Wednesday morning update

Dec 28 early: Nice tracks on Hay Meadow

Before I get started, I want to ask the person who contacted me through Facebook, asking about dog-friendly ski trails, to send me another message. Your message disappeared before I could answer. I don’t know what happened there. 

Hay Meadow

The Skogan Pass trails were groomed last night, as well as a few of the lower trails:

  • Skogan Pass
  • Skogan Loop
  • Sunburst
  • High Level
  • Hay Meadow
  • Ruthie’s
  • Hidden

Hay Meadow

“All Skogan area trails groomed and trackset this evening and in excellent condition following 15 cm new snow a few days ago. Please note potential freeze / thaw temperatures in the next couple days may change these conditions. Expect some foot traffic on Hay Meadows and other low elevation trails.”

I’ve included a few photos of Hay Meadow from Dec 28 when I skied to Hummingbird Plume. I was there early enough to experience it before the hikers trashed it. On my way back, a few hours later, the tracks had completely been wiped out in places. It’s a very scenic, easy trail. 

Hay Meadow later in the day

I don’t see any grooming activity in PLPP last night, but there was some yesterday morning which I hadn’t noticed:

  • Amos
  • Meadow
  • Woolley
  • Wheeler

Hay Meadow

West Bragg Creek

“The windstorm on the weekend left the trails laden with debris, drifting, hard packed snow and poor ski conditions. In an attempt to resurrect them, we started to renovate and re track set some of the core trails. West Crystal, Moose Connector and Mountain Road to the 1st cattle guard got some love last night and should provide decent skate and classic skiing for today. We will continue with other trails tonight as time permits.
Happy Skiing!
Boomer Groomer”

Confederation golf course

“All the skate lanes were re-groomed tonight. Conditions are generally excellent with a few thin spots around the course that are easily avoidable.”

Jake on the Bill Milne trail

Dog-friendly trails

There was some concern about a notice that was posted on the Kananaskis Ribbon Creek website saying “Dogs are not allowed on Kananaskis Village groomed trails.” It was a mistake and should never have been on there. Dogs are allowed, on-leash, on the Ribbon Creek, Kananaskis Village, Bill Milne trails. 

Same with the Ribbon Creek and Mt Shark brochures which state dogs are not allowed. It is a misprint. If you are unsure, check my page Dog-friendly ski trails. If skiing at Sandy McNabb, it’s a good idea to take a printed map with you to show the doubters that you know what you’re talking about. 

One Comment:

  1. Thank you again for your efforts into confirming dog-friendly trails, we responsible owners/skiers appreciate it!

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