More distance at Canmore Nordic Centre

Kyla and Vinnie at the Canmore Nordic Centre

The tracksetting on Banff Trail at CNC is now 2.9K and that’s as far as the man-made snow goes. The conditions are excellent.

Nick said he enjoys reading this blog

Nick said he enjoys reading this blog

There is a maze of  trails in the biathlon range/Frozen Thunder area which are trackset and/or groomed. I’m not sure of the total distance but I’m pretty sure I skied on some trails which I’ve never been on before.

The trail to the warming hut is also trackset but the hut still wasn’t open.

You can see the mounds of snow waiting to be leveled on the lower section of the Banff loop

You can see the mounds of snow waiting to be leveled on the lower section of the Banff loop

The snow guns which they were moving yesterday are now up on the competition trails and going strong in this cold weather.

As I was finished skiing, Allie was just starting out. She was struggling to get her mitts through her pole straps. I helped her get everything in place and she was on her way.

I think it's Allie under all these clothes

I think it’s Allie under all these clothes

If you are using large mitts, it might be a good idea to make sure you can get them through your straps while you are still in the comfort of your home, and just leave them inserted. I’ve encountered the situation where the “stop” on the strap gets pulled completely through, then I have to struggle in the cold, with bare hands, to thread it back into place.

The air temperature was -17°C in mid-afternoon and I used VR30(-10/-30) grip wax which worked well.

I’ve added more photos to the Emerald Lake Lodge contest. 

Lifesport is having a wax clinic Wed Dec 14 from 6 – 9 pm.


  1. CNC – Banff Loop – although it seems from the live grooming report that the Banff Loop has been “groomed”, it has only been rolled (which is presumably why it shows on the live grooming report) but, at least today when we were there till 1 pm, it had not been track set – maybe tomorrow! Also the CNC Trail Report shows that the Banff Loop is “Not Ski Ready”. The Banff Trail now has track setting out to the far end of the meadow and was very pleasant out in the sun.

  2. Also my first reaction to the photo is that it is a real ‘keeper’! The moment, the lighting, and the smiles. Well done.

    Lovely, friendly people, too. -Bob

  3. Bob, what an outstanding picture of Kyla and Vinnie! You take tremendous photos of people and what a screen saver that would make for this happy couple. Of course you also make the “grooming” pictures very luring. Right now it is a balmy -20 at Boulton Creek as we 7 Can-MORONS head out to ski Blueberry again.

    It’s -24 at this Canmoron’s house this morning. Enjoy your tropical warmth. -Bob

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