Sunday morning update

West Bragg Creek: Iron Creek on Oct 25. Photo by Boomer Groomer

Cold snow, sunshine, and groomed trails. The sun rises on a beautiful day for cross-country skiing. Conditions should be fantastic, if chilly, out there. Thanks to Boomer Groomer at West  Bragg Creek for the photo and report…

“Another beautiful morning in the creek! All skate lane have been renovated and new track setting on Elbow N., Iron Springs and Iron Creek. Over 40 hrs of grooming in the last 3 days means lots of opportunity for great skiing on 65 km of trail.”

The photo of the WBC parking lot shows an early skier preparing his skis. I’ll bet he’s applying green wax. 

Maple Ridge golf course

Thanks to G for this update…

I talked to 311. Maple Ridge Golf course is open to skiing, they didn’t say if they would be changing access into it though so more people may need to call 311 to get that fixed.  Right now the hole in the fence in the alley is the best access.

If the neighbour in the White House on the corner tells you it’s trespassing or closed he is not correct.

Lake Louise: Moraine Lake Road and the Great Divide are trackset. 

Who is going to check out the “Backdoor to Pocaterra” today? Looking forward to a report tonight. 



  1. We were out on Sunday too – on AT skis to test out new boots.

    The classic track on Moraine looked good, but the skate area had been thrashed by walkers and fat bike treads. Would be nice if they can either designate a section for them (nor why you’d want to walk that road in the winter anyway…) or at least strongly discourage walking/fat biking. It had decimated all the grooming work – and it’s one of the few places with a great skate track. And in places, I think the tire ruts hadn’t quite been flattened out.

    As to the gate- that would be that gate after the parking areas, and that’s always shut all winter long. Doesn’t interfere with the normal parking. It sounds like parking on Lake Louise Drive is not permitted — not safe. Getting out of the parking area on Sunday was scary given how people were parked every which way. Get there early or park elsewhere, but don’t make it a gong show for people to get in and out!

  2. Contribute to the WBCTA campaign to raise $25K to finance a Snow Rabbit (aka BabyPiston Bully). Given the 1000+ people there today, this should be a short campaign.

  3. Ah yes, the neighbor in the white house… I too have felt his wrath. Maybe he should take up woodworking or some such.
    Thanks for the update. My golf clubs are still in the car, in anticipation of this weeks’ heat wave. Pathetic, eh?
    We did Moraine Lake Road today. It was crawling with various ski teams, including two male national team members, who I had a nice chin wag with. I am always in awe of these people, and their willingness to (delight to?) push themselves to the wall over and over again.

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