Lucky day #3

Emerald Lake Lodge

If anyone wants to make the drive to Yoho, all the trails will be in great shape tomorrow(Wednesday). This is the email I received this afternoon from Marilyn at the Kicking Horse Ski Club:

“Just skied beautiful new tracks at Emerald!  Silky and heavenly!  Joe also did ALL the valley trails(Kicking Horse, Connector, Tally Ho) and will likely do Takkakaw Falls. tomorrow.  Come on out!”

As you can see from the photo, we’re already at Emerald Lake Lodge and are hoping it doesn’t snow tonight so we can ski on the pristine new tracksetting tomorrow. The Alluvial Fan and the Connector are on the agenda. 

Fairview trail at Lake Louise

On the way here we stopped at Lake Louise so I could ski the 10K Lake Louise Loppet, albeit two days late. Trails are in great shape and I had much faster tracks than the racers had on Sunday. The air temperature was -3°C and the snow was -7. I wonder how many more days we’ll be able to use VR40(-4/-12) and have perfect grip and glide. 

True to his word, Jeff is grooming the Skogan Pass trails and is on High Level as I write this at 8 pm. 

I’ve never seen this place so busy. We come here every year and it’s usually pretty quiet during the week but I heard there’s a wedding tomorrow. I’ll get a photo of the bride and groom if they’re on the trails. It’s happened before at this place.

One Comment:

  1. My son got married there last month. It was spectacular!

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