Skier’s Paradise

Dec 24, 2019 These photos were taken today on the Bill Milne trail in Kananaskis.

Update: I was asked where this trail starts. There a few places where you can access it:

  • Ribbon Creek parking lots.
  • The pullout on the road to the village before turning in to Ribbon Creek. It’s the corner of Centennial Dr and Ribbon Creek road. 
  • Kananaskis golf course. I park right where the trail crosses the road.  There are two parking areas adjacent to the trail which are usually plowed. 
  • Wedge Pond.
  • Kananaskis Village(this involves an initial downhill which you’d have to climb on your way back).



  1. Great pictures and thanks for the posts. Is there a section of the Bill Milne trail that would be suitable for novice skiers?

    • Dallas, the section of Bill Milne between Ribbon Creek and the Mt Kidd RV Park is all easy. The distance is about 6k one-way. There are a number of spots where you have to remove your skis to get across roads and one long bridge.

      Bill Milne between Kananaskis Village and Ribbon Creek is a long, steep hill. At the extreme far end, from Wedge Pond to Mt Kidd, it’s also hilly.

  2. Beautiful photos! Curious, if you go all the way from ribbon creek parking lot to wedge pond, how often do you need to take your skis off to cross roads? (Or are they normally covered well enough with snow?) TIA

    • Steph, you’ll encounter six crossings where it’s absolutely necessary to remove your skis, and three others where you may or may not, depending on snow cover, traffic, and how much you respect your skis. The six are:
      -Centennial Drive(the main road to the village)
      -Kananaskis River bridge(this is the big one. It’s 100 metres of walking on the road)
      -Golf course road
      -RV Park x 2
      -Hwy 40

  3. It was great to finally run into you after all these years of following your website!

    Seyil, it was a pleasure to meet you! -Bob

  4. Amazing photos, Bob, I love that trail for views alone. I think I’ll be trying it out on Boxing Day!

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