Feb 4, 2020
Choices abound! This has to be the longest list of new tracksetting that I’ve ever compiled.
The Skogan Pass trails are being groomed this morning. The snowcat started out on Hay Meadow and I’m assuming will return on Lower Skogan Pass and Hidden. The snowcat is just about to reach the summit as I’m writing this at 10:55 a.m.
The Kananaskis Village, Bill Milne, Wedge, Evan Thomas, Ribbon Creek trails were trackset yesterday.
West Bragg Creek trails are being groomed and trackset this morning. Check the WBC Live Grooming Report for details.
Meadow, Wheeler, and Woolley were trackset in PLPP last night. The trail report notes that Amos was not trackset although it shows up in green on the Live Grooming Report. There will be some additional tracksetting on the Elkwood campground loops for the Ski for Light participants.
In Banff, Cascade Valley to the 6K bridge and Upper Bankhead were trackset yesterday.
At Lake Louise, the following trails were trackset yesterday: Fairview, Townsite, Bow River Loop, Campground, Pipestone.
In Calgary, Shaganappi and Confederation golf courses have both had recent tracksetting.
Canmore Nordic Centre grooming update: “Due to very hard snow from recent rains and now cold temperatures track setting is very difficult and will take a couple days to maintain on Meadowview and Bow.”
Golden, BC: Most of the trails at Dawn Mountain were trackset today and are reported to be in excellent condition.
For our skiing friends to the north, both Crimson Lake and the Sundre trails have had tracksettting in the past couple days. Check the Groomer’s reports for an update on Crimson Lake from tracksetter Eric.
For readers in Medicine Hat, most of the Cypress Hills trails have been trackset in the past 24 hours.
That’s a nice, long list of trackset trails in the SkierBob universe. Have fun, but be careful in the parking lots which could be icy.