Letter to the Alberta Government

This letter was sent to the minister of Environment and Parks by my friend Chip Scialfa. Chip says you can copy and paste any of the information from this letter if you wish to send your own. The email address for Jason Nixon is aep.minister@gov.ab.ca ****** August 21, 2020 Mr….

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Kananaskis Grooming Update

The following update is from Nordiq Alberta:   Aug 2, 2020: Further to previously provided information, we are aware that Fortress Mountain Ski Resorts has now submitted a proposal to the Alberta Government to keep cross country alive and healthy in Kananaskis. This proposal is based on a groomed trail…

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Grooming and trail maintenance in Kananaskis country

“In February of 2020, Albertans were met with surprise when the provincial government announced it would no longer be funding trail maintenance and grooming in three areas in Kananaskis Country: Ribbon Creek, Mt. Shark, and Peter Lougheed Provincial Park.” There is now a website dedicated to this situation. Kananaskis Trail…

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