East Elk Pass Meadows

“A stellar day today traversing from east elk pass to west elk pass with great views over the elk lakes valley.” -MaSid Click on the above photo from MaSid for the full size.  Thanks to Erin P for the following report, and to her dad Jeff G for the following…

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Kananaskis parking passes

As we enjoy the fantastic snow conditions and grooming in Kananaskis, let’s acknowledge the volunteer effort that contributed to making it happen.  That includes all the work that went into Nordiq Alberta’s proposal to the government, the subsequent organizing and collecting of fees, and all the volunteers who stepped forward…

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Ribbon Creek

Jan 8, 2021: Thanks for all the trip reports today! Thanks also for the comments on my previous post about signage.  Three rows of vehicles had nearly packed the Ribbon Creek parking lot by the time I arrived around 12:30 pm. I forgot to put my Kananaskis parking pass on…

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Hummingbird Plume

Dec 28, 2020: My ski trip to Hummingbird Plume checked all the boxes. Recently, I’ve been hitting the trails when they are in prime condition, and the lucky streak continued today. For me, prime condition is recent tracksetting with no fresh snow in the tracks, fast but not icy. The…

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