Monday night update

Rhonda couldn’t wait to get on the Bill Milne trail today. She sent this report…

“Hold the phone is right Bob! Alex did a beautiful job grooming the Bill Milne trail to Wedge pond early this morning. I was there at 10am and the trail had a wider, gorgeous skate lane. We were classic skiing today.

I wish I’d taken a pic on the way back because starting at the Mt Kidd campground people were walking all over the skate lane and Alex’s beautiful work was trashed. I saw one skate skier speak to one group so I didn’t bother. More education needed.”

Baker Creek to Morant’s Curve. Photo by Chuck.

Chuck skied from Baker Creek to Morant’s Curve and the photos look fabulous. He even saw wolf tracks. He also skied Baker to Protection Mountain. The tracksetting looks very recent. 

Tracksetter Jeff is doing the late shift on Skogan Pass as I write this. You can follow his progress on the Ribbon Creek Live Grooming Report. 

More grooming occurred today at West Bragg Creek. Check the Live Grooming Report for details. 

Lake Louise tracksetting today: Great Divide; Tramline; Lower Telemark; Townsite.

PLPP: Fox Creek and Moraine were trackset, however there is still quite a bit of tree debris on the trail and in the tracks in some areas.

Be Prepared

Evacuating an injured skier at West Bragg Creek yesterday. Photo by “Just Another Skier”

We had a trip report yesterday which was somewhat disconcerting. It can serve as a reminder that you can get cold really quickly if you’re disabled and laying on the snow. I’m happy to hear the injured person was safely evacuated. 

This was the report from “Just Another Skier…”

Went out for a little ski at WBC in the afternoon and probably halfway between the WBC parking area and Allen Bill, we came across a person who had broken their ankle from wiping out on one of the downhill sections on the Iron Springs trail.  One person contacted 9-1-1 while others went back for extra clothing and other helpful stuff. All told, we were probably there for almost 90 minutes before everything wrapped up.  Despite it being relatively mild, the injured person was quite cold by the time he was loaded into the chopper. So…I guess it’s a good idea to have some extra clothing in the ‘ol backpack, just in case. Also keep in mind that cell service is very spotty in that area so it took a bit of time to ski around a find a spot with good enough reception. Don’t assume you’re going to be able to phone someone if you get into trouble. And, there weren’t very many people on the trail at that time of day…

Also of note was the lovely woman who gave us crap as she skied by because we were blocking the trail…Merry Christmas! In any case, the conservation officers and the rescue folks were all great and the injured person got safely evacuated.


    Barrier Lake Visitor Centre told us to provide comments there regarding the problem of walkers and snowshoers on ski trails.

  2. Just to add my frustration to the growing list. I met with 4 groups of snowshoers while on Elk Pass trail this weekend. 2 groups were being “guided” and I was told they had every right to use the trails even though it is clearly posted where they are meant to come off the trail. A couple gals politely asked if I minded that they use the ski trail instead of the snowshoe trail as they were coming out of the Elk Lake Pass on their way back to the parking lot. The snow was too deep and they were getting tired they said…

    Instead of just being frustrated, I wonder if there is a way to groom (sounds ridiculous) the snowshoe trails with the fat bike machines so the ski trails are less tempting.
    I am a multisport athlete ( as I’m sure most of us are) that fat-bikes, snowshoes, Hikes, Ice climbs…and XC skis. I have no ill-will towards other user groups but I have no desire to need to be air lifted out of somewhere in the event that some one chops up the trails post-holing up where we are meant to ski.

    Clearly there’s a financial restriction but maybe we have to start looking at a fee system so we can make this happen.

  3. Someone complained you were blocking the trail WHILE helping an injured skier?! WTH?
    Special place waiting for you sister, karma

  4. Our group was amongst the first to ski Bil Milne and Wedge Connector today (Monday) and we couldn’t ask for a more beautiful day or better conditions….except for the trashed skate ski tracks from walkers, despite that it was JUST groomed. I politely asked a few walkers to please stay off the groomed and set tracks and in one instance was met with a definite no. Can Albera Parks PLEASE put up signs at all trail heads and junctions stating that the groomed ski trails are not for walking or snowshowing, in accordance with the information posted at the Barrier Lake Visitor Centre. I heard Banff Parks is now fining people who walk on the groomed ski trails.

    • Excellent suggestion for Parks perhaps email them at

      I agree walkers creating divets on ski trails is frustrating & creates dangerous conditions for skiers in addition requiring more grooming to maintain trail conditions.

  5. Also its well worth remembering when assisting an injured skier a long way from help place more clothing beneath the casualty than on top, insulating them of the cold ground.

  6. Isn’t this Monday night update?

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