Sunday morning update

Feb 2, 2020

Update: Now that I’ve finished shovelling my driveway, I’ve adjusted my snowfall amount to 8-10 cm! Much more than the 1-2 cm predicted by the weather forecasts. With cooler temperatures and new grooming this week, it looks like we’ll be able to enjoy some good skiing. 

Caution: With the rain, freezing temperatures, and snow cover, please be careful in the parking lots. I expect they’ll be like skating rinks. 

Update: West Bragg Creek received enough new snow to enable grooming. This trail report was issued at 10 a.m….

“Well, the rain turned to snow last night so groomers are out this morning setting track for lucky skiers., It looks like a beauty day!” The WBC Live Grooming Report has all the details. 

Check the WBC weather station for the latest temperature. 

Tracksetting occurred in PLPP last night. Pocaterra trail was trackset in its entirety(10.5K) along with Rolly Road, Come-Along and Lynx. Read the Live Grooming Report for more details. 

The Weather Network indicates a temperature of -16°C in PLPP this morning which agrees with the Mud Lake thermometer. A high of -6 is expected with sunny skies. The PLPP maintenance compound thermometer reads -15 at 9 a.m.

At the Canmore Nordic Centre, some grooming and limited tracksetting occurred. Again, check the Live Grooming Report. 

Ski Louise lift line-up

Nakiska is showing overnight snowfall of 17 cm. I hope the Ribbon Creek trails received some of that. 

Ski Louise received 15 cm of snow last night. 

Norquay(Banff)  received 9 cm.

When I was checking Bow Valley Road Conditions on Facebook yesterday, I saw a photo which someone posted from Ski Louise. I wonder how many runs a skier could expect to have, considering that line-up. 


  1. How do you know the temperature at PLPP maintenance compound?

    • Gord, this is the website:

      It’s a complicated procedure. Steve Riggs discovered it a while back. Here are his instructions:

      “More on weather stations. I find the site to be cumbersome to navigate through, but by selecting the “Environmental Data” layer and then scrolling and zooming in on the map, you will find a clickable icon for a weather station labelled as “Peter Lougheed Park- Fires” at the PLPP headquarters just north of Pocaterra. Select “Table Data” for most recent weather data upload (which happens at intervals of a few hours, so not always real time). I can’t find a way to link directly to that station-it seems you have to go through the whole process each time.”

  2. About 10cm here in central calgary. The web cam on top of the west Bragg warming hut seems to show fresh grooming in the vicinity. I’m assuming they are still working away on it. Hopefully they got enough to fix the icy conditions, and it bonds well.

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