Shaganappi golf course

Shaganappi’s upper trails have been roller packed. I received the following update from Linda at Shaganappi Nordic Operations:

Nov 30 9:30pm: Upper trails at Shaganappi are roller packed for skate skiing. Fencing and maps are not up, ski with care.  Skiing is variable with marginal conditions and bare spots in some areas. The driving range has good coverage, the hills are roller packed for some fun!

The upper trails are skiable…except when they’re not…Typical early season conditions. Lower trails are not recommended and are not groomed. The trail running along Bow trail has typical thin spots in the SE and SW corners and along the cart path. Sunday is the day to get out! A BIG thank you to Foothills Nordic at Confed for loaning us their roller to groom Shag!

SNO(Shaganappi Nordic Operations) has taken over responsibility for grooming Shaganappi golf course. They have a Facebook page with 12 followers; let’s see if we can increase that to 100 or more. They are looking for volunteers to help throughout the winter. 

Confederation golf course update

The Purple and parts of the blue trail were groomed Nov 30 with most of the work focused on renovating the skate lane and setting new track where the snow was deemed deep enough.

Note that the grand opening the Festival of Lights is tonight to that section of the trails will be blocked off until Sunday afternoon.

One Comment:

  1. Thanks for the update on Shaganappi Bob!! I live blocks from the golf course and feel so fortunate to be able to jog over for a quick ski so close to home. And so happy to hear they have a FB page-I was just thinking today it would be great to know who to contact to see how I can help out.

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