The snow at West Bragg qualifies as “Edelweiss” snow. Soft and white, clean and bright.
It isn’t the fastest snow you’ll ever ski on because the tracks are a bit soft with the new snow, but considering how cold it is, I was moving along nicely. I’ll take this any day over wet, icy, or debris-laden snow.
It was fun skiing with Henry for a good portion of Moose Loop. He skied across the ice flow at the far end so I could take a picture. There is a bridge if the ice flow is impassable.

Henry crossing the ice flow on Moose Loop. There is a bridge if you don’t want to ski over the ice flow.
Conditions were excellent on Moose Loop except for the final hill which has a few rocks lurking near the surface. If you ski counter-clockwise, you’ll be climbing the hill where the rocks are, so it is easy to avoid them.
The long downhill was the most fun ever. With a bit of fresh snow, I was able to stay in the tracks and maintain full control.
Mountain View has a warning sign saying skiing not recommended, but I didn’t encounter any hazards.
The temperature upon arrival at 1:30 pm was -17°C and it later warmed up to -14. The sun was shining and there was no wind.
Tomorrow, I’d like to find some Steppenwolf snow. Maybe the Bill Milne – Wedge – Evan Thomas which was trackset today? Okay, for those of you too young to know, Steppenwolf had a popular song back in the day called Magic Carpet Ride. The song has 8 million views and 2900 comments. An interesting comment…
“Is it weird that I’ve never smoked pot or done any drugs but I love this song?”
It looks like tomorrow will be the warmest we’ve had for a while at -10 and sunny(except for Anna who had -7 in PLPP today).
Strathmore golf course was groomed and partially trackset today. My previous post has a video of the tracksetting as it was occurring.
Tracksetting today in Banff National Park:
- Cascade Valley was trackset all the way to the end near Stoney Creek.
- Upper Bankhead.
- Tunnel Mountain
Skogan Triple Header Award:
It’s quite an accomplishment to ski Skogan Pass to the summit. It’s a Herculean feat to also do the Skogan Loop and Hummingbird Plume on the same day in these temperatures. Over the past week this has been accomplished by
- gh(George)
- MaSid
- Mike W
- JeremyN
- Adam
Congratulations. Let me know if I’ve missed anyone.
Ha Bob! Hardly a Herculean twelve labours, rather an annual
pilgrimage, though I felt as I was in search of a Golden Fleece it was so cold!
Hi Bob,
As per my post from last week, I also completed the Hummingbird, Skogan Loop and the Pass in one day. When I do Skogan (at least once a season), it has to be a full-course meal for me.
As a matter of fact I met you there on top of the Skogan Loop couple of seasons back. Your skis were much faster than my old waxless ones I use on descent to the main trail.
Thanks, Adam. I’ve added your name to this very exclusive club. -Bob
Hi Bob,
I skied that route (Hummingbird Plume / Skogan Loop and Pass today. It was a nice day. Somehow I missed Masid.
George (gh)
Thanks! I couldn’t tell from your comment if you did the whole meal deal or not. I’ve added your name to the list.
My altimeter watch indicated 3000 ft of gain with the added loops (starting from ribbon). Can’t really get that anywhere else so close to calgary and all on grommers, not doing laps, and with services so close. Dont know why I waited so long to do it again. So glad ribbon creek trails are in such great shape, better that north PLPP, and a half hour closer. Try the mill street stout at woodys. Excellent refresher after a good ski day. Two thumbs up from cheeky and Simona.
It was fun skiing with you, Bob!