Tuesday morning update

“Avoid lifting anything heavier than a cup of coffee for the first six weeks after surgery”

This morning I’m giving my left arm some practice for what’s to come. Tomorrow’s the big day. If I don’t wake up, I’ve left the log-in credentials for this blog with a trusted person. :)…and yes, Georgina, you can have my skin skis!

For those of you who are still skiing, some trails were trackset last night in PLPP including Amos, Woolley, Wheeler and Meadow. The weather has finally become “spring like,” so take heed of the remarks on the grooming report.

“Spring conditions have reached the park today with warmer temperatures throughout the day dropping below zero overnight. With melt/freeze temperatures expected this week watch for icy trails in the morning and slushy trails in the afternoon.”

The Weather Network predicts a high of +6°C at Boulton Creek.

The guy who’s flying his helicopter to the top of Elk Pass and starts skiing from there has it all backwards. I’ve always preferred to ski my uphills at the beginning of a ski trip, and enjoy a nice downhill at the end. 

I wasn’t the only one who extended my ski season after saying it was finished. This was posted on Facebook yesterday…

As Peter Neumann said on April 17, 2012, “it’s not over yet, if you’re flexible with your equipment, technique, and expectations.”


  1. Omg. No comments after April 10. How did it go?.

    All is well. I will be skiing when the snow flies in early November. -Bob

  2. Bob, I hope that your recuperation is beginning nicely. How does coffee taste from the left side?

    I was trying to imagine what it would be like to receive a groomers update from you in your incapacitated condition.

    Would it be something like this, typed at about half speed?

    “There wass be na traed reqart taday becase A cant tyqe wet za raght fazd”
    Sagved, Bab

  3. Don’t give those skis away too hastily. You’ll need them again there are no doubts – you are a tough guy. Good luck for a successful surgery and rehab. Patience will become your best friend.

  4. Thanks for all the kind and thoughtful wishes!

  5. All the best to you in your upcoming journey Bob.Tessa will love the walk times with out any ski distractions.

  6. Good luck with the surgery tomorrow! I expect you will get some interesting drugs to help with the pain! If we see some peculiar ramblings on the website, we’ll know that you’ve been mixing them with the Barracks Brown!
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  7. Nice to see you out for a walk yesterday. All the best for your operation. Thanks for another season of blogging. Love getting a coffee and reading about your adventures.

  8. Excellent timing, coinciding exactly with the real end of winter, you’ll be skiing even faster next year, with your new and improved shoulder running on pure caffeine ! Thanks for an awesome ski season Bob 🙂

  9. Best of luck with your recovery. Your are in great shape so I am sure it will be as fast as possible.

  10. Have fun tying your ski boot laces with one hand, Bob. Hope your recovery goes well, and that you’re cruising down MLR early next November.

  11. The fresh grooming at PLPP was good today – firm but not icy and never got slushy. My fish scales skis worked well again, +1 at 10 am, + 3 at 1 pm, all old tree debris worked into the fresh grooming. Saw a grand total of 7 other people – I wonder how much longer PLPP will keep up the grooming?? Good luck with your surgery, and especially the recovery!

  12. All the best on your big day. Have fun after they give you the sedative -)
    I look forward to some hiking updates as you strive to get into shape for next season.

  13. best of luck and speedy recovery from me as well .
    good news, can of beer weighs same as cup of coffee.
    not so good news, you will miss all the May tracksetting.

    LOL I’m partial to Barracks Brown Ale but it comes in a bottle. Might be too heavy. -Bob

  14. Best of luck on your surgery Bob and wishing you a speedy recovery!

    • After a few months of boring PT rehab exercises, pacticing base prep & vigorous waxing will prime you for an early start to the next season. All the best Bob!

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