All the trails at West Bragg Creek have been trackset over the past 48 hours with the exception of Telephone and South Elbow.
The entire north end in PLPP has been groomed and trackset over the past two days. Whiskey Jack, Packers, and Upper Pocaterra have also been done. The Weather Network indicates a temperature of -5°C at Boulton Creek this morning with an expected high of -3.
In Banff, Spray River west, Spray River east, and Goat Creek have been flat packed, whatever that means.
In Lake Louise, Moraine Lake road, Great Divide, Tramline, Fairview and Shoreline were trackset yesterday.
I hope the -5 temperature will allow grooming to begin on the Ribbon Creek trails.
In retrospect, the snowfall predictions were hard to believe but ended up being on the conservative side. This chart of predictions from proved to be the most accurate. Most others predicted much less snow.