend doesn’t mean they will be in a couple months when someone googles “cross-country ski moraine lake road” and finds this post.

        • I believe people have to take responsibility for themselves. There is a huge sign at the end of the tracksetting that warns of avalanche danger. Have you heard of Darwin?

          • I guess I took the journalism school lessons, way back in the day, on the power of what we publish and taking responsibility for it seriously. Responsibility is a two-way street. Have a good day.

  4. Marielle Ackermann

    Hey There,
    I left my black, puffy KiXS jacket on the side of Moraine Lake Road, 250 meters up from the parking lot and somebody else picked it up. It has my name and phone number on the tag. If you know anything about this, please call or email me at

  5. Do remember to check out the captions in the link under Trip Reports, for details such as wax, temperature etc.

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