Back to the Hayfield trails

Freddie says “hurry-up” on the Forest Loop

Apr 6, 2020

This is the first winter in 14 years where I didn’t have Tessa the springer spaniel as my sidekick, and I’ve been missing her more than words can say.

Christine loaned me her dog for the day, so I returned to the Hayfield trails yesterday, this time with Freddie the springer spaniel in tow.

Cat tail trail

The weather was very different from Saturday. It was overcast with a moderate wind, so seemed a lot colder than the -5°C which registered on the car thermometer. In the big meadows the tracks were drifted in and the wind was brisk, but once down in the forest it was a lovely day.

I skied trails which I didn’t ski on Saturday, including the Forest Loop and the Cat Tail trail. 

I only met one other skier on the trails but there were four more vehicles in the parking lot with skiers preparing to ski when we returned to the trailhead. One of them was the groomer who mentioned that he might get back out today and do some tracksetting.

I’m enjoying the trip reports and banter, and seeing how creative people are at finding places to ski, and the new phrases which are being coined such as “Covid ski zombies.” I expect this pandemic will spawn a lot of books and movies. 


  1. Where is hayfields trail please. Love reading about it but can’t find directions. Desperate to find an off leash ski for our pup,
    Many many thanks – and a very happy new year!!

  2. You did leave a trail of bread crumbs and I found it easily! Yup. Nice secret.

    • Hi I have been skiing and coaching around Calgary and never heard about that place before. Where is it?

      • Bob has left clues which is how I found it quite easily. You need to read the entire post.

        • Lori, you must have some local knowledge! I did not see any bread crumbs at all.

          I should remind everyone, though, that the custodians of these trails do *not* want to be overwhelmed with visitors from Calgary.

          • I live in Lethbridge and had never heard of these trails. You need to look at the entire post. Maybe I was a detective in a former life. Lol. I am sure there is no snow left there either so Bob could reveal the location.

          • Most people stumble upon it by accident and go, “Hay! Ski tracks!”

  3. That question is not from me!!

  4. Hello, where are Hayfield trails? Thank you!

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