Confederation golf course

Confederation golf course, groomed for skating and trackset for classic.

Chip and I had a very pleasant 8K of skiing this afternoon at Confed. As Mike mentioned on his trip report, some thin spots but they’re easy enough to avoid. It might be more difficult to see them if you’re skiing in the dark tonight. 

Good conditions on the driving range for classic and skating

If you want to avoid the hazards on the main course, the trackset loop around the driving range was in excellent shape. I didn’t encounter any grass, twigs, or rocks. The loop, which is about 700 metres long, is also groomed for skating. 

You’ll encounter some thin spots at Confederation golf course

The air temperature was -7°C and I had good luck with the VR45(-2/-8) which was on my skis from yesterday. Chip had VR40(-4/-12) and slipped a bit on the hills. 

There were about a dozen skiers taking advantage of these good ski conditions in the city, and more arriving as time went on. Chip was still skating when I left. 

Chip and I had an enjoyable ski at Confed

The parking lot is not open but the gate has an opening which you can walk through. Be careful in the icy parking lot. 

Good news from Yoho and the Kicking Horse Ski Club that Yoho Valley Road is now trackset. It’s a very scenic trail. The Kicking Horse River in Yoho is also trackset and you can see some nice photos on Chuck’s trip report. 

Confederation golf course

We have a second winner

There were still three people in the running for second prize in the Elk Pass contest. Chip picked the winner’s name from a hat, and it was Chris Steudler. Thanks to everyone who entered the contest and thanks to Stoney Nakoda Resort for providing the prizes. 

Tammy and Stacey were enjoying the snow at Confederation golf course

On the subject of golf courses, please take note of this report from Michelle Huynh:

“Skied Maple Ridge Golf Course yesterday afternoon – it is double track set for almost the entire loop. Tracks are thin with some grass poking out, but in good shape!

Apparently the City of Calgary is cutting the funding to groom Maple Ridge because of low numbers. If you ski there (or even if you don’t!), please call 311 to make it known that we would like the grooming to continue.”


  1. Hello,

    I was wondering how long the loop is at Maple Ridge golf course is as well as if it is currently track set and open (Dec 6th).


    • Hi Jill, I was there yesterday (Dec 5) and it is groomed and mostly trackset. I skipped the drop down on the Deerfoot side this time so I’m not sure about that area in terms of grooming. With the outer loop and then the alternate trail along the ridge it was about 5km. With the lower part along Deerfoot I think it is about 6km total.

  2. I’m part of the Volunteer operations team for Confed through the Calgary Nordic Alliance. The conditions at Confed rely heavily on snow farming. A technical term for shovelling snow onto the trail. ?. If you like to ski at confed and like good ski conditions then please consider volunteering on a snow farming night. They are scheduled every Wednesday night at 6:30. Go to the Nordic alliance website to sign up!

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